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still waiting

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We went to the CF clinic in Cleveland on Monday.

Met Dr.Chmiel. Very brilliant dr.! Liked him a lot.

However, we really don't know anything at this time.

He said that he felt that Caden was going to be negative for CF (about 99%

sure). But... he said that he could not tell us for sure that he doen't have it

due to some of his symptoms.

He did a throat swab. I hope he got it good enough. Caden wont let you put the

stick on his tongue. So, we just did it the best he could without holding down

his tongue.

He did a chest x ray (which he said looked good).

He also did some routine blood work. ..CBC and stuff. He also done a urine test.

How could a urine test have anything to do with CF clues???

He said that the main results would be to wait on the DNA test, which

still......aren't in! They were supposed to be called in on Monday. Not there


So, yes, we are still waiting.

He also told me about the horrible comlications from the over use of antibiotics

(providing you are not dealing with CF).

He was talking about typical viral/respiratory infections VS a true bacterial


He did say that it would be a good idea to go ahead and go to the ENT when the

allergist sends him. He said that a polyp can actually be anything raised up in

the nose, not necessarily a polyp. Heck, it could be a tumor (highly unlikely).

or it could be something totally benign. The only way to know is to look at it

(per ENT).

I emailed Ambry just now. They are going to ban me from emailing! haha

but.... every time I get a response they always tell me a date it will be ready

and then when it's not there they say something happened they had to redo part

of the test...

Caden's ped. isn't even in today so, even if it is called in today, we won't get

results and they are probably out the rest of the week.

Well, just wanted to touch base in case you were wondering what we found out.

Caden is doing much better. Still on Cefzil. He is still stopped up, but he can

breathe better at times.

The dr also said that it looked like his left nasal passage way was very small

so, maybe that's a contributing factor in his mucus clogging up.

Well, thanks for listening and I will write as soon as I hear something.

Krystena s

Caden 4 yrs GAII testing for CFc

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