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I have a hernia (cause I am a girl, otherwise, it would be a him-nia.) And

they, actually I have three, came about as a result of three things. 1.

Childbearing--there's a split muscle set in belly that gets pinched OUCH if I

lay, walk or move a certain way. 2. a duodenal one at the stomach from? I

don't know whatm but it has appeared since gastric bypass surgery. 3. and a

third one in the midriff that came from lifting big research books and saying


1. This is an advice of an old granny to young women and men especially-- but

really to all people of any age; the body is delicate in so many ways--anyone

who has ever seen xrays of torn this and that on a 30 year old NFL player

knows, even with padding, the body is easily torn up. It doesn't matter how

bg and tall you are, or how strong your mind is, or how determined your

intetion is--the body is delicate inside.

2. It is one thing to be strong, as in to have developed very strong muscles

and to have learned to lift and carry properly. It is another thing entirely

to make a sudden surge with your muscles and strain them to the max for very

short periods of time ; the latter is much more likely to do damage. (Even in

those whoare conditioned and very strong, they still can injure themselves

for the internal body is delicate...)

3. IF a person has a hernia repair, I think they must quit lifting heavy

obects entirely for many months in order to heal, and perhaps forever. This

is just my two cents worth. I have not had any repairs (you prob recall I

spent most of my life in hospital for many months after GB trying to hold

onto my life and am hospital-resistant currently-- afraid of what they might

do to make things go wrong THIS TIME ). But, from the folks I hear and see,

I wonder if hernia repair makes you " good as new? " I think it shelters and

mends what was once torn. But, I am also thinking, (being a sewer and

daughter of a tailor) that when you repair torn fabric, the edges where you

mend it is vulnerable to being torn again.

4, For me and I wonder how many others, trying not to lift things so as to

make a hernia less active, or not to rip a new one, has been a challenge,

mainly psychologically--no one wants to appear lazy, so when everyone else is

huffing and puffing to load the whatever onto the whatever, I find it hard to

stand there and say, I'm sorry, I can't help, I have a hernia, like I am some

delicate flower (I am not a flower, more like a root vegetable--grin). I am

used to working hard with my body, but even more so, to never stand aside and

let someone else lift, heave and haul for me. Where I come from, it's a point

of honor.

The other place where it makes me sad, is my grandchildren who love to throw

their bodies at me in greeting (it's a wolf thing, alright?--grin. Don't know

if you ever noticed, but wolves often come running at full gallop and throw

themselves at each other in greeting when they are on friendly terms). It's

fine with me that my kidlets still do take the run and pounce approach to

saying hello, although as they get older, they occasionally nearly knock me

off my feet now for they are no longer teeny-tiny. B ut I love the profound

enthusiasm of their greetings and having a jumping-around armful of happy

child is close to feeling visited by God. However, I can no longer lift the

little guys. And unfortunately, I can no longer " catch' them, when they jump

from the back of the truck. This makes me feel like, dang, I wish I could

have a body transplant (grin)



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In a message dated 11/27/02 12:41:39 PM Central Standard Time,

lacorona@... writes:

<< 3. IF a person has a hernia repair, I think they must quit lifting heavy

obects entirely for many months in order to heal, and perhaps forever. This

is just my two cents worth. >>



Does this ban on lifting forever apply to weight training (resistance

training), not the body-builder kind of stuff, but what you do to make you

lose weight faster.......? A surgeon & a p/t told me to wait with that kind

of exercise till after I get my hernias repaired. Neither indicated that I

should not ever do it; just don't do it till the hernias are fixed (and

presumably all healed up).


Carol A

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you know Carol, I do not know. That's a really good question. ? Rita,


Hold on Carol, someone here is likely to know.

happy turkey day




Does this ban on lifting forever apply to weight training (resistance

training), not the body-builder kind of stuff, but what you do to make you

lose weight faster.......? A surgeon & a p/t told me to wait with that kind

of exercise till after I get my hernias repaired. Neither indicated that I

should not ever do it; just don't do it till the hernias are fixed (and

presumably all healed up).


Carol A >>

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