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The key for me at least is to drink the proteins first as they pretty much

go right through the pouch and they give me satisfaction and nutrition my

body needs to build and maintain muscle so I can eat REAL food. I've done

the optifast thing several times myself. And I need to have real food or I

am just not a happy camper. But I make better food choices and eat a fairly

normal diet and am still losing. I just try to make good food choices after

having my protein shakes. If I don't do the proteins, I just seem to graze

all day. And that ain't good for me.

I'm with Randy. When I read what some people limit themselves to after WLS,

it amazes me. A handful of nuts and a few crackers??? I don't get it

personally, but whatever works for each person I guess. I drink 5 proteins

per day, have 2 meals and on really hungry days 3 meals and a small piece of

fruit for a snack at night. My meals aren't huge but they do satisfy me. I

try to get in more proteins and less carbs and limit myself to one piece of

bread per day. The other carbs I do take in are veggies...love spinach 3/4

cup and cauliflower 3/4 cup with about a half of a small backed yam. These

satisfy me and have so much water that when chewed well it doesn't overfill

me. If I am having protein, I usually have just that like a chicken thigh

or small broiled hamburger with perhaps a little salad on the side. If I

want a piece of bread, I use the orowheat light slices and just one piece

toasted and slice a hard boiled egg on my buttered toast with some salt and

pepper. That's a meal for me or an evening snack instead of fruit. If I'm

hungry when I go to bed, I just can't sleep. The protein fills me and stays

with me much longer. I usually go 4 or 5 hours between meals except for

having a protein shake every two hours. And I usually don't have my first

meal until I have been up and around for a few hours. I just do the protein

shakes. Otherwise, I want to eat all day long and personally I enjoy the

empty feeling for the first few hours of the day. Anyway, that's just my



Martha H

Hill Ca

Message: 25

Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 08:28:55 -0500

Subject: Re: Re: Dinner

I gotta agree with you Randy.........IF I ever got my protein shakes in I

wouldn't get any food with it!!! This is my biggest stumbling block.....I

want REAL food! When I make an effort to get protein shakes in I spend my

whole day revolved around food......depresses me to no end!! I keep saying

the same thing to myself.....I didn't have this surgery to live on shakes

the rest of my life.......I could have done that with Optifast (and tried it

twice!) I'm seriously discouraged!!!!!!! P.

Re: Dinner



> > On Friday I had,

> > Breakfast: Protein shake, coffee

> > Mid AM snack: protein shake

> > Lunch 3/4 Subway salad with turkey, dressing was vinegar and mustard.

> > Mid PM snack: protein shake

> > chunk of cheese

> > Dinner 1-1 1/2 c white chili 4 saltines

> > Hand full of cashews

> > Water for the day was at least 96 oz and a couple of cups of herbal tea.

> > Vicki in IA

> > VBG 6-97 364/212

> > RNY 6-29-01 295/186/160?

> > Hernia Repair and panni 11/19/02

> >

> >

> > Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

> >

> > Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I didn't have this surgery to live on shakes

the rest of my life.


I loved my shakes....Don't get me wrong, I could drink the shakes several time's

a day... I'd love to... I can't. I have one and my blood sugar bottoms out, I

mean quick and very low.... All mine have less than 2gms of sugar and only 2 gms

of carbs per shake, so i'ts not dumping. I also do this if my meals are high in

protein, or high in carbs, so it has to be well balanced for me, or just a

little higher in carbs than anything else.




AIM: rlogleeln

Open RNY: Sept. 26, 2001: 204 lbs gone.

Daddy to Doogun, Jasper, and Zoe.

Lord, Please help me to become the Person

my Dog's think I am.

Re: Dinner

> >

> >

> > > On Friday I had,

> > > Breakfast: Protein shake, coffee

> > > Mid AM snack: protein shake

> > > Lunch 3/4 Subway salad with turkey, dressing was vinegar and mustard.

> > > Mid PM snack: protein shake

> > > chunk of cheese

> > > Dinner 1-1 1/2 c white chili 4 saltines

> > > Hand full of cashews

> > > Water for the day was at least 96 oz and a couple of cups of herbal tea.

> > > Vicki in IA

> > > VBG 6-97 364/212

> > > RNY 6-29-01 295/186/160?

