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Re: Digest Number 1778

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In a message dated 11/25/2002 4:38:50 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Graduate-OSSG writes:

> Why does dieting work now yet it never worked before?


> 1) Malabsorption

> 2) " forced " limited quantities


> 4) Better educated

> 5) Hormones that cut off the " feast/famine " signals

> 6) Change of tastebuds

> 7) Vomiting

> 8) More incentive to " maintain " a weight versus " get to " (for me

> personally

> anyway)


i guess none of those work for me. yesterday i became stressed about

something and got a pecan pie out of the freezer that was to be for

thanksgiving dinner only. i cut a piece out and ate it. about half an hour

later i started feeling nauseated, and really, really stoned feeling for lack

of a better term. i felt sick. an hour passed and i felt okay again. i ate

another piece. this went on until the entire pie was gone. i ate an entire

pecan pie. what is bad is, the next day is started craving sweets and made

homemade cookies and ate, got ill, threw up, dizzy spells, heart racing, etc.

Then when i felt good again, i would go get more cookies. i can't believe

this. i have to get back on track. my husband was absolutely right...i

should have never v olunteered to cook thanksgiving dinner because all these

goodies are in the house that i cannot resist. help... I just now finished

an entire box of vanilla wafers that were supposed to go into the banana

pudding i was to make thursday for thanksgiving. oh my gosh. i feel so sick

right now.

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In a message dated 11/25/02 8:11:06 PM Central Standard Time,

PATISINKY@... writes:

<< i can't believe this. i have to get back on track. >>


You need to slow down and do some observing and some thinking and some

writing. There is something going on in your life that you're reacting to

with old bad behaviors. Can you figure out what? If not, maybe a therapist

could help you uncover the reasons. I know one of mine is rage. Plain old

pure white-hot RAGE. I buried that anger for over 50 years, eating it away

each time it came. And now I have 50 years worth of rage seething inside me

that I never bothered to work out and get over in all that time. So LITTLE

things can easily stir that bottled-up rage into action. And sometimes I can

deal with it (like confront DH when he criticizes me for not being a " morning

person " or tell Mom to quit manipulating me into things and just come out and

ASK me to do.........whatever) and not eat over it. And sometimes I can't,

and the best I can hope for is to be able to control the AMOUNT of whatever

food I decide is gonna " make it all go away. " And then when I am calm again,

try to figure out what I could have done instead and why I didn't do it, why

I chose to eat over it. And salt that knowledge away as armor and shield

against the next episode.

Meditation and relaxation helps too.

And prayer.

And faith.

Carol A

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Hey there :)

Don't beat yourself up over what you did!

I drank about a pint of homemade frapuccino the other night knowing exactly what

it would do to me and it did--- UGH!

Pick yourself up and go on-- it was one day. Look how many days you've NOT

finished off the entire pie!! You've done great. Give yourself lots of credit

and love :)


> Why does dieting work now yet it never worked before?


> 1) Malabsorption

> 2) " forced " limited quantities


> 4) Better educated

> 5) Hormones that cut off the " feast/famine " signals

> 6) Change of tastebuds

> 7) Vomiting

> 8) More incentive to " maintain " a weight versus " get to " (for me

> personally

> anyway)


i guess none of those work for me. yesterday i became stressed about

something and got a pecan pie out of the freezer that was to be for

thanksgiving dinner only. i cut a piece out and ate it. about half an hour

later i started feeling nauseated, and really, really stoned feeling for lack

of a better term. i felt sick. an hour passed and i felt okay again. i ate

another piece. this went on until the entire pie was gone. i ate an entire

pecan pie. what is bad is, the next day is started craving sweets and made

homemade cookies and ate, got ill, threw up, dizzy spells, heart racing, etc.

Then when i felt good again, i would go get more cookies. i can't believe

this. i have to get back on track. my husband was absolutely right...i

should have never v olunteered to cook thanksgiving dinner because all these

goodies are in the house that i cannot resist. help... I just now finished

an entire box of vanilla wafers that were supposed to go into the banana

pudding i was to make thursday for thanksgiving. oh my gosh. i feel so sick

right now.

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Hi Everyone,

It has been a while since I have posted. I just got off the phone and

found out

that my insurance is covering my breast but not the arms. I am happy with

that, at least it is something. Everyone kept on saying no insurance pays

for plastic surgery,

do not even try. But I changed doctors two times because of that, they

wouldn't even try for me. So I will pay for the arms. And the compression

garments, I am getting two of them. So that is 200 and the arms are 5,000,

now I do not know what the hospital will be, but if the insurance pays for

the breast they will cover the room and the anesthesia, I hope. I still hate

the idea of being under for 7 hours or more. That is how long the doctor

said it would be to do both things. Well, this is a nice Thanksgiving

present for me.

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving, my thoughts and

prayers are with all of you, I wish the best to all. Keep me in your prayers

too. I will have my surgery December 30. And it will be at North Shore

Hospital in Manhassett.

Rosemary Commisso 1/26/01 Dr. Rutledge (MGB)

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Everyone kept on saying no insurance pays

for plastic surgery,

do not even try.

I guess I am pretty fortunate......mine does!! It paid for my tt when

eveyrone including the Doc said there was NO WAY they would!! I called

insurance and they said that as long as a Doc states that it is medically

necessay then they will pay.....think this sounds too good to be true with

these thighes???

Re: Digest Number 1778


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