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Oy Vey Peeps....

I bought 20 pounds of potatoes today and a new food processor. This can't

be good for me.... or could it? :-) (For all you readers who don't

understand the significance of this... here's the bottom line --- Chanukah is

Friday night and lasts 8 days. Chanukah = Potato Pancakes -- the greasier

the better!!!! I don't need no stinkin Peeps when I'm making latkes!)

So far, this is going to be the first winter break in 4 years that I've not

had surgery. What is a woman to do?!

Happy Chanukah

Judy in the Greasy, Windy City

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In a message dated 11/24/2002 8:43:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,

motorcyciemama@... writes:

> Chanukah = Potato Pancakes -- the greasier the better!!!! I don't need no

> stinkin Peeps when I'm making latkes!)

We got an early jump on the holidays, and had them tonight. But I did serve

them with sugar-free applesauce!!!


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I guess since I can't eat ANYTHING solid at this moment I won't be having any



Hopefully I can get this mess under control and be able to have some by



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In a message dated 11/24/02 10:43:41 PM Central Standard Time,

motorcyciemama@... writes:

<< So far, this is going to be the first winter break in 4 years that I've


had surgery. What is a woman to do?! >>


Make -- and eat -- potato pancakes, of course! What else?

(Maybe some kischke and/or gefilte fish?)

Carol A

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Judy, It is so good to see you posting again. Glad to see things are going

well, hopefully. I just remember you posting about your trip to Sturgis and

the guy you went with LOL.

Give me a latke over a peep anyday too!!!! Gag on the marshmallow/sugar

crunch blob. Yummy greasy potatoe pancakes.

Vicki in IA

VBG 6-97 364/212

RNY 6-29-01 295/191/160?

Hernia Repair and panni 11/19/02

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Wow, go ahead and make all 20 pounds of potatoes into latkes, then do you

want to bring some of those over here? I have lots of family coming for

Thanksgiving which, coincidentally is my husband's birthday. We're

celebrating Chanukah that night as well (turkey & latkes) so that the

grandparents & great-grandparents can sort of spend it with my boys. Latkes

for 11. I've also been volunteered by my son to come into his 1st grade

class next week so that he can " share his holiday " with his school friends.

Would I mind making latkes? Sure! Latkes for 23 kids and a teacher. My

boys also want to have their friends over during Chanukah for a latke,

driedel & swimming party (swimming during Chanukah??). Latkes for 13

children & 12 adults. Oy gevalte - will I EVER get the smell of grease out

of my walls after this??? That's a LOT of latkes.

Oh yeah, they're best served with sour cream, not applesauce. YUCK! Of

course, my DH & kids all prefer applesauce.

Happy Chanukah and Merry Latkes to everyone.


Terry Mayers



(877)-838-HOST /

.... because it shouldn't cost a fortune to make a fortune! R


Oy Vey Peeps....

I bought 20 pounds of potatoes today and a new food processor. This can't

be good for me.... or could it? :-) (For all you readers who don't

understand the significance of this... here's the bottom line --- Chanukah


Friday night and lasts 8 days. Chanukah = Potato Pancakes -- the greasier

the better!!!! I don't need no stinkin Peeps when I'm making latkes!)

So far, this is going to be the first winter break in 4 years that I've not

had surgery. What is a woman to do?!

Happy Chanukah

Judy in the Greasy, Windy City

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In a message dated 11/25/02 11:02:01 AM Central Standard Time,

terry@... writes:

<< Oh yeah, they're best served with sour cream, not applesauce. YUCK! Of

course, my DH & kids all prefer applesauce. >>


Didja ever try lingonberries with the sour cream?

Carol A

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You know my sense of humor, so nothing much offends me. I posted the

parenthetical about the potato pancakes because I figured that not everyone

would understand the significance. This holiday (chanukah) is hell on GBs

who should be careful with fats. The tradition is to eat anything that is

deep fried in oil . . . the chanukah story is centered around oil lasting for

8 days to keep a fire going for light when it should have only lasted for 1

day. So..... no, it's not religiously necessary to eat deep fried potato

pancakes ... we are just as happy eating deep fried jelly donuts -- the other

traditional chanuka dish. :-) Oh, we also shouldn't forget the foil

covered chocolate coins which are also traditional. Is it all clear as

mud now? I can easily say no to the potato pancakes, but why in the world

would I?!!!

I wonder if I can start a new chanuka tradition and have my boyfriend oil me

up with crisco? He's not jewish, but I doubt he'd object to trying in the

name of religion!


> Ok Judy, forgive my " culturally challenged " information -- are actual

> " potato " pancakes part of the " religious " or are they " traditional " ?

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I haven't even got a clue what a lingonberry is. :) Plus, I rarely eat

fruit (just don't like it) so I probably wouldn't try it anyway.


Terry Mayers



(877)-838-HOST /

.... because it shouldn't cost a fortune to make a fortune! R

Re: Chanukah

In a message dated 11/25/02 11:02:01 AM Central Standard Time,

terry@... writes:

<< Oh yeah, they're best served with sour cream, not applesauce. YUCK! Of

course, my DH & kids all prefer applesauce. >>


Didja ever try lingonberries with the sour cream?

Carol A

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In a message dated 11/26/2002 12:14:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,

motorcyciemama@... writes:

> I wonder if I can start a new chanuka tradition and have my boyfriend oil me


> up with crisco? He's not jewish, but I doubt he'd object to trying in the

> name of religion!

and I loved this suggestion and will think about celebrating

Hanukkah in this fashion :-)


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In a message dated 11/28/2002 11:48:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,

JonnysGirl81@... writes:

> I wonder if I can start a new chanuka tradition and have my boyfriend oil me


> >

> >up with crisco? He's not jewish, but I doubt he'd object to trying in the


> >name of religion!


> and I loved this suggestion and will think about celebrating

> Hanukkah in this fashion :-)


I don't think crisco is Kosher


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In a message dated 11/29/2002 2:53:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,

FBayuk@... writes:

> I don't think crisco is Kosher

sure is vegetable shortening! I am a mashgiach at the synagogue!


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