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Re: Shirley, Brandan/spleen

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Hey there Shirley,

GREAT to hear from you, I was wondering where you had been, It seems you

have your share also of family illnesses, but as I have always said " A DAY AT

A TIME. " Your daughter is very lucky to have a mom such as you to take care

of her you have as so many become one of our angels.

First Brandan is doing very well, he has not had insulin now in over 40

days and his sugars remain normal, although he does have some knots on the

inside incision that need day surgery to remove it is truly nothing that we

can not handle. At first we thought it was a staple but after talking to Dr.

Sutherland and seeing a local surgeon it pretty much seems to be something

simple that day surgery can help correct. THANK GOODNESS!!!! : ) As far as

Dr. Sutherland removing ones spleen during this surgery, Brandan did not have

his removed, it was thought that at the time of surgery if he could keep it

then he would try to save it. I think whatever Dr. Sutherland decides is in

the best interest for each patient, and each is so very different than an

other it seems. Brandans narcotic use is down more than when he went into

the hospital in Aug. our hopes are that within a few months he will need

nothing, but as always like with anything it is something we will take " A DAY


Brandan is enjoying eatting like a teenager which is something he has

never done, he has become known as the french fry kid. Although he has fast

become a junk food junky for he has never been able to indulge in such a

luxury and I make sure he still gets a balance. BUT IT IS SO GREAT TO SEE

HIM ENJOY FOOD it certainly at times is a dream come true for all of us. He

still has a way to go and I tell everyone that he has been sick for a very

long time, it will take a long time for him to recover and so I am giving

him the time he needs. He is for now being tutored at home but it is with

great anticipation that we look forward to his returning to school after

three years of not attending in Jan. AGAIN it is as always " A DAY AT A


For my husband, your kindness brings tears to my eyes as always, like so

many here that have been my strength, YOU have certainly been the pillar

that has held me up at times through some very tough moments. My husbands

name is Dirk. He is now going through chemo and radiation, the chemo is

continuous for 5 days through a port in his chest and he carries a buddy like

Brandan did with his TPN only he has his chemo buddy as we call it. (it is

ironic that we had avoided the port with Brandan, for with him we always used

PICC lines and then 2 months after surgery his dad needs to have one

implanted) He does radiation in the morning before work, this has worked out

wonderful so as he can remain at work as long as possible. OUR HOPES are

that it won't affect his work or his health, and that he will have surgery to

remove the cancer around the first of the year. Then he will have more

chemo to make sure that it is taken care of. I KNOW in my heart although we

have yet another battle to attend, WE will prevail as we did with Brandan. I

will as always continue to take things " ONEDAY AT A TIME. " after all its

all anyone can do.

I hope this finds you feeling well and that your hepatitis is not acting

up, and I wish for you all good days ahead. As always THANKS to you and

the many that have been here for us these last few years for without you, I

am not sure where we would be.

As always keeping you and yours in our thoughts and prayers...Keep

smiling(cuz sometimes its all one can do!!!!) TTFN.. Peg... : )

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