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Fw: Re: Question...to Lanie

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Thank you Heidi. She is under a lot of stress, but then she has been for

awhile. She gets sick every now and then, sometimes more often than others, but

this has been a week. We just found out the family dog has cancer in her face

and that is hard on my mom. This is the 2nd dog we have had that has cancer.

She can't keep much down, but is drinking water. I called and told her to get

some juice and try broth and gentle things like that. She is pushing herself

because of the holidays. She says she will call after Christmas. I told her

that she HAS to do what I said or she will be in the hospital BEFORE Christmas.

I found a specialist that is supposed to be good and wrote down his name and

number for her. I plan on calling the family doctor in the morning and have him

prescribe the enzymes for her again. That has to help. She hasn't had an easy

life. I think sometimes she doesn't care if she does die, but on the other

hand, I know she doesn't want to leave us or her grandchildren. I don't know

what to do with her. I know you cannot help someone who won't help themselves.

Thank you for your advice and prayers. I think we need all we can get.

Best wishes,


Dear Lanie,

It's very distressing to watch someone you love disregard

sensibility when they are sick. Your concern for your mother is

very evident and valid, and you need to try and encourage her to

seek help for her illness. Do you have any idea what is causing

this recent bout of nausea and vomiting? Usually there is

something that triggers an episode like this. It is very important

that your mother keep herself well hydrated during times like

this, so you could help by making sure she is drinking plenty of

water and clear juices.

Perhaps you could sit down with her and tell her of your love and

concern for her, tell her that you are very worried and how much

you want to help. Then urge her to either go to the emergency

room for assistance, or possibly your family doctor? Someone

needs to refer her to another gastroenterologist that she can

trust with her medical care. If you call your local hospital or the

state medical association they may be able to recommend

another GI in your area who could see her. Get a name, and

make an appointment for her. Has she told you why she has not

tried to find another doctor to replace the one she stopped

seeing? Do you understand any reasons for her reluctance to

be cared for, or to care for herself?

I'm sorry I can't offer more suggestions at this time, but I do feel

that having a heart to heart talk with her should open some

doors for both of you. I pray that you can help her to help herself.

With hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth


Southeastern Representative

Pancreatitis Association, Intl.

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