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BIG Bumps

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Help i have had rosacea for 10 years, i had a bump pustule every now in then

and then they went away but this last time i got more and more and they

spread down my cheeks. and i changed treatments! and they cleared for a week

then they came back and guess what? they are still there 5 months of it. my

face looks bumpy its awful to, its like you cant kill the rosacea if it goes

away on one side of my face it will pop out on the other. this sucks! I am

getting sick of popping antibiotics every day. my stomach is so screwed up! I

had to have a endoscopy and they said I had acid reflux, I have sinus

problems to. I have been on antibiotics for 10 years and you cant go off of

them, you think your face looks bad now go off antibiotics for about 6

months. i guess it depends what stage your in. anyway i use septra

antibiotics 2 times a day only take once thetas all i can stomach, and i use

flonase and noritate cream and i wash my face with neutragena bar and i also

use zinco cream. I saw a guy today with severe rosacea and it scared the

hell out of me! his face was so red it was purple and his nose was very

enlarged I felt sorry for him I know his pain he look like he was probably a

nice looken guy before the curse of rosacea took over. I hope my face does

not get that severe I do not think I could handle that. Does anybody know of

any thing to help me get rid of these bumps please call out if you do And i

thought i would add somthing for people with just reddness use zinco Cream it

helps with redness and flushing it helped me. Just cant get rid of those dame

bumps. Carla la

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