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Marjie's problem/my problem

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wrote (about Marjie):

> IN a nutshell - for

the past 10 days, she has been experiencing severe abdominal pain

within a half hour after eating. Not every time, and without reason or

rationale. It emanates form the pouch area, and radiates around her

entire torso to the back at the lower rib line. It has typically

passed within an hour or two,

but has had her writhing on the floor in tears. Gas-X has provided a

very little relief. Some gas has moved (up and down) and that has

provided moments of relief, and it eventually passes without any

residuals. She has had a day or two without pains, but then it starts

up again.

YES!!! THIS IS IT!!! This is the thing that I've had over the past few

days (better today and yesterday, BTW, thanks to everyone who's

e-mailed with concern). Totally unpredictable, cannot tell when it will

strike next, but for me, the only thing that is even remotely soothing

is lying curled up on a heating pad and hoping the pain will subside.

I did hear from the surgeon's office this morning. His receptionist

said she'd described my symptoms to him, and he'd said, " That shouldn't

be happening, " (you bet your sweet bippy it shouldn't be happening!),

and I'm now booked for a gastroscopy on Dec. 20. I'm hoping this will

tell at least part of the tale. Will let you all know.

Funny that we should be having the same thing at the same time, but

hope Marjie's feeling better and back on her feet soon. And thanks for

posting -- you made me feel as though I might not be completely insane

(or a hypochondriac) after all!



RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22.2

-152 lbs


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