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this came in from a friend of mine

father of Cameron (2yrs on Dec 17) and Claire 6wks old both wcf

Cystic Fibrosis

ASCB 2002 - Day 3 - Tuesday 17 December 2002

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Cystic fibrosis research turns hairy

Investigator: Rosenbaum

17 December 2002

by Damaris Christensen

The mutated protein that causes cystic fibrosis is, at least in healthy

mice and rabbits, found on cilia, the hair-like structures that project

from cells, scientists today reported. Understanding exactly where the

protein is located may lead to new ways of looking at the disease, says

Yale University researcher Rosenbaum.

More than a decade after researchers identified the mutated gene

responsible for cystic fibrosis, scientists are still struggling to

understand how that mutation leads to the various problems of the


Thick, gooey mucus clogs the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis, and

chronic infections - typically caused by the usually harmless bacterium

called Pseudomonas aeruginosa - cause respiratory failure, which kills

most people with CF while they are in their 20s or early 30s.

" Cilia in the lung beat and move bacteria and mucus through the lungs,

and they seem to beat properly in people with cystic fibrosis, " said

Rosenbaum, " so researchers looking into the disease abandoned the

field. "

Based on studies suggesting cilia have a role in sensing the

environment, however, Rosenbaum and his colleagues thought cilia in the

lungs may sense fluid and ionic concentrations.

The researchers examined whether the protein that is mutated in cystic

fibrosis, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator

(CFTR), would be present on cilia.

Previous research had found that CFTR is located on the upper, or

apical, surface of cells lining the lung and trachea, but the studies

did not have a fine enough resolution to determine if CFTR was found on

the membrane surrounding cilia, or elsewhere on the apical membrane.

Rosenbaum and his colleagues developed a novel method for isolating

membrane-coated cilia from cells taken from the trachea of rabbits. Used

biochemical methods, they determined that at least 80% of the CFTR found

in these cells is present on the cell membrane surrounding the cilia.

Researchers also used electron microscopy to look at the tracheal cells,

and used antibodies to CFTR to determine exactly where the protein is

found. Again, the majority of CFTR is present on cilia, Rosenbaum said.

Studies in mice thus far corroborate these results in rabbits, he added.

CFTR is on the cilia to help cells sense, and regulate, their

environment, Rosenbaum suggests. A thin liquid layer coats cells in the

lung and trachea, with mucus floating on top. The cilia beat back and

forth in this liquid layer to move mucus through the lungs.

Previous research has established that CFTR transports chloride in and

out of cells, and that, in turn, is linked to sodium transport. When

mutated, CFTR cannot properly regulate sodium absorption by lung cells.

Without a brake on sodium absorption, some scientists reason, cells keep

drawing in sodium, and water - pulled by osmotic pressure - follows. The

liquid layer coating the lungs thins as its water is absorbed by cells.

The cilia, in turn, cannot beat effectively, and mucus clogs the lungs,

preventing bacteria from being normally cleaned out and providing a

breeding ground for them.

The defect in the CFTR protein may prevent it from getting to the cilia

where it belongs, Rosenbaum suggests, though he has yet to test this

hypothesis. Without these receptors, he adds, cilia, and thus cells,

can't detect whether the water is too salty or too dilute.

" This doesn't tell us how the disease actually occurs, " Rosenbaum said,

but he thinks researchers should start paying more attention to the

possible sensory roles of cilia in cystic fibrosis.

Although the work is potentially important, the experiments were done in

healthy mice and rabbits, pointed out one expert in the field. Until it

has been shown to be applicable in humans, he cautioned, the utility of

such work is unclear.

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Cystic fibrosis research turns hairy

( Rosenbaum)

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ibrosis+research+turns+hairy&e2f.date=17 December

2002&e2f.day=3&e2f.acro=ASCB&e2f.year=2002&e2f.type=report " See also:


" http://reviews.bmn.com/journals/atoz/latest?uid=ADR.bmn02700_0169409x_v

0051i01_01001727 " The nose and paranasal sinuses physiology and anatomy

[Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews]


Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2001, 51:1-3:5-19


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0012i08_00002331 " Altered trafficking and epithelial cell polarity in


[Trends in Cell Biology]

M Stein and A Wandinger-Ness

Trends in Cell Biology, 2002, 12:8:374-381


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v0023i11_00002094 " Disease genes: flattery and deception

[Trends in Pharmacological Sciences]

A Cuthbert

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2002, 23:11:504-509

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2002&e2f.day=3&e2f.acro=ASCB&e2f.year=2002&e2f.type=report " Editor's

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Cystic fibrosis F508del patients have apically localized CFTR in a

reduced number of airway cells.


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