> > > Hernia Repair and panni 11/19/02

> > >

> > >

> > > Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

> > >

> > > Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Have you tried to increase you're food intake... Maybe kick start

somethin'.... I know I shouldn't bitch about being underweight and eating

whatever I want.... I've a bad habit of doin' this.... I was at work the

other day and a chunky lady was complaining about her diet, I was eating a

chocolate chip cookie, she a frozen diet meal (packed with carbs and sugars,

I might add) I offered her some advice on the sugar and carb content of the

meal she was consuming, and she said " You tiny skinny people really piss me

off, when you're fat, and know what it's like then talk to me. " I just

smiled, apoligized and said, " It really must be rough. " I then had four more

chocolate chip cookies while I sat and glared at her eating her sugar and

carb filled meal..Little did she know the cookies were sugar free and I did

know, I knew oh so very well. I'm sure she'll hear thru the grape vine

sooner or later.




AIM: rlogleeln

Open RNY: Sept. 26, 2001: 204 lbs gone.

Daddy to Doogun, Jasper, and Zoe.

Lord, Please help me to become the Person

my Dog's think I am.

Re: Re: Dinner

> In a message dated 12/7/2002 2:56:23 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> rlogle@... writes:

> << Okay, now look at this and then see my response below, and help me

> understand.

> ______________________________________________


> On Friday I had,

> Breakfast: Protein shake, coffee

> Mid AM snack: protein shake

> Lunch 3/4 Subway salad with turkey, dressing was vinegar and mustard.

> Mid PM snack: protein shake

> chunk of cheese

> Dinner 1-1 1/2 c white chili 4 saltines

> Hand full of cashews

> Water for the day was at least 96 oz and a couple of cups of herbal tea.

> _________________________________________________________

> Okay, nothing against you Vicki, or anyone else, but I have a question.

> How in the hell do any of you live, and function on so little food? I


> die. I did not have this surgery to punish myself and this eating seems


> be punishment. >>

> I'd say kiss the ground and be grateful cause I eat a hell of a lot less


> that on most days. I am 5' 3 " tall and weigh between 215 and 220. I lose


> to 2 pounds per month at 15 months out. I have lost a total of 40 pounds


> the last 12 months and have a long way to go. I'm just trying to get by


> best I can, to be healthy and get this damn weight OFF. This is the hand


> dealt and I really really really try not to whine about it. But it is hard


> listen to people who can and do eat whatever they want and stay at an


> size/weight and they wonder what is " wrong " that the rest of us can't just

> get it right. Yes it feels like punishment sometimes, but I imagine

> psoriasis, kidney stones, prostate trouble, drug addicted teenagers, and


> of other things I DON'T have to suffer do as well.

> B


> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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Dear Randy, do you tell her you DO know about being heavy? That you had

gastric bypass surgery?



In a message dated 12/8/02 5:13:28 PM, Graduate-OSSG writes:

<< Have you tried to increase you're food intake... Maybe kick start

somethin'.... I know I shouldn't bitch about being underweight and eating

whatever I want.... I've a bad habit of doin' this.... I was at work the

other day and a chunky lady was complaining about her diet, I was eating a

chocolate chip cookie, she a frozen diet meal (packed with carbs and sugars,

I might add) I offered her some advice on the sugar and carb content of the

meal she was consuming, and she said " You tiny skinny people really piss me

off, when you're fat, and know what it's like then talk to me. " I just

smiled, apoligized and said, " It really must be rough. " I then had four more

chocolate chip cookies while I sat and glared at her eating her sugar and

carb filled meal..Little did she know the cookies were sugar free and I did

know, I knew oh so very well. I'm sure she'll hear thru the grape vine

sooner or later.

Randy >>

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I'd say kiss the ground and be grateful cause I eat a hell of a lot less than

that on most days. I am 5' 3 " tall and weigh between 215 and 220. I lose 1

to 2 pounds per month at 15 months out. I have lost a total of 40 pounds in

the last 12 months and have a long way to go. I'm just trying to get by the

best I can, to be healthy and get this damn weight OFF. This is the hand I'm

dealt and I really really really try not to whine about it. But it is hard to

listen to people who can and do eat whatever they want and stay at an ideal

size/weight and they wonder what is " wrong " that the rest of us can't just

get it right. Yes it feels like punishment sometimes, but I imagine

psoriasis, kidney stones, prostate trouble, drug addicted teenagers, and lots

of other things I DON'T have to suffer do as well.





Don't fret...these people that CAN eat a lot and lose are a minority, I

think, and a lot are still in the honeymoon phase of their surgery...some

never have a honeymoon phase. Eventually, we all have to face the music, and

work at it. It isn't easy. If misery loves company, you have a lot of it!!


