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How Fiona beat cea

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Hi All,

My name is Dan Coates, I used to be a regular here a while back

because my girlfriend had cea. She now has clear skin and no


My girlfriend Fiona was diagnosed with cea over a year ago now,

her recovery is a very long story, I will give you the main points.

I have learned alot and am changing careers to Alternative Medicine

as a result.

Ok, First a dermatologist gave her Minocin, which made her suicidal

and gave her thrush. Not a good start, but it did wake me up to

the fact that all doctors do most the time is supress symptoms with

drugs, normally with side effects (Just my opinion).

So then came the research...education not medication.

First stop was a chinese herbalist, he gave Fiona a tea to make each

day. The tea was very bitter. After a few days, Fiona's skin

cleared, but she could take the taste anymore... back to square one.

I was later to find out why this worked...

Next Fiona had some huge flare ups, I did some fratic research and

we looked at Candida Overgrowth. Fiona went on a Candida diet and

took Formula SF722. Do a goole search for " Tripp " for more info

on Candida.

The diet worked well, Fiona's skin cleared up a bit and no more big

attacks for now...

Then we went on holidays to Eastern Europe...we had been together for

6 months. I knew Fi had some anger built up about her parents and

other things in the past. During the trip she released alot of this

anger. She ate crap during the trip but her skin cleared up. The

anger / stress component was a bit factor.

So now Fi's rash was gone but she still got spots like she did before

the cea type rash appeared. She had been supressing symptoms for

years with drugs. Now drug free, Fiona had beaten the rash / cea

Flushing and had regressed to the symptoms before it. Once you get

off drugs and do it properly sometimes you will go back through all

the things you have been supressing over the years until your body is

completely healthy.

At this stage, Fi still had spots and a bit of a rash but not much.

I had read over 20 books on health, body, mind, spirit etc etc then

after a year I found what I was looking for: www.curezone.com.

Before you think I am selling a website www.curezone.com is 100% non-

profit. They don't try and sell you anything, they tell you how to

do everything yourself.

Anyway, I got on there and educated myself and read about liver

flushing, Hulda e, Schultz, People that are interested

in healing at it's very root.

Fi has done 4 liver flushes now and removed over 1000 stones from

her Liver/ Gall Bladder. Her skin is completely clear. She also has

a very good diet - no wheat or dairy - she was tested for wheat by

a Kinesiologist and through the advice of the book eat right for your

type. Also, we found out that the Chinese Tea she took months before

was a liver cleansing concoction.

So my albeit quite blunt advice to you all based on the journey of

Fiona and myself is get on websites like curezone.com and educate

yourself, Flush your Liver (Recipes on Curezone.com and others listed

below), Cleanse your bowel, let go of anger, forgive people who have

wronged you in the past, try not to worry etc etc I could fill pages

with advice but the bottom line is you must educate yourself.

If you are not prepared to change your diet and take total

responsibility for your health then getting cut, burned and/or

poisoned by a doctor is by all means still the best option.

(No offense intended! Just my humble opinion)

Websites and Books...

Over a year of research and discovery on cea and other diseases..







" The Cure for all Diseases " Dr Hulda

" Anatomy of the Spirit " Caroline Myss - Mind / Spirt

" Energy Medicine " Donna Eden

" Detox Yourself " Jane Scrivner

" Why people don't heal and how they can " - Caroline Myss

Any questions you can contact me at coatesy@... I would be

happy to answer them.


Dan Coates

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