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To thank Vera for her posting on Pneumonia

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At first I wasn't sure if this posting was for me. I know that there is someone on the list that has a OT name Vera and it's driving me nuts with the posting. Not sure which Vera it is for. This one I knew was for me because you spoke of Fred. I'm glad that my posting helped your mother and they got the pneumonia early. You don't know how big you made my chest feel just by this posting. I don't think they could get the whole thing on a x ray if I had one done. It is so big right now, but I won't let it go to my head. :o)

I would love to take all the credit, but I have to give credit where credit is due. I've learned from the best here on the list Pam, Bill, Barb , Barb Selleck, Carol, Debbie, Judy, Fisher and etc , etc. The list is so long that I can't remember all of them that have been of help when I needed it the most. I'm just glad that I can show them my thanks by being of help to someone else like you. I'll try to find more things that will be of help in the future.

God bless Vera



Thank you! My step-father called us after 10pm. last night to notify

us that my mother was extremely weak. With great effort he managed to

take my mother to the toilet and help her change for bed. He

insisted that we not come over and promised to call us if her

condition deteriorated further. Arrived at their home early this

morning and both my step-father and Mother greeted me with smiles.

My step-father reported that they had no problems toileting and that

my mother was much stonger. I was also told to help myself to some

breakfast as they had already eaten there's. Little did they know I

was on medical alert (still) from last night's call. In my car were

the necessary articles,pamphlets ect. on MSA, Oh and a printed copy

of Vera's post dated Tue. June 18th subject: It's Pneumonia again.

On hearing a little more congestion then is usual I was able to get

them to agree that my husband and I take my mother to the hospital.

My wish was that upon arriving at the hospital (emergency dept.) and

after explaining "the nature of the illness"(this is where I use

visual aides ie. Various MSA articles, the Symptom Management print

material I have ect. ect.)and listening to the daughter's concern of

this "prounounced crackle" or congestion, they would follow up with a

chest x-ray and blood work (white cell count). A young doctor was on

duty, he was not familiar with this type of disorder. I told him that

I thought he would find my mother's case interesting. As he was

introducing himself to my mother and me, I noticed, that he was

carrying the various copies of MSA material I had given to the charge

nurse. "What brings you here today" he said. I removed the copy of

Vera's email post from my pocket and handed it to him, he sat down

and read it. "I would like to take some chest x-rays and blood" Yes,

wish granted! Not wanting to push the envelope, but, also not being

able to stop myself I also told him I was concerned about my mother's

sodium and potassium levels. 45 minutes later he had the results of

both the x-ray

and blood work. "Well", he said,"I think we caught it early ... I

will prescribe not 250 mg, but, 500mg of Levaquin for a week. I

think it will clear this right up, we caught it very early! The

white cell count is a little elevated and the sodium level is low,

but, not too low and I believe this to be consistent with the

elevated white cell count. "Oh", he said, "I also tested for

electrolites and that is good and potassium levels are fine". Thank

you, Vera!! Thank you to the Group for all the valuble reference

material I collect and distribute to various health care providers.

After we left the hospital we went to KFC. (kentucy fried chicken for

take-out lunch, my Mom's most favourite food in the world, although,

not a best choice for her being a type 2 diabetic) then drove home to

get her to bed.

After note Questions: Is there a list already available that lists

indicators of possible infection where if we suspect a possible

infection we could refer to a "hit" list of this kind to help aide

us. For example: Respirtory Infection/Pnemonia

1. Sudden weakness

2. chest congestion, raspyness,pronounced crackle, ect.

3. sudden horseness in voice ect.

4. If type 2 diabetic you experience unexplained

flucuation in your blood sugar testing

Bladder Infection


If someone knows where I can find a quick reference list to help me

and other careproviders I would be very greatful!

Vera, once again, thank you for your Post. I hope Fred's Pneumonia

clears soon!