´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Jacque

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


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I just wonder randy, if there is a way to " kill her with kindness. " ? Smething

like this; " I know there's a lot of anguish one feels when you see people

taking drastic steps over what seems like a simple situ of eating too much. I

too wish life would be a lot simpler and all solutions fit for all

people..... "

I have met a lot of people who hate 'fat people' and themselves as fat people

becuase they think they cannot afford the surgery and/or fear they will be

ridiculted mercilessly by their significant people--and so have an abreaction

to the entire concept of for many has been a life-giving surgery. (A person

who calls people fags sounds anguished, cannot be proud of themselves deep

down where they are real, it would seem to me.) There is also the case of

post-traumatic stress symdrome which causes a lot of people to take on an

incredibly acid persona as a defense.

Well, I know these situs are quite complicated; I know you will try to do the


just ceep's two cent's worth

<< Ceep,

Nope, didn't mention it... Let her live in her self hatred and eat on....

She's one of these that will talk about everyone, we have quiet a few WLS

pts come thru the ER and she's alway's the one to say... Well that's what

they deserve.... She thinks it's not natural... Boy will she feel stupid

when it get's around to her that I'm a WLS pt.... LOL... Same thing happened

to her when she was talking about " fag's " ...Little did she know.... She

never apoligized for that one but avoided me for a while, so I know that

someone had told her that I was gay.... She'll get her's....LOL....

Randy >>

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Randy.....I can have really bad reactions to them too...........I have the exact

same experience as you described......coupled with insane hunger 20 or so

minutes after eating one............feels like MAJOR low blood sugar. They can

also make me wicked sick!! Doesn't happen all the time......just enough to

scare me! I was always concerened about the " calories " involved and felt as

though I had to justify them by counting it as a meal. I am going to stop doing

this and just believe that I won't balloon up.............. P.

Re: Dinner

> >

> >

> > > On Friday I had,

> > > Breakfast: Protein shake, coffee

> > > Mid AM snack: protein shake

> > > Lunch 3/4 Subway salad with turkey, dressing was vinegar and mustard.

> > > Mid PM snack: protein shake

> > > chunk of cheese

> > > Dinner 1-1 1/2 c white chili 4 saltines

> > > Hand full of cashews

> > > Water for the day was at least 96 oz and a couple of cups of herbal tea.

> > > Vicki in IA

> > > VBG 6-97 364/212

> > > RNY 6-29-01 295/186/160?

> > > Hernia Repair and panni 11/19/02

> > >

> > >

> > > Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

> > >

> > > Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Nope, didn't mention it... Let her live in her self hatred and eat on....

She's one of these that will talk about everyone, we have quiet a few WLS

pts come thru the ER and she's alway's the one to say... Well that's what

they deserve.... She thinks it's not natural... Boy will she feel stupid

when it get's around to her that I'm a WLS pt.... LOL... Same thing happened

to her when she was talking about " fag's " ...Little did she know.... She

never apoligized for that one but avoided me for a while, so I know that

someone had told her that I was gay.... She'll get her's....LOL....




AIM: rlogleeln

Open RNY: Sept. 26, 2001: 204 lbs gone.

Daddy to Doogun, Jasper, and Zoe.

Lord, Please help me to become the Person

my Dog's think I am.

Re: dinner

> Dear Randy, do you tell her you DO know about being heavy? That you had

> gastric bypass surgery?

> love,

> ceep

> In a message dated 12/8/02 5:13:28 PM, Graduate-OSSG



> << Have you tried to increase you're food intake... Maybe kick start


> somethin'.... I know I shouldn't bitch about being underweight and eating


> whatever I want.... I've a bad habit of doin' this.... I was at work the


> other day and a chunky lady was complaining about her diet, I was eating a


> chocolate chip cookie, she a frozen diet meal (packed with carbs and



> I might add) I offered her some advice on the sugar and carb content of



> meal she was consuming, and she said " You tiny skinny people really piss



> off, when you're fat, and know what it's like then talk to me. " I just


> smiled, apoligized and said, " It really must be rough. " I then had four



> chocolate chip cookies while I sat and glared at her eating her sugar and


> carb filled meal..Little did she know the cookies were sugar free and I



> know, I knew oh so very well. I'm sure she'll hear thru the grape vine


> sooner or later.


> Randy >>



> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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" I surrendered the importance of what I ate, and FINALLY surrendered

the importance of food to me personally every day, that my day did not

revolve around what I ate "

Nicely put Judy. After three plus years I've gotten to that place too.

Try not to let food run my day to day existence and am finally enjoying



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