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Cyndi's list is a web site for genealogy research. It has 1000's of

catagories. You just go through all the lists and see what area or

field you are interested in and click on that. You can go to the

various states where you have ancestors and find the county that you

want and it will take you to query boards where you can post and see if

anyone else is looking for information on the names you are. It's quite

overwhelming at first, but a wonderful research tool.

check it out:


The vasculits I get begins with small red raised spots, usually on my

legs or feet, then they get larger and turn dark red or purple. It's

very painful.


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--- Marilyn Kucera godave@...> wrote:

> Hi,


> Cyndi's list is a web site for genealogy research.

> It has 1000's of

> catagories. You just go through all the lists and

> see what area or

> field you are interested in and click on that. You

> can go to the

> various states where you have ancestors and find the

> county that you

> want and it will take you to query boards where you

> can post and see if

> anyone else is looking for information on the names

> you are. It's quite

> overwhelming at first, but a wonderful research

> tool.

> check it out:

> http://www.cyndisList.com

> The vasculits I get begins with small red raised

> spots, usually on my

> legs or feet, then they get larger and turn dark red

> or purple. It's

> very painful.

> Marilyn



Hi Marilyn, Thanks for the information on both topics.

Hope all goes well for you today. Sharon



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Sorry to hear that you are having a time of it. I will be sending good thoughts

and prayers your way. Are you surviving this HOT weather? I sure hate it!!!

No My sister has not been to see Dr. M. yet due to the state has changed her

insurance again. The Dr. wont take the one she is on and neither will her PCP

so she is back where she started over a year ago. I can not believe how people

are treated now a days. She really needs to see someone or she wont be able to

get meds etc.

Sometimes I wonder about the State of Oregon. It is suppose to be so liberal

but when it comes to Meds, Insurance or Doctors you might as well forget it. I

think that is the reason she is having a time with SSI because she has such gaps

in her care. Oops sorry that I went off on the tangent but it just upsets me

that she is still in Limbo without a diagnoses and no income at all.

Well Now that I have went on and on I will shut up. I will be praying that you

start feeling better soon! If you need me holler I will be there okay! I know

I am busy but I will make time one way or the other! :o)

Lots of Love



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--- Glenda eyeoreluv@...> wrote:

> Sharon


> Sorry to hear that you are having a time of it. I

> will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

> Are you surviving this HOT weather? I sure hate

> it!!!

Lots of Love

> Glenda

Hi Glenda, I can only say that our weather SUCKS, big

time. I hate it! Anything over 70 degrees should be

banned in Oregon! I have my air conditioner going

today, but it is just a small room sized one, in a big

old house. At least it keeps the living room cool.

Actually I am feeling o.k. It's just that my ears

will not stop acting out! I upped my pred by one mg

and will just wait to hear what Dr. H has to say on


I am so sorry about your sister's problems. Hope

things begin to work out for her soon.

Talk to you later. Sharon



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Hi Sharon,

We had a good day. We went up to the Goodpasture bridge to the old Goodpasture

homestead. The guy is a friend to our neighbors and his name is Goodpasture.

It was a great day! I am glad I went away for awhile today. I needed it!LOL

Hope you enjoyed your piece and quiet this weekend. I know what you mean about

just the three of you. It is like a whole different place here with just the

three us of! Shae is quiet by no means but she can entertain herself most of

the time.

Take care and know I think of you often. I am here if you need me that is for


Lots of Love



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Version: 6.0.251 / Virus Database: 124 - Release Date: 4/26/2001

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  • 5 weeks later...
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I wont know about the job until probably Monday. I doubt I get it cause the guy that interviewed me kind of gave me the idea that they were looking for a whole new type management.

Easy come easy go!LOL

Take care and I will let you know!

Lots of Love


Re: all

Glenda , Hope that you get the job , if that's what you want . Good Luck . Sherry Sharon King wrote: > I go for the interview today at 4:30 after I get off> work from doing the job that I am interviewing> for!LOL I am the last one so hopefully they will> let me know in a few days if I am going to be the> boss or if I am going to have a new boss. I will> let you know.Hi Glenda, please let us know about the job. Hope itall works out just as you want it to. Love, Sharon> > ---> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> Checked by AVG anti-virus system> (http://www.grisoft.com).> Version: 6.0.262 / Virus Database: 132 - Release> Date: 6/12/2001> =====__________________________________________________

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--- Glenda eyeoreluv@...> wrote:

> Sharon,

> I wont know about the job until probably Monday. I

> doubt I get it cause the guy that interviewed me

> kind of gave me the idea that they were looking for

> a whole new type management.

> Easy come easy go!LOL

> Take care and I will let you know!

> Lots of Love

> Glenda



So Glenda, are you going to meet Dagny on Sunday?????

I am planning on going over to her motel around

noon-12:30. Please try to come! I'd still like to

meet you. Gee, we live 15 minutes apart and still

haven't met. Take care and we'll keep our fingers

crossed about the job. Love, Sharon



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