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Thank you! My step-father called us after 10pm. last night to notify

us that my mother was extremely weak. With great effort he managed to

take my mother to the toilet and help her change for bed. He

insisted that we not come over and promised to call us if her

condition deteriorated further. Arrived at their home early this

morning and both my step-father and Mother greeted me with smiles.

My step-father reported that they had no problems toileting and that

my mother was much stonger. I was also told to help myself to some

breakfast as they had already eaten there's. Little did they know I

was on medical alert (still) from last night's call. In my car were

the necessary articles,pamphlets ect. on MSA, Oh and a printed copy

of Vera's post dated Tue. June 18th subject: It's Pneumonia again.

On hearing a little more congestion then is usual I was able to get

them to agree that my husband and I take my mother to the hospital.

My wish was that upon arriving at the hospital (emergency dept.) and

after explaining " the nature of the illness " (this is where I use

visual aides ie. Various MSA articles, the Symptom Management print

material I have ect. ect.)and listening to the daughter's concern of

this " prounounced crackle " or congestion, they would follow up with a

chest x-ray and blood work (white cell count). A young doctor was on

duty, he was not familiar with this type of disorder. I told him that

I thought he would find my mother's case interesting. As he was

introducing himself to my mother and me, I noticed, that he was

carrying the various copies of MSA material I had given to the charge

nurse. " What brings you here today " he said. I removed the copy of

Vera's email post from my pocket and handed it to him, he sat down

and read it. " I would like to take some chest x-rays and blood " Yes,

wish granted! Not wanting to push the envelope, but, also not being

able to stop myself I also told him I was concerned about my mother's

sodium and potassium levels. 45 minutes later he had the results of

both the x-ray

and blood work. " Well " , he said, " I think we caught it early ... I

will prescribe not 250 mg, but, 500mg of Levaquin for a week. I

think it will clear this right up, we caught it very early! The

white cell count is a little elevated and the sodium level is low,

but, not too low and I believe this to be consistent with the

elevated white cell count. " Oh " , he said, " I also tested for

electrolites and that is good and potassium levels are fine " . Thank

you, Vera!! Thank you to the Group for all the valuble reference

material I collect and distribute to various health care providers.

After we left the hospital we went to KFC. (kentucy fried chicken for

take-out lunch, my Mom's most favourite food in the world, although,

not a best choice for her being a type 2 diabetic) then drove home to

get her to bed.

After note Questions: Is there a list already available that lists

indicators of possible infection where if we suspect a possible

infection we could refer to a " hit " list of this kind to help aide

us. For example: Respirtory Infection/Pnemonia

1. Sudden weakness

2. chest congestion, raspyness,pronounced crackle, ect.

3. sudden horseness in voice ect.

4. If type 2 diabetic you experience unexplained

flucuation in your blood sugar testing

Bladder Infection


If someone knows where I can find a quick reference list to help me

and other careproviders I would be very greatful!

Vera, once again, thank you for your Post. I hope Fred's Pneumonia

clears soon!


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Would you mind re posting this Pneumonia email as I must have missed

it. Many thanks

Message: 15

Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 19:59:43 EDT

From: FVJAMES@...

Subject: RE:To thank Vera for her posting on Pneumonia


At first I wasn't sure if this posting was for me. I know that there is

someone on the list that has a OT name Vera and it's driving me nuts with the

posting. Not sure which Vera it is for. This one I knew was for me because

you spoke of Fred. I'm glad that my posting helped your mother and they got

the pneumonia early. You don't know how big you made my chest feel just by

this posting. I don't think they could get the whole thing on a x ray if I

had one done. It is so big right now, but I won't let it go to my head. :o)

I would love to take all the credit, but I have to give credit where credit

is due. I've learned from the best here on the list Pam, Bill, Barb ,

Barb Selleck, Carol, Debbie, Judy, Fisher and etc , etc. The list is so

long that I can't remember all of them that have been of help when I needed

it the most. I'm just glad that I can show them my thanks by being of help to

someone else like you. I'll try to find more things that will be of help in

the future.

God bless Vera

Sennewald Charlottesville, Virginia

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