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Dumping Hell

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Okay, this is from the girl who (almost) never dumps. In the first year

after my surgery, I think I might have had three episodes of dumping --

all from eating too quickly. About fifteen minutes to half an hour

after eating, I'd start having stomach cramps, and feel violently

nauseated plus dizziness. No diarrhea, but some sweating. It disturbed

me somewhat that I never seemed to dump on sweets, but then I never ate

many sweets to test that theory, either. I think my limit was a couple

of shortbread cookies several months ago (they were made with fresh

ginger, and man, were they good!), which seemed to go down like a charm.

Well, yesterday I was making fruit cakes with my daughter. I was kind

of nibbling on the dried fruits, etc., as we went along, and might have

had the equivalent of about half a cup of raisins/dates/cherries. Felt

a little nauseated, but nothing serious, until I had some supper right

afterward. Had about half a helping of a kidney bean casserole, and

suddenly the cramping started, and I had to lie down. I swear, it was

the worst, most violent and nasty dumping I've ever experienced.

However, it taught me a lesson about sweets and picking at stuff, and

let me know that my dumpometer really does work. Oh, yay.

However, today it's back, and I didn't even do anything, I swear!

Honest. Normal food right down the line, cautious about everything and

absolutely no sweets, but after two bites of chopped egg on half a

bagel at supper time this evening, the cramping started again. While it

wasn't as bad as last night, it was pretty clear that I wasn't going to

be eating that there bagel any time soon. In fact, it's now five hours

later, and I'm sipping a protein shake and feeling lucky that nothing

violent is happening on my insides.

But what the heck...? Has anyone ever had this kind of experience in

the past? All I can think is that the dumping yesterday somehow made my

tum more sensitive today, but why it would go apeshit over a couple of

bites of an innocent little bagel is beyond me.


Thanks for any help,



RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22.7

-150 lbs


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Just a possibility here.....

You could have a flu bug.

Just because we had wls, we are not excluded from bad, old-fashioned flu!

Just IMHO,

Barb B.


> Okay, this is from the girl who (almost) never dumps. In the first year

> after my surgery, I think I might have had three episodes of dumping --

> all from eating too quickly. About fifteen minutes to half an hour

> after eating, I'd start having stomach cramps, and feel violently

> nauseated plus dizziness. No diarrhea, but some sweating. It disturbed

> me somewhat that I never seemed to dump on sweets, but then I never ate

> many sweets to test that theory, either. I think my limit was a couple

> of shortbread cookies several months ago (they were made with fresh

> ginger, and man, were they good!), which seemed to go down like a charm.


> Well, yesterday I was making fruit cakes with my daughter. I was kind

> of nibbling on the dried fruits, etc., as we went along, and might have

> had the equivalent of about half a cup of raisins/dates/cherries. Felt

> a little nauseated, but nothing serious, until I had some supper right

> afterward. Had about half a helping of a kidney bean casserole, and

> suddenly the cramping started, and I had to lie down. I swear, it was

> the worst, most violent and nasty dumping I've ever experienced.

> However, it taught me a lesson about sweets and picking at stuff, and

> let me know that my dumpometer really does work. Oh, yay.


> However, today it's back, and I didn't even do anything, I swear!

> Honest. Normal food right down the line, cautious about everything and

> absolutely no sweets, but after two bites of chopped egg on half a

> bagel at supper time this evening, the cramping started again. While it

> wasn't as bad as last night, it was pretty clear that I wasn't going to

> be eating that there bagel any time soon. In fact, it's now five hours

> later, and I'm sipping a protein shake and feeling lucky that nothing

> violent is happening on my insides.


> But what the heck...? Has anyone ever had this kind of experience in

> the past? All I can think is that the dumping yesterday somehow made my

> tum more sensitive today, but why it would go apeshit over a couple of

> bites of an innocent little bagel is beyond me.


> Anyone?


> Thanks for any help,



> --

> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

> RNY September 19, 2001

> Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

> BMI then: 43.5

> BMI now: 22.7

> -150 lbs

> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>



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, me too!!! I am 2.5 years post-op, and in the first 2.4 years I

couldn't dump if I wanted to! And, trust me, I tried everything. In fact,

I could tolerate anything, sugar, fat, carbs, breads, pasta, fast foods, ice

cream....etc. This came in handy when I had to put some weight back on, but

NOW, all I have to do it seems it look at something and I am dumping from

it! No rhyme or reason. It is definitely a way to keep a person in line,

but I am not sure if I am pleased with this or not?????

I don't have any suggestions for you, just wanted to let you know that

your're not alone. *s*


RNY May 2000

TT June 2001

Mastoplexy Dec 2001

- 130 lbs @ goal

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Well, this is a possibility, but it's unlike any GI bug I've ever had.

I feel fine when not eating solids, but cramp up as soon as anything

solid touches my pouch. I had something similar to this last spring

when I started taking Effexor XR. It went on for a week, and stopped as

soon as I stopped the drug. I've been on Manerix (not avail. in US, but

it's moclobemide, one of the newer generation of MAO-I antidepressants)

since then with no problems, but am starting to wonder whether this

might be something to do with the build-up of serotonin in my system

from longish-term antidepressant use.

Don't know why it would happen now, and it did seem to be triggered by

that one really bad dumping episode. I'm seeing my GP tomorrow, and

will go to the surgeon if necessary. For now, I'm sucking back protein

shakes like nobody's business! Never thought I'd hear myself say this,

but I don't want to lose any more weight. (Gack! My body has been taken

over by aliens! Me??? Not wanting to lose weight???!)



RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22.7

-150 lbs


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Just my experience here...like sugested, it may be a bug. For myself, I am a

bit more sensitive since the surgery to these type bugs. If I hear stomac

flu, I run like he--! When I was about 18 months out the whole family got

one. They were feeling bad 3 or 4 days. I was in bed a solid week. I

absolutely could not eat. Only water would stay down and that was in small

amounts. In that week I went from 128 to 117! Too thin!

Even if it's not a bug, possible your insides are just a little sensitive

from the day before. I can't explain the original cramp because it seems it

could be from anything. Fun huh? It sounds to me like something's stuck but

I really have no idea.

As for the serotonin, I've taken Zoloft for 6 years now and no problems in

that area for myself. My beautiful teeth are going to pot from what they

tell me is a symtom of dry mouth.

Hope you feel better soon,


RYN distal


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Thanks, Dawn --

You're right, it could very well be some kind of bug, but I find it a

bit scary not to be able to eat at all. I've been focusing so much on

getting my calories up there, trying to stabilize my weight, that the

thought of not eating sends a bit of a chill down my spine! I'm sitting

here once more, sipping yet another shake (no peanut butter or other

foreign substances this time!), and so far so good. Keeping my fingers

and toes crossed!

In terms of what it could be, my current hypotheses are (in no

particular order) some kind of blockage, some kind of irritation, too

much serotonin, the dumping gods are angry with me, or just random

sh*t, which as we all know, happens. Whatever it is, I wish it would

pack its bags and go away.

, feeling slightly grumpy

> ,


> Just my experience here...like sugested, it may be a bug. For myself,

> I am a

> bit more sensitive since the surgery to these type bugs. If I hear

> stomac

> flu, I run like he--! When I was about 18 months out the whole family

> got

> one. They were feeling bad 3 or 4 days. I was in bed a solid week. I

> absolutely could not eat. Only water would stay down and that was in

> small

> amounts. In that week I went from 128 to 117! Too thin!


> Even if it's not a bug, possible your insides are just a little

> sensitive

> from the day before. I can't explain the original cramp because it

> seems it

> could be from anything. Fun huh? It sounds to me like something's

> stuck but

> I really have no idea.



RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22.7

-150 lbs


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:There are many things that you cannot eat with MAO inhibiters. It is

very important that you research this. One of the side effects can be a

serious increase in BP. I take Effexor, but not the time release that you

were taking. I had those cramps but it was relieved by not drinking or

eating cold things first thing (thanks to Dave). I now have a cup of tea,

plus I take GasX during the day.

It is very important that you tell the surgeon all meds perscription and

nonperscription that you are taking.

I hope you resolve this soon.

Fay Bayuk

300/182 10/2301 open rny

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In a message dated 11/28/2002 7:39:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

kdirving@... writes:


> In terms of what it could be, my current hypotheses are (in no

> particular order) some kind of blockage, some kind of irritation, too

> much serotonin, the dumping gods are angry with me, or just random

> sh*t, which as we all know, happens. Whatever it is, I wish it would

> pack its bags and go away.


I am having a similar problem - except the pain presents as terrible gas up

under my ribs in the back, right around to the front. Excrutiating pain. I

went foodless for a few days (4 - 6 shakes a day and water, decaf...) and

then started to add back food slowly. Protein bars...good. Roasted

Chicken...good. Nuts....fine. Sugar free pumpkin pie batter - no problem.

THANKSGIVING DINNER - NOPE! Calling PCP tomorrow. No health insurance till

Sunday so I am trying to avoid the doc until then. My surgeon retired so I

am in between a rock and a hard place.

Hang in there.


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In a message dated 11/29/2002 8:50:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,

kdirving@... writes:

> Well, I don't know if I'd characterize this as gas, exactly -- it feels

> more like a clenching, cramping thing. But otherwise, yes. I did have a

> bite of challah this evening (while everyone else was chowing down on

> latkes and cheese bagels, not that I'm bitter, sniff...), and nothing

> horrendous has happened to me yet. I chewed the bread really really

> well, and am now sitting here with my fingers crossed. Makes typing

> very interesting, I'll tell you! :

Now - tonight I had tuna and egg salad on 1/2 a slice of bread (I VERY RARELY

DO BREAD) with a slice of tomato. I also had the smallest latke on the plate

with some sourcream. About 90 mins later I had a teeny tiny slice of my

sugar free crustless pumpkin pie (YUMMY!) - no problem...that is what is

confounding - I never know what is going to make me double over in pain.

Tomorrow night - another experiment - our 18th wedding anniversary dinner. I

am thinking dry chicken - how exciting! LOL!


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> ,

> I am having a similar problem - except the pain presents as terrible

> gas up

> under my ribs in the back, right around to the front. Excrutiating

> pain. I

> went foodless for a few days (4 - 6 shakes a day and water, decaf...)

> and

> then started to add back food slowly. Protein bars...good. Roasted

> Chicken...good. Nuts....fine. Sugar free pumpkin pie batter - no

> problem.


Well, I don't know if I'd characterize this as gas, exactly -- it feels

more like a clenching, cramping thing. But otherwise, yes. I did have a

bite of challah this evening (while everyone else was chowing down on

latkes and cheese bagels, not that I'm bitter, sniff...), and nothing

horrendous has happened to me yet. I chewed the bread really really

well, and am now sitting here with my fingers crossed. Makes typing

very interesting, I'll tell you! :D



RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22.2

-152 lbs


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