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More lab/vitamin questions

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In a message dated 12/4/02 8:28:19 PM Central Standard Time,

lilwhistler@... writes:

<< I bought some dry Vit. A...10,000 IU tablets.....do I take one of these a

day? Do I still take my A & D capsules as well? >>


What form of Vit A are the tablets? You want to NOT be taking palmitate or

retinol in 10,000 iu amounts daily. That could cause toxic build-up. However,

if the vit A is in beta-carotene form, 10,000iu is not a problem. In fact,

you can take up to 25,000iu daily of beta-carotene and not worry it's too


A & D caps, again it depends on what form the vit A is in. If not beta

carotene, it would probably be advisable to not do more than a total of

2000iu a day. Check your labels and see how much of what you're getting in

everything, total, and in what form. U also want to be a bit careful with vit

D. Current RDA is 400iu; they're thinking of upping that to 800iu. If it were

me, I don't think I'd want to go more than about 1000 or 1200iu at the very

most. Depends on how distal you are. D3 (cholecalciferol) works better for us

than D2 (ergocalciferol). Again, read labels. If they don't tell u what u

want to know, call the mfr.

Carol A

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Hi Everyone,

Well, I'm going to the experts on this one (that would you guys!).....

I recently reported on my abnormal labwork done recently and I have a few

questions. It was suggested to me to take Milk Thistle for my elevated

LFT's...how much of this do I take and with what/when? I also seem to

have a problem with my absorption of Vit. A and Iron. A was low at 27

and Ferritin was low at 6. I bought some dry Vit. A...10,000 IU

tablets.....do I take one of these a day? Do I still take my A & D

capsules as well? As for Iron, well, I already got advice but can

someone refresh my memory on the " good " types vs " bad " types of iron?

How long does it take for these things to kick in?

I requested a bone density scan and they called today with my

results....all she said was that is was " normal " . Do I need more

information that just this? Should I request a copy of this report as


Thanks so much! I love my surgeon to death....she did a great job and

I've had NO complications thus far. She has always been agreeable to any

lab requests I had, however I don't think the office knows squat about

after surgery nutrition and prevention.

Looking forward to hearing opinions.....

Sharon P.

Indianapolis, IN

Rny 7-30-01

about 100cm bypassed

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> Hi Everyone,


> Well, I'm going to the experts on this one (that would you guys!).....


> I recently reported on my abnormal labwork done recently and I have a few

> questions. It was suggested to me to take Milk Thistle for my elevated

> LFT's...how much of this do I take and with what/when?

****** we only take 500mg twice/day. But we're still experimenting.

I also seem to

> have a problem with my absorption of Vit. A and Iron. A was low at 27

> and Ferritin was low at 6. I bought some dry Vit. A...10,000 IU

> tablets.....do I take one of these a day?

******** good start. Ask to be retested in 90 days & see if you went up or


Do I still take my A & D

> capsules as well?

******** you were already taking this when your A was low? Then, you'd need

this PLUS whatever you add.

Where was your D level?

As for Iron, well, I already got advice but can

> someone refresh my memory on the " good " types vs " bad " types of iron?

****** bad: ferrous sulfate

good: how much time you got?

OTC or Rx?

> How long does it take for these things to kick in?

******** iron & B12 kick in fairly quickly, or so I've seen. Even a few

days can show a change once you hit the right formula

> I requested a bone density scan and they called today with my

> results....all she said was that is was " normal " . Do I need more

> information that just this? Should I request a copy of this report as

> well?

********** yes, just throw it in your file for next year's comparison


> Thanks so much! I love my surgeon to death....she did a great job and

> I've had NO complications thus far. She has always been agreeable to any

> lab requests I had, however I don't think the office knows squat about

> after surgery nutrition and prevention.

******** and you will teach them! LOL!


> Looking forward to hearing opinions.....


> Sharon P.

> Indianapolis, IN

> Rny 7-30-01

> about 100cm bypassed


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