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RE: 's clinic visit

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THAT sounded pretty good, except the sperm donors actions. I do hope it

can become

Calmer for your sons sake. You'd think he would understand , all you do

is for your son....

Hopefully , it will be better soon. The holidays , maybe will put a

smile on everyone's faces.


's clinic visit

Hello everyone,

I just wanted make a quick update regarding Josh's clinic visit. He has

been 3 times in the last 4 months. He seemed to have this nagging cough

that he couldn't get rid of.

I didn't go personally, my ex and I usually alternate since we have

joint custody. I had gone the last three times because I had so many

questions after being on this list. I hate to say it but the ex and I

are having it out (again) and I couldn't sit in that small room with him

for hours and not want to kill him! Anyway, my big concern was getting

him on the Zithromax. Josh and I had talked about it between ourselves,

I usually try to get him interested in the new stuff I learn here. I

also had printed some of the information Kim had sent about it. So I did

send them armed with information and questions. It seems that it was all

unnecessary! She had paperwork for us to read on it. Josh was so

excited. He said " that's the stuff momma said she wanted me on! " . The

doc was so surprised that we even had a clue! A big thanks to all of you

that informed me. For once I didn't feel like the big dummy that just

says " okay " and hands my son a new bottle of pills that I have no clue


So they took a culture which is cool, because I'm not really sure what's

growing in there. As soon as it comes back we can stare the Zithromax!

What is so strange is that his lung functions had already jumped up

better than they have been in a long time. He has been coughing allot in

the past few months, cheating on his treatments, and not taking his

med's. I counted his Cipro last Friday and fussed at him for faking me

out. He will go to the kitchen after being told to take his med's and

pretend to take them. He's 14!! I just don't get it, if you are already

up, why fake it?? But the doc's wanted to know what he had been doing

different because his lung functions were so great!! Needless to say

Josh kept his mouth shut! He wasn't about to fess up.

Wow, this is getting long...I'm just so excited for him. Between his

PFT's and new med's we will have gone a whole year without a hospital

visit!! Who know's maybe we will make it 2!

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