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Hi Alison!

I have always loved the name Alison. Unfortunately, I had 4 boys and never

had my Alison! Oh well.

Welcome to this huge e-mail group. I don't check my e-mails as frequently as

I should - life just seems to get in the way....

Good luck with the diet - we too saw rapid improvement from a gfcf diet. You

can do it!


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  • 5 years later...
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Hi ....

Please go read up at the website: www.pecanbread.com , if you haven't already.

You wrote:

<<Is it SAFE to to the intro diet on a 23 mos old? Could someone list

what they eat on that first few days so maybe i can start this even

before my book arrives? >>

I only have a minute but want to post the following for you. Hope it helps....



From www.pecanbread.com Food Preparation:


ASD Intro Diet

Since the many of the children with ASD were casein free before

beginning the SCDT, here is a list of suggested foods for the intro

diet. The intro diet should be followed for 2-5 days.

Chicken broth

--Chicken broth with pureed cooked carrots

--Chicken broth with chunks of cooked chicken

--Chicken broth with cooked carrot sliced into little " coins "

--Chicken broth with " chicken balls " made from ground chicken

--Chicken broth with " noodles " made from beaten eggs cooked omelette-

style into a " crepe " and then rolled up and thinly sliced

--Chicken egg-drop soup

Chicken pancakes

Roasted chicken

Roasted turkey

Beef broth

--Beef broth with meatballs made from ground beef

Hamburger patties






--sunny side up

--deviled eggs made with homemade mayo

Homemade jello (made from unflavored real gelatin and purple and/or

white grape juice)

Made in a shallow pan and cut with shaped cookie cutters or into cubes


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Welcome ! By the sounds of it you truly belong here! Just like we do!

lol! What a family you have. Sounds like us.

We started the SCDiet because of our sick 22 month old daughter

(celiac/autistic)...She is now two...been SCD for three months, truly am seeing

so much improvement that we can't deny that we are on to something that works.

You truly do need your book, but this is what we did.....she was very very sick

when we started...so was I:

variants of the following: SCD goat yogurt (tiny bit of honey), boiled, poached

or scrambled eggs, homemade gelatin made from legal juice, Home made chicken

soup, puréed carrots, puréed apple sauce and pear sauce.....it was not fun (if

really sick Elaine says to do it for 5 days...other wise just 2 is

sufficient).....we had to do it for 10 because we screwed up and accidentally

ingested some illegal supplements that kept us sick.....but it worked once we

got back on track.

This caused such a " good " die off that when we came out of our first die off,

her delirium episodes, seizures, diarrhea and sadness vanished. She actually

smiled for the first time...a true smile....and now laughs, plays, has

imagination, runs, and is gaining weight! Lost first though.

Make sure that everything that everything that you are eating/ingesting is

" legal " . Go to web site and print out the list of legal and illegal foods. so

you can check and re check your supplements. For us even a tiny, tiny bit

makes my daughter sick/diarrhea or constipation...we have ZERO TOLERANCE for

error. On page 68....when you get your book Elaine suggests " fanatical

adherence " is the only way that this will work for some of us........and for us

it is the only way.

God Bless you Antoinette

Entire family of 5, SCD thanks to celiac, ADD, ADHD, ASD and

hyperekplexia/02/06, and healing when no other way worked...and we tried other

ways....a sad waste of time.

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LOOKING over this intro diet scares me!! My son has sensory issues

and wont accept many foods..he wont eat eggs in any form! he wont eat

chicken or carrot slices. He wont eat hamburger patties or roasted

turkey! i have no idea what chicken pancakes are! The only thing on

this entire list my son will eat is the gelatin..and i cant feed him

just gelatin for 5 days!! HELP!! anyone else out there with these

type of issues?

I will list pretty much ALL that Luke will eat..gerber babyfood

veggies, Gerber dried apples and Gerber dried bananas and

strawberries, peanut butter, cashews, pecans, almonds, sunflower

seeds, oscar meyer bologna and hotdogs, Gerber fruit snacks, fruit

leathers, GFCF peanut butter ball cereal, rice krispies, dried

cranberries, raisins, banana, cantaloupe, watermelon, ANDI protein

bars..thats all i can think of..there might be a couple more foods he

will eat..not many! So how many on this list can he even eat in the

first 2 or 3 stages of this diet?? seeems like not much! i dont know

how i am gonna do this. i hope i can..i really want this constipation

to go away!



> ASD Intro Diet


> Since the many of the children with ASD were casein free before

> beginning the SCDT, here is a list of suggested foods for the intro

> diet. The intro diet should be followed for 2-5 days.


> <<original post clipped for length by moderator>>

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Welcome . It sounds like you do have alot going on but I want to encourage

you to do the diet. It will probably work for both boys but getting a 17 year

old to follow the diet will be tough. I have a 16 yr old that has been doing it

for 2 years and it can be tough but WELL worth it. It is personality changing.

The book gives a chapter on schizophrenia. There is much more to read on the

gut and brain function. It's amazing about the connection. You will be amazed

at times. Pearl

wrote: Hello everyone!!

My name is and i am a 36 yr old mother of 2 boys. Joey is 17

yrs old and has schizo-affective disorder (bipolar and schizophrenia)

and Luke is probably a high functioning autistic or Aspbergers,

though hasnt been officially diagnosed. Luke is 23 mos. old. He has

been in therapy with Early Intervention for 2 mos now. Weekly he sees

a Speech Therapist, An Occupational Therapist, A Developmental

therapist, and twice a month he sees a nutritionist. Luke has sensory

issues and is very picky about eating many foods. Luke isnt talking

yet except to say " dada " " hi " and " hi ya bud " . We have a dr. appt set

up in Sept for an intake with a developmental ped. to try and get a

diagnosis for him.

Luke didnt start walking till 18 mos old. He also doesnt play with

toys in the normal fashion. His favorite things to do is turn light

switches on and off, watch fans spin, push cars and his stroller

around the yard and stack things, as well as spinning wheels on cars.

Luke started with SEVERE constipation issues at about 11 mos old when

i first introduced cows milk into his diet. He then started having

monthly ear infections also. After a while of trying to figure out

what was wrong the ped suggested i take him off all dairy products.

He has been dairy free for about 6 mos now. When i first took him off

the dairy the constipation subsided for about a month, then it came

back. Though he isnt constipated daily like before taking him off

dairy, he is constipated now a good week out of every month. We found

out about the GFCF diet and took him off of gluten about a month ago.

We have notices SOME positive changes. He can now tolerate crowds of

people better than before. He started talking and saying his 3 words

right after takin him off the gluten. he wasnt speaking at all or

babbling before that. He now babbles often and tries to speak but the

words dont seem to come out yet. He used to spin his car wheels

constantly..since taking him off the gluten he rarely does anymore

and is also interested in stacking and putting things in and out of

buckets, whereas before he couldnt do any of that. I am thriled with

the few changes we HAVE seen but i feel like we are still missing

something vital.

He STILL has the constipation problems..matter of fact hes been

constipated the past week and today with a suppository i finally got

some of the poop out!! I found out yesterday about the SCD diet and i

figure its worth trying. I will do anything to help this poor child.

I am so sick of seeing him screaming and pushing and crying all the

time due to this constipation. Today i ordered " Breaking the Vicious

Cycle " from Amazon and am looking forward to recieving the book and

implementing the diet!

Is it SAFE to to the intro diet on a 23 mos old? Could someone list

what they eat on that first few days so maybe i can start this even

before my book arrives? I am anxious, especially since he is

constipated again..i dont want the poor baby suffering any longer!

Thanks so much and i am looking forward to learning more from you all!


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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