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Chuck --Total Pancreatectomecy

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Hi Chuck & Others,

When I was at Cleveland Clinic this past Wed. I did ask Dr. Conwell about a

total Pancreatectomecy(sp) and he told me that they don't do them there, as far

as he was concern they don't help. I have been told by Dr. Sutherland that they

do work even without the Auto Eyelet Transplant. You would become a debiatic

without the Auto Eyelet Transplant, be he( Dr. S.) said that it was better to

live with diabetics that to be constantly in pain and they can control the

diabetics with insulin, and even if that didn't work you could always have a

prancrea transplant. I'm still very serious considering a total

pancreatectomecy(sp) without the Auto eyelet Transplant, as I already a diabetic

that is control with Glucovance and not insulin yet. At least I feeling I

wouldn't be in the constant annoying( for Lack of a better work that I can't use

on this site) pain.

I have to check out my docs at Ohio State U. Medical Center this week to see if

they would do it for me. In the past my docs at OSU to me no, that it wouldn't

help. Maybe now they will change there mind. Both Cc and Osu as associates

hospital in my Local HMO< as well as One in Pittsburgh and WVU.

So I going to check them all out to see what happens. My nurse case manager

think that I should be able to get it done " InPlan " and not have to go see Dr.

Sutherland. He might be my only option, since so far, I not having much luck.

It should be interested in seeing what happens since my local HMO has now twice

turned my down to See Dr. Sutherland for the Surgerry with an Auto Eyelet

Transplant. I wondering if they will let me see him for just a total

pancreactectomecy(Sp), I guess only time will tell.

Hope you have a pain-free weekend,

Take Care,

Louie in WV

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