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Re: Patty/Cassie /Jackie

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Hey there Patty, ,

I am so sorry at times it seems as though I might not be here, but truly I

am, I am always listening. I can understand how both of you feel for I have

been there myself and still am there but as I see it at times I am at a

different stage. My heart feels the same as yours and somedays it truly seems

as if it might burst. I often have people who ask " HOW I DO IT? " It always

seems like something, but as I have always tried to say and live by " A DAY AT

A TIME. " after all its all anyone can do! I can't worry about things I have

no control over.

I truly try to see although as bad as it has been there are people out

there alot worse off than I, the loss of my mom to cancer, my son with

pancreatitis, my husband now with cancer. I know someone who just lost

thier dad to diabetes he was 57 my mom was 75, an acquaintance of mine has

two daughters both with kidney disease and pancreatitis, a friends friend 37

years old, four young children she passed away after a two year battle with

cancer Tuesday the list goes on. Although what I deal with everyday can for

most be unbelievable, for what others deal with everyday can certainly be

unbelievable to me. I just take it as it comes, some days easier than others

but we all do what we must.

It is not easy to see anyone suffer especially a child, but even more is

the fact that it is your child. IT TRULY IS UNDESCRIBABLE and words can not

possible begin to describe how one feels. I think for me wanting to know

WHAT caused this horrible disease to effect my son was in the beginning the

one thing I NEEDED TO KNOW, but as time went on it no longer mattered HOW or

WHY? The ONLY thing that mattered was he had it, the focus was now how to

get RID of it, or if need be HOW TO LIVE with it. Although my son is cured

of PAINCREATITIS as I refer to it, his life will never nor will ours be the

same because of it.

Just because the attacks and the pain that Brandan endured are now gone,

the effects that this disease had on him will forever be a part of his and

our lives. For as uncharted as the paincreatitis was and is, the road after

a pancreatectomy can be and is just as uncharted. So I guess all I can do is

continue as I have for many years " A DAY AT A TIME. " like anyone else.

Patty and , YOU are amazing moms, from one mom to another you are

doing everything within your power to cure your baby. BUT you must find time

for you, even if its a walk in the yard with your husband, or a drive for a

coffee for two, close the door take a bath, make a meal at home just for the

two of you after the children have gone to bed, find time, make time. YOU

are the strength from which your children draw, you must keep yourselves

strong so as you can be strong for them. I truly believe anyone afflicted

with this illness young or old are very special people. For they endure

beyond words what no one else could and most can not even imagine. But as

thier parent and caregiver it makes you very special yourselves. Take some

well deserved time for you, even if just for a moment.

I wanted to write this to you both after reading your posts, for my heart

knows the pain you feel. I think of you and yours often and only wish I

could ease your pain as well as your childrens.

Please feel free to write me at my email anytime you have questions or

concerns. From one mom to another I am always willing to help in any way I

can if possible. Please let Jackie and Cassie know we are thinking of them.

As always keeping you and yours in our thoughts and prayers...Keep

smiling(cuz sometimes its all one can do!) TTFN... Peg.. : )

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