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RE: Tuesdynite & protein (Judy)

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Hey Judy ;-)

>>> you posted said that " Base your protein needs on that number. Extra

protein is not needed for fat mass. " So, it's a bit confusing, but from

what I understand that to mean..... calculate your needs on what we would

weigh if we still weren't fat. :-) Ahhh, it's all clear as mud now!<<<<

LOL.... I'm not the calculate this or that and have to keep things REAL

simple (or I blow it) -- in my fast loosing stage (first year) the old

timers gave me an easy formula (they knew to make it easy for me I guess

) Anyway, they said pick your sort of " ideal " goal weight and build up

your protein grams to equal as close to that as possible (even if it was a

pipe dream sort of weight goal...) so... I reached in the hat and said.. Ok,

135 would be awesome... the first year I built up to 120 grams a day (till

11 months) and I hit the 125ish mark (120/125) and that was that (simple

huh?) This worked for me -- YMMV...

I was open so while I did do the gym I held off on my ab and anything that

felt " pulling " in there for about a year but was faithful to my yoga and

upper/lower body weights (just avoided my abs) -- at around 11 months (why

the change) I began a far more intense yoga practice and heavier weights to

build muscle (NOT body building, just focused on muscle) weight baring sort

of stuff and I upped my protein then above the 120 to sustain what I had --

then, depending on the work out that day an extra 30 - 60 grams on top of

that to feed and repair muscle tissue...

I maintained my goal till last June when I quit exercising that way

(vacation ya' know) was on travel a lot, had my protein with me but still I

began to think I could eat like a normal person (have not a clue how a

normal person eats so... more true would be to say eat like I did pre-op)

Gained 16 lbs, can't zip my jeans (can't even pull some of them up!!!) About

6 weeks ago I went through the " Getting back on the wagon " thing,

revitalized my eating/protein to the way I used to do it, got back to the

gym almost 3 weeks ago, yoga class and seriously getting my heart healthy

food plan back in order -- As of Friday (22nd) I'd lost 5 of those (oh gosh

they come back as total fat on me... the pongs on my thighs just filled

right out as did my lower tummy where the skin gives the easiest I guess


I plan on making my " happy " size (not putting a number to it... I'll be

happy to fit back into my own cloths whatever that number happens to be) by

the first of the year if I keep doing what I'm doing and ESPECIALLY getting

back on a totally heart healthy food plan (heart is a big health issue for


Yesterday (no gym lazy day) was 150 grams protein / today (gym with mean

trainer day) will probably mean 210 grams or so... my body just " craves " it

after a grueling work out... it screams FEED ME ...

This has worked for me -- kept working for me as long as I worked it and

was " good " (no, I do cheat on occasion but it is usually a planned cheat)

and now it is still working for me to get the weight off, help me re-align

my healthy eating habits and get back on track....

I'm 2 years, 3 months post open proximal (12 " ) bypass... I live with easy

rules for myself ~smile~ Keep it Simple!



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