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hyperinsulinism and protein digestion

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No body believes me when I tell them that my body reacts so strange

to breaking down protein. You all know I was the one having the

worst trouble with hypoglycemia when I was only 10 months out. My

doc told me he didn't want to test my insulin levels because he

already knew they would be high. He always told me to eat alot of

protein and no carbs well I did that and guess what the reactions

from just eating protein were worse than having a little sugar.

When I bottom out which seems to be around pms time I have to grab

the sugar quick no protein is going to fix me. The strange thing is

that I don't have a late reaction to the sugar like the we are

suspposed to. Again I am the weird one the 1%. I don't have near

the problem now unless I do something really stupid. When I always

had my blood sugar tested it would always be low even after eating

meals. I only notice symptoms when it goes up really fast and then

falls even faster. I also don't notice it as much because I am

eating all the time and don't allow myself to go with out food for

more than 3 hours. My fistula makes me hungry all the time and

causes dumping symptoms. I still wonder and I am the one that asked

if we were 300+ lbs before wls will our insulin regulating system be

screwed up always. I know now that this is a more common problem

but my surgeon doesn't have too many patients experiencing this why

I don't know. When I was going through the worst times I thought I

was the only one experiencing this even though it really sucks I am

greatful I wasn't the only one struggling. I have many therories

about this and if I am going to always be making too much insulin

then will my pancreas finally get tired and quit all together making

me an insulin dependent diabetic. I was never diabetic in the first

place but not too far from developing it I know. I was told once

that when I lost all my weight my pancreas didn't know I was no

longer 342 so when I was 155 I didn't need that much insulin my body

didn't know plus I was in starvation mode due to the obstructions.

Now if only I would try the starvation maybe I would lose the 30lbs

I gained due to that damn fistula. Just a thought. I don't think I

could do it I already told my counselor that I can't purposely

starve myself anymore the physical and emotional symptoms are not

worth it and I would never get over my fears.


In Graduate-OSSG@y..., " Carolyn " wrote:

> What is being described may be hyperinsulinemia. I don't know

enough of the details, but you should see an endocrinologist and

have insulin levels drawn as a starting point. I may be just

causing more questions than answers, but it isn't diabetes (sugar)

related, but insulin related.

> doc carolyn - just my opinion, of course

> wishing I could cure myself of whatever I have right now.

> Re: Reactive hypoglycemia



> If it's late dumping...I'd like to know from what. Misery is

putting it

> mildly! My BS has been spiking upwards of 250 and dropping way

low inside an

> hour causing these same symptoms...Blood tests show no diabetes.

I am a

> strict no sugar person...even watching for hidden sugars. I even

had that

> precipitous drop in an hour while I chugged a protein shake...PB&J

sugar free

> of course...seems to be my cure of choice...or what I crave at

these times.

> I limit myself to one slice of bread...slather on the PB with a

light bit of

> sugar free smuckers. Darned if my bod isn't sucking it up and

laying it on

> as fat!!! What to do, what to do??? Fortunately, I've only been

having one

> of these " attacks " a day...I started taking chromium

picolinate...and my high

> spikes seem to have leveled out...but I'm still going way low.

Does insulin

> create fat all by itself? I'm doing shakes with water and ice

every 2 hours

> to try and keep level...but this has just started in the past

month. Makes

> me furious, because I know no one will believe I'm not stuffing my


> Hubby suggested that maybe the piece of PB&J toast I'm having

during the day

> is the " cause. " Come on now...give me a break! Aren't we

supposed to have

> " some " solid food?? I've put on 5 lbs from air....believe me!


> I agree....but I can't argue with the scale. If only I could

enjoy doing

> what most people do to gain. I am as straight as an arrow....but

am fighting

> this blood sugar thing with all I have. Hopefully the chromium

will settle

> it once and for all...and maybe it is all just temporary? If they

call it

> reactive hypoglycemia....what is it reacting to to cause it? I'm


> Seems the blood sugar and the weight gain all came around the same

time. I

> was dx'd with diabetes right before surgery...so never did get on


> for it...and was fine after surgery. I'm 2 1/2 years post

now...and having

> this happen is really confusing me. If anyone has any good

answers...I'm all

> ears...or eyes...or whatever. Let's hope there is a statute of

> limitations...and hope it isn't 7.5 years!! I will have totally

regained all

> my weight by then!!

> Regards~

> ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

> ¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

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> -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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> Ask me how!


> >

> > I know there are many, many of us who have (or are still) or are


> > starting to suffer with this. Whether it IS or is called late

dumping (may

> > or may not be the same thing) or whether it's a blood sugar

plummet off a

> > cliff, I've had 'em, and I call it misery.

> >

> > Would those who know a little about it please chime in? My own

attacks go

> > like so:

> > standing there minding my own business, hands go cold, mouth

goes dry,

> > knees buckle and I crawl into kitchen. TODAY, I throw together

&by than

> > hands are shaking violently, lights are flashing in front of

eyes) a PBJ,

> > fast, and start eating ASAP. That seems to have arrested a few


> > progress.

> >

> > Eating or drinking protein just before or during, using sugar to

stop it

> > (even mixing some up in a glass to drink!)--nothing stops it

like PBJ.

> > That's 2 sides PB, light film of J on trashy white bread. LOL!

> >

> > Anyone else have any better recipe to snap out of it before

hitting the

> > floor? Have done the blood a coupla times, but my glucomter

only says

> > : " LO " under 52. I KNEW it was low, sheesh. But every other

time I've

> > tried it, my brain was too intermittent to remember how to make

it work.

> > Scary.

> >

> > OK, and here's another weird thing. I haven't had a

debilitating one since

> > maybe last spring. Is there a 7.5 yr statute of limitations on


> >






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