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Gordon has been taking Ritilinalong with his sinemet for almost a

year.(He's been on the Sinemet for a long time). He was put on a low

dose - one 10mg/day - because of excessive sleepiness. It really made a

difference for about 4-5 months and then lost some of its effectiveness.

A few months ago the dosage was increased to two per day and that has

seemed to help once again. We'll have to see how long that lasts. We

didn't notice any additional side effects when it was added.

Janet O

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All this talk about amphetamines and Shy-Dragers and PD is really not very

productive. Many patients with PD take Eldepryl which metabolizes into an

amphetamine in the system. That is why people are advised to take it only

before noon. Ken took it for many years with wonderful results. His

Neurologist says it does nothing for many, but she has seen many like Ken who

get amazing results. It did tend to lower his BP, so he didn't take it the

last few years of his life. Also, remember, Ritalin and other amphetamines

calm the nervous system of children and usually do just the opposite when

they become adults. It is prescribed (admittedly too often) for ADD children.

It is now known that for some ADD patients, Ritalin will work in the same

perverse manner even in adulthood. So, ADD patients seem to be wired

differently than others, at least sometimes. And there are studies being done

to see if ADD and PD and MSA are somewhat related. I also remember when

Benzedrine was available over-the-counter and most of us used it to get

through Exam week in college. With most neurological diseases all we a re

trying to do is alleviate symptoms since there are no cures yet. What works

for some does not work for others. Noone on this list pushes anything over

anything else, but hearing what has helped others and asking our doctors

about trying it is how we gain some quality to our lives.


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I agree with you 100%. We might all have a rare disease but different

things help different people. We are here to support all for whatever

the need may be and I believe that to me mostly moral support. We all

know to ask our doctors before taking anything that might hurt us. I

also know that different therapies help some and don't help others.

My neurologist when I asked him about certain things that were

happening to me meant,like when I and some others have pain and

others don't. He told me no one could say why I had those symptoms

and others didn't. He worked for NIH and other well known hospitals

and has done a lot of research and he still can't say why something

was good for one patient wasn't good for another patient. We have to

do what helps us, whatever it may be. No one can tell another what

they are doing is wrong if their doctor tells them that is what needs

to be done for them and it is working for them.

God bless,



> All this talk about amphetamines and Shy-Dragers and PD is really

not very

> productive. Many patients with PD take Eldepryl which metabolizes

into an

> amphetamine in the system. That is why people are advised to take

it only

> before noon. Ken took it for many years with wonderful results. His

> Neurologist says it does nothing for many, but she has seen many

like Ken who

> get amazing results. It did tend to lower his BP, so he didn't take

it the

> last few years of his life. Also, remember, Ritalin and other


> calm the nervous system of children and usually do just the

opposite when

> they become adults. It is prescribed (admittedly too often) for ADD


> It is now known that for some ADD patients, Ritalin will work in

the same

> perverse manner even in adulthood. So, ADD patients seem to be


> differently than others, at least sometimes. And there are studies

being done

> to see if ADD and PD and MSA are somewhat related. I also remember


> Benzedrine was available over-the-counter and most of us used it to


> through Exam week in college. With most neurological diseases all

we a re

> trying to do is alleviate symptoms since there are no cures yet.

What works

> for some does not work for others. Noone on this list pushes

anything over

> anything else, but hearing what has helped others and asking our


> about trying it is how we gain some quality to our lives.

> Barbara

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each time my dr. adds a new drug he increases the sinemet. new drug works a while, then i get all "overdose symptoms" of sinemet. why do you suppose he doesn't decrease sinemet? he always says to stop the new drug.

i think i asked this before but i didn't make it clear that he had done 2 things at once,......a new drug added and the old one increased. i did ask him last visit but think he just shook his head. it is my ccontention that each time we make additions to my regime, my BP goes d o w n!

he will return in july so we'll see what he says.


nancy spires

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We were told by Ralph,s Dr, that sinemet takes your b p down ask the your

Dr. about that !!!

Blanche caregiver of Ralph who died from sds 8.23 .2001

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BHartz5738@... wrote:

We were told by Ralph,s Dr, that sinemet takes your b p down ask the yourDr. about that !!! Blanche caregiver of Ralph who died from sds 8.23 .2001

my mom's neuro told us that sinemet drops your b/p so she put her on proamitine to help keep the b/p up. so far it's not working to well.


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