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RE: Happy Thanksgiving

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Just wanted to send a brief note to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

After spending 20 days in ICU and 92 days in the hospital a friend of mine

this morning suggested this probably isn't a time when I feel much like

giving thanks. Nothing could be farther from the truth - he is very wrong.

I am so thankful God in His infinite mercy has seen me through this

difficult time. I am so thankful for my support groups and the many friends

I have made through this group. This year I am 84 pounds lighter than I was

a year ago. I can actually see my toes and wipe my own rear end for the

first time in many years. I don't need a special device to help me do that


This year I can walk and talk at the same time - I am no longer oxygen

starved. Even with this wound vac and needing to use a wheelchair whenever I

leave the house, I know this is the last Thanksgiving I will need the

wheelchair and my wound is slowly closing. The staff infection is gone and

the pain is decreasing daily. Finally Dr Moody is in net for me and I now

have a great team of doctors helping me. Both my surgeons and PCP are in the

same office and work together. Even though I had a good PCP before, I now

have one that understands the gastric bypass surgery and the issues caused

by the surgery. Last Tuesday she ordered a full blood screen to make sure

everything is in balance. She ordered blood cultures just to see if there is

any sign of infection. Next week they are doing the bone density scan.

I want to urge those of you who are fighting various medical issues or

insurance companies to be encouraged. There really are better days ahead.

Just keep documenting every sore spot, every infection and every problem you

have so whenever you need any procedure your doctor can show that it is a

medical necessity. I didn't start doing that until about six months ago and

it has made a major difference in getting things approved.

So, in closing let me that that despite how difficult this year has been, I

am so thankful that I can barely contain it. From my heart let me wish you

and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.


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> So, in closing let me that that despite how difficult this year has

been, I am so thankful that I can barely contain it. From my heart

let me wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.


> Davenport


Dear ,

I'm not usually the mushy type , but your post is a little

reminder of how truly thankful and lucky we all should feel.


in NJ

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