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Pancreas Divisum (long winded)

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Hi everyone,

This is really long winded (sorry)

Im new to the group and was recently diagnosed with Pancreas Divisum

and Recurrent acute Pancreatitis. 3 months ago I started experiencing

attacks of extreme pain in my abdomen that would shoot through to my

back, they would last anywhere from 20minutes to a hour or more. They

were reminescent of my gallbladder attacks from the prior year. I

immediatly went to the Dr, who ordered an Ultra Sound and blood test.

The results came back ok supposedly and I was told I had Heart

Burn. " Heart Burn " I could have screamed, so I went to the Surgeon

who removed my GB and he looked over my blood test results and

noticed that my enzymes were slightly raised indicative of a

Pancreatic Problem he referred me to a Gastroenterologist. Gastro Doc

sent me for MRI & MRCP, still results did not show anything. Next

step was a ERCP which gave us a diagnosis of Pancreas Divisum. He

then placed a stent 3 weeks later which threw me into a 6 day attack

of Pancreatitis and a lovely Hospital stay. Things got better for

awhile but I was experiencing a discomfort on the left side of my

abdomen mild to moderate pain, swelling of my stomache, and naseau.

The Dr prescribed Ultram and scheduled a CT to rule out Pseudocyst

ect. Immediatly after the CT I had another attack that lasted 5 hours

and resided. Two days later he removed the stent, and said that the

Ct showed that my lymphnodes were extremely swollen and he wanted to

wait a month and see if it went away, if it did not go away he wants

to do a ultrasound and biopsy. Suddenly I felt great for 2 weeks and

thought oh my God I am cured, Untill I recently started having the

mild pain again in my abdomen between my hip and ribsand my stomache

is distended. The Ultram is not working and I have a appt to see the

doc next week. I am wondering if anyone else has had simular

problems, I start to wonder if its all in my head when I feel good

and then the pain continues and I know its real. I am getting sick of

being sick. Also if anyone else is on Ultram, does it make you


Thanks for taking the time to read my story.

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