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ps chickens group

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I know what you mean Deb. Me too. I've had no ps, although I could probably

fly aloft in just the slightest breeze (grin). Hospital for me means they're

might try to hurt me bad again. I've had four dead-serious hospitalizations

since/because of GBypass— and I feel lucky to have gotten out with my actual

life intact. (I think said I was a kitty cat--in which case I have

four lives left--well that's pretty good actually, eh? four is good, right?


Maybe we need a 'ps chickens' group for those of us who have been to

hospitals for 'less than happy events' more than three or four scary times in

a row like you and me Deb. (grin) We could all hold hands and shiver together

and tell " scar " stories or 'and 'it dang near killed me' stories, or


Seriously, I think it is going to take having volunteer angels around us for

the duration in order for us to have ps. Angel people who really know what

the heck they are really talking about, who have had ps themselves AND ARE

HAPPY WITH IT, who really, really, really trust the doc who 'did' the

surgery, and will recommend them, who will hold our poor little weak elbows

(and skittery knees) all the way through and back again, before, during and

after. And you know, they would talk that nice 'you can do it' talk to us

like we are only really two years old.

I think we might need a special angel too for those of us who are older and

already have bodies from various assaults, near misses and attacks that look

like railroad track yards (grin) I am just sure that some people have ps just

to consolidate their seeming jillions of scars into just two or three

scars---that'd be me---grin. Man, my poor boddy, how deeply she has tried to

serve me. I care for her and do not want to frighten her with all the stories

about terrible pain from ps--she has paid dues and paid and paid. Enough!



In a message dated 12/1/02 3:42:30 PM, Graduate-OSSG writes:

<< Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 21:26:22 -0800

Subject: RE: My Quick Update

Jan, Glad you got the touch ups. You and others that have had PS are so

brave. I am such a wimp. After the original RNY, a revision and then TWO

knee replacements........I am just NOT willing to put myself through any

more pain. I would LOVE to have a lower body lift, but am just so queezy

about the whole thing. I don't think just a regular tummy tuck would do

it. The thighs and butt really need help too. {{{SIGH}}}} I read about

everyone's adventures in plastics........and still almost 4 years

out....I am just not ready.

Debbie in Gig Harbor




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Ceep! Yes, I am a big chicken! What I would GIVE, though, to consolidate

the scars. LOL Not possible, because a tummy tuck or a breast lift would

NOT do any thing to help those 12 " scars down the front of my knees from

the replacements. Those scars remind me daily how close I came to being

wheel chair bound from knee problems. I was a whopping 45 years of age

when my left knee was replaced. When I came out of surgery, my surgeon

told my Mother that I had no joint left and it was far worse then even

he suspected. Same with the right knee. Because of the severity of my

knee problems, I had atrophied muscles and tendons. Recovery and

physical therapy (otherwise known as Pain and Torture) was extremely

painful and difficult. I just can't seem to bring myself to SELF inflict

more pain upon an already stressed out body.

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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Dear Debbie,

I totally understand where you are coming from. After having three major

surgeries within a 14 month period just to survive, I am in no hurry to have

surgery again to remove the redundant skin. However, I am going to have no

choice but to to have an abdominoplasty due to the excess weight causing me

extreme lower back and leg pain now.. I am dreading another recuperative post

operative period though.. trying to wait as long as I can ... I will be two

years post op from my original surgery on Dec 12 and one year post op from my

third surgery on Feb 7......

I , however, have lots to be thankful for.. life, health, mobility.. even

if I do have some pain now, friends, family, and freedom to do most thingss

I want .

Take care


from GA

open RNY 12/12/00

Revision 04/18/01

Revision 02/07/02

St wt.... 392


Wt loss..-205

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why, you pluck, puck puck, took the words right out of my mouth, pusck, pucl,

plcuk---am just learning chicken talk, don't make fun of me.

oh man, see now evil ceep, you are so, er, something, that there are even

evil ceep imposters now! See what you did by all your showing off while I

wasn't looking. Geez.



<< LOL Like the (groan) CHICKEN dance?

Evil Ceep made me say that!!!!! She has such power over my fingers!!!!


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, You are so right.....we have so much to be thankful for. I can

walk now with little pain. The muscles get sore, but the knees don't

hurt anymore. I walk well enough that I am fulfilling my dream of

showing dogs as I can NOW walk around the ring. GBP has also provided me

with the energy to groom and train a dog for show. A very time consuming

prospect I can tell you. So, life is better...........BUT I am still a

chicken! LOL

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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okay, I guess we be da chicken group


Ceep, Do we get a SPECIAL dance? LOL Like the (groan) CHICKEN dance?

Evil Ceep made me say that!!!!! She has such power over my fingers!!!!

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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