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Dr.'s Appt.

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I had my GI appointment today. It was a brief examination and

discussion. My GI felt that the cyst on my kidney that the

radiology report just mentioned was nothing to be concerned

about, and the doctor was optomistic and pleased with the

reduction of my pancreatic pseudocysts. Now that they are all 3

cm. or less in size he says he won't need to see me or CT-scan

them again until 6 months from now. He feels they are showing

all indications of completely resolving on their own.

My appointment with the pain management doctor two weeks

ago was relatively unproductive, except for her suggestion to my

GI that he increase my pain medications. So he upped the

Percocet to 10's. At least the 10's have less acetominaphen

than what I was taking before, so perhaps there's still hope for a

healthy liver!

Certainly not very exciting news, yet this is certainly the kind of

news I can live with!

With hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina


Southeastern Representative

Pancreatitis Association, Intl.


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