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A few food facts.

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SOY PROTEIN.a complete protein and source of essential fatty acids, especially

omega 3 alpha linolenic acid. A source of calcium, iron, potassium, lecithin

(brain nutrient) and vitamins B and E.

COLD WATER FISH (halibut, salmon, cod, tuna, swordfish, sardines).or cold water

fish oil (do not confuse with fish liver oil). Rich in essential fatty acids.

Curbs prostaglandin production thus protects against inflammatory and immune

disorders. Provides choline for proper liver function. Promotes healthy function

of: kidneys, endocrine system, digestion. Promotes healthy detox.

YOGURT (with live active culture).source of friendly bacteria for the

intestines. Keeps the intestinal flora in balance. Lactic acid in the yogurt

destroys unfriendly bacteria. The milk sugars provide food for the bacteria that

produce B vitamins.

SAUERKRAUT.a lactic acid fermented food rich in vitamin C. Sauerkraut helps to

keep the digestive tract healthy. Accelerates healing when eaten regularly.

APPLE.source of pectin (gel forming fiber) which assists in intestinal

cleansing. Source of ellagic, chlorogenic and caffeic acids (anticancer agents).

Ellagic acid protects against chromosome damage and blocks cancer causing

actions of pollutants (particularly cigarette smoke).

BEET.helps produce natural lecithin in the body and aids in natural liver

functions. Beet sugar is readily converted to energy rather than being stored.

CARROT.has a high betacarotene content, aids in digestion and promotion of

healthy skin. The immune system is dependent on betacarotene (vit A precursor)

for proper function.

PARSLEY.rich in vitamins A and C. It promotes healthy lining of mouth,

esophagus, stomach, intestines, lungs, nose, bladder (in other words mucosal

linings). The immune system is dependent on Vitamin A for proper function. Also

contains polyacetylene which destroys bensopyrene, a carcinogen.

SPROUTS.of all kinds like radish, sunflower, broccoli, alfalfa, beans (grow your

own from organic seeds). Sprouts contain nitrilisides which breakdown into

substances called bensaldehydes which selectively seek out and destroy cancer

cells. Sprouts are rich in chlorophyll, vitamins A, B complex, C, E and K.

BUCKWHEAT.a low gluten food rich in carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium,

manganese, phosphorus and sulfur. Contains rutin which is useful in

strengthening capillary walls, fighting off infection and protecting vitamin C

in the body. Kasha is buckwheat. Alkalizing.

MILLET.good source of trace minerals. Alkalizing.

OILS.olive, sesame, almond, walnut, sunflower, flax. Contain essential fatty

acids (omega 3 and 6). Nut and seed oils contain vegetable lignan which have

antitumor and antioxidant properties.

REISHI MUSHROOMS.improve bodies resistance to infection and sense of well being,

increases macrophage activity, anti-inflammatory action.

SHITAKE MUSHROOMS.strengthens the immune system and is documented to inhibit

tumor growth, contains lentinan which enhances the immune system.

MAITAKE MUSHROOMS.helps the body adapt to stress and normalizes body functions,

shrinks tumors, enhances the effects of chemotherapy, reduces chemotherapy side

effects such as nausea and fatigue, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, do

not take on empty stomach, take with vitamin C to improve absorption.

CEREAL GRASSES.wheat grass and barley grass. Rich in betacarotene, protein and

nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) which assist cell renewal. Chlorophyll soothes

inflammation, detoxifies, builds blood and activates enzymes.

MICROALGAE.chlorella, bga, spirulina. See cereal grasses.

GARLIC.Assists in fighting infection (bacteria, viral and yeast). Promotes liver

function. Contains selenium, sulfur compounds, enzymes (S-allyl cysteine and

S-allyl mercaptocysteine) which protect the liver when exposed to highly toxic



Juicing For Life by Cherie Calbom and Maureen Keane

The Complete Book of Juicing by T. Murray, N.D.

Vitamin Bible For the 21st Century by Earl Mindell

Foods That Heal by Maureen Salaman


Territorial Seed Company, (541)942-9647

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