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Cystic Fibrosis Calendar

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My name is Bonnell. My daughters Molly and (7 and 5 years old)

have cystic fibrosis. About a year ago I decided to put together a

calendar that would show the faces of CF. My girls are on the cover and in

the December page. Locally (in Michigan) we received fabulous coverage and

have sold about three-thousand. It's a black and white calendar that shows

the spirit and gusto of people living with CF.

It's gone national thanks to some coverage in the Detroit Free Press, KFWB

in Los Angeles and the CF Foundation for putting it on their website.

The suggested donation is $15. Every penny goes to the Foundatoin. My

friends, family and Axcan Scandipharm covered all the printing costs.

There are a couple ways to order this calendar:

E-mail me at: laurabonnell@... with your address. I'll send it to

you when you get the calendar, send me a check made out to CFF.

Or you can call the foundation at 800-FIGHT-CF or check out their website

www.cff.org click on News and then Portraits of CF and you'll see the front

cover of the calednar!

Thanks to Torsten (hope I spelled that correctly) I am now in touch with all

of you and part of your group.

It's been a wonderful experience meeting all the people I've brought into

the calendar.

I met Boomer Esiason (CBS Sports) when he was in town and he signed a

calendar for me.

I'm now getting orders from NY, Ill. etc.




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