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Re: LONG update from Tracey

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Tracey, I am new here, but I must say that was the most difficul journey I

have ever read. I can't even imagine how hard it was for you to write about.

It is a miracal that you survived, but you also seem to have survived

emotionally and that is truly amazing. Looking forward to hearing more from

you. Fay Bayuk 300/182 10/23/01 open rny

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What an odyssey, Tracey! It's no wonder you're just not sure who you are at

the moment. A lesser person would have been totally destroyed in every sense

of the word. But you are obviously a survivor, and I'm a firm believer that

we survive for a very good reason. I'm sure with time, you'll discover what

that is. In the meantime, I'm so very glad to hear that at least physically,

things are on the upswing, and you will be in my prayers.

Carol A

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In a message dated 11/26/2002 7:47:13 AM Pacific Standard Time,

jtaylor1@... writes:

> as strange as it sounds - I am no longer a " dying person " - now don't get me

> wrong - I didn't want to die - but I had " come to terms with it " -

Tracey - yours is an incredible story, and you are remarkable for having come

through everything and maintained your sense of humor, irony, and ...


Your statement rang very, very familiar to me. My mom had the old

ileo-jejeunal bypass done in about 1972, and her " unused " intestines were

treated very much like yours. By 1973 malnutrition had set in. By 1974,

apparently the loop had become necrotic. Doctors were at a loss; her surgeon

was nowhere to be found. She reconciled with my father because her doctors

told her she was dying. She was eventually admitted to Ann Arbor Medical

Center, where they offered to do exploratory surgery, since she was going to

die anyway. Like you described, she had come to terms with her death, and in

fact, prepared us kids as well. When the exploratory was successful, we were

all left a bit bewildered at how to pick up our lives again.

She ended up becoming very involved in spiritual pursuits - the experience

left her with a keen sense of what lies beyond.

Anyway - it was eerie for me to hear you " speak " . In many ways, you

described her experience when I was 10 - 14.


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Oh Tracey, it's so great to hear from you again, and to know that

you're still with us. What a long and winding road you've

travelled. I hope it doesn't take the medical profession as long to

figure out the cause of the seizures as it did to get them to fix the

mess that quack surgeon made. BTW, did the fix-it surgeon ever tell

you why he finally decided to do the repair work, and wouldn't do it


Here's hoping the new year will bring a resolution of all of your

remaining health problems and that your quality of life continues to

improve, as you so deserve.


in NJ

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Tracey, Holy cow, what an ordeal. And, amazingly you appear to have such a

wonderful attitude and outlook after all that. Now, for that dental work

loan, won't your lawsuit winnings against original WLS surgeon cover


Vicki in IA

VBG 6-97 364/212

RNY 6-29-01 295/191/160?

Hernia Repair and panni 11/19/02

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Tracey, I was just looking at our pictures last week!!!! I have been

wondering how you have been doing. It is wonderful to hear from you. It

was over 2 years ago that we all met at your house, we all sure look

different now!!! I know you have been to " hell " and back, several times, it

is my wish that you have a " VERY LONG " stretch of " feel good " time. God

knows, if anyone deserves it, it is you.

Hubby and I are possibly moving up to Edm..... we will find out the end of

this week. If not Edm, then Calgary. Regardless, email me and we will get

in touch.

Grad list members, Tracey is one of the most incredible ladies I have ever

met!!! We are so lucky to have her as part of this list. So glaaaaaaddddd

to have you back with us!!!

As for being 150 pounds, Tracey, I was there when you were 100 lbs, and I

hope to see you soon. I doubt you look even a bit overweight at 150. Just

remember, your heart is PERFECT!!!



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Tracey~ All I can say is WOW! Welcome back...and so glad you ARE back! It's

going to take me some time to digest all that you have written....but for

starters, I can see that surviving isn't always necessarily happily ever

after. There are real psychological hurdles to overcome....but you seem to

be doing a wonderful job of it thus far. Please do keep us all posted. I've

never read such a horror story as yours, but so glad you posted it. Also

helps me put my problems in a bit better prospective. Thanks again! Hang in

there kiddo! Of course, I needn't tell you that....you are a survivor!!


´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Jacque

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>>>>>>>It's been a long time since I last posted anything here


WELCOME BACK TRACEY!!!!! I am so glad to hear from you and even more glad to

hear you are doing better. Go slowly, continue healing and allow ceep's humor to

invade your soul. It will make you laugh. Know you were often thought of (by

me anyway).


doc carolyn

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