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Story of ERIN first hospital -Club Med TRIP !!! w/ GRANDMOMBEV

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It has been a long time & so much has happened . Gosh , between the

conferences, marketing trips, education days, & ERIN'S first

hospitalization.ugh.............my, how time flies!!! Do I sound

harried?? I am .BUT I am getting better . It will just take some more

of my addition being compensated (you all at these computer lists)!!

So many lovely e-mails about my granddaughter, ERIN and her first

illness in 18 years. It really made be so happy to receive so much

mail,-- BUT VERY SAD THAT SHE HAD TO BE IN THERE. -you all do know what

I mean... She was away at her first couple weeks at college & doing

well. She started getting cramps, assumed it was enzymes

shortage, so went around for almost a week. her boyfriend finally

insisted she go to the nurse who sent her home to get checked. -It was

that her appendix had burst & the poison was just going all over.

-Anyway, they got to Albemarle(home) & went to ER,

where they operated. .they kept giving her morphine for pain , knowing

little about CF, & her bowels went FAST asleep.............it kept

getting g worse, she wasn't doing well , stomach still hurting, then she

started to throw up-They put a picc line in (in her room , no ex--ray

(above the elbow----UGH!!! NEVER should have done that. no experience ,

certified high tech Rn, & had put the thing up to far as well., they

operated again on the Sunday , saying there was blockage-duh---------,

my daughter insisted they call Duke(she had been told , they were

conferring with them .).they said , send her right away there in

ambulance. ..At the emergency room the pulled the picc line down 10 cm.

, later at radiology, they pulled abit more out . said was not a good

thing . Oh, when they were inserting the feeding tube thru nose to

stomach earlier,.the gal had it thru nose, coming out throat /mouth

first ...Scrapped throat so badly , it bled-then , tried again, & got to

stomach!!.really ERIN has seen it all & done it all. there's


At Duke , things started to fly. they tried to get ex-rays of last

surgery , & info, hospital hadn't sent & weren't doing so at that time.

My daughter called a friend at her hometown.(happened to be hospital

admin. wife) 7 told her what DUKE wanted & NOW.it was courier over to

them @ 1/2 hours..So, the saga continues (stop here if you'd like :):).

They stopped pain meds, gave reduced & got her moving around ..even on

tread mill. only IV's . nutrition, all fluids, antibiotics, the

works.She started to feel wee bit better. vitals were doing good.

Ex-rays each day. THEN....SATURDAY NIGHT , late.she went into bathroom &

they had to issue gas masks to the entire hospital :):):):) .no, not

really , but it was sure noticeable-hahahehe. Jay (son-in law) brought

in all kinds of deodorants next day . -hospital did have drops to help

as well. She has been active ever since , but not as much. They will

start her on liquids tomorrow .then soft foods.you all know the drill.

Hopefully then get home , maybe next week. this makes a month +... I was

up there 3 days after first hospital. -stayed a week =, came home , did

my ed day here, on Saturday (it was good-I hope others liked)

left on Monday when they were moving her to Duke. I stayed with her

siblings -2 teen age gals. very busy cheerleaders , games, school , etc.

)My other two daughters got there to be with Kelley& at hospital

-Patti drove up on Tuesday ,.Colleen flu up Wed .--- she drove back with

me this Sunday. It is a 9 hour drive..Now we are all doing our prayers

that this is one of those things that wont keep happening. It was

another mecomiun blockage & the side effects of to much morphine too

long ...

I can assure everyone, ERIN will only be seen by herCF doctors from now

on. her local doc has done well BUT, ERIN hasn't been any challenge with

CF before either.

Bless you all for even reading this.

God Bless each one & we all appreciate so much the prayers, get well

wishes, calls, cards, packages, & love given.

I think I have gone so long on this . I best sign off & write to those

others I planned on a different post.







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