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New to site and not feeling welcome..

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I posted a week or so ago, saying hello and that I was new to the

board. I never received one hello or welcome, and I've noticed

others that have posted that they were new also and have never

received a welcome either. I don't know about anyone else, but it

kind of makes you feel unwelcome. Just my two cents worth. I was

looking forward to this site and getting some feedback on some long

term issues. Maybe you can have someone, anyone just drop a quick

note to newbies to the site to let them know that they are welcome

to be here and that they are not being ignored.


6/8/01 -110

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Please don't feel bad. You will see that nearly 3000 people belong

to this group. Most of us are lurkers and just read the posts. We

all assume someone else will answer questions or welcome a new

member. You will notice pretty much the same people post. In a

group this large you mustn't take things personally. If there were

just a dozen of us it would be different.

I know, you'd think that with a group this big someone would have

answered, but if we all did that we'd be busy constantly.

Anyway, welcome and now what are your questions? Someone will be

sure to respond.



> I posted a week or so ago, saying hello and that I was new to the

> board. I never received one hello or welcome, and I've noticed

> others that have posted that they were new also and have never

> received a welcome either. I don't know about anyone else, but it

> kind of makes you feel unwelcome. Just my two cents worth. I was

> looking forward to this site and getting some feedback on some


> term issues. Maybe you can have someone, anyone just drop a quick

> note to newbies to the site to let them know that they are welcome

> to be here and that they are not being ignored.


> Gail

> 6/8/01 -110

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So sorry we've made you feel unwelcome.... Albeit late.... Welcome to the

group.. There is such a large volume of mail, as I'm sure you've see, that

come's from this group that some of us just skim over many of 'em...

Again, welcome to you, congrats on your loss.

Also welcome to any other new member's to the group, if I, personaly, can

ever be of any help to any of you just hit me up, my AIM username is below,

in my signature, along with my addy and www addy to mt home page.




AIM: rlogleeln

Open RNY: Sept. 26, 2001: 204 lbs gone.

Daddy to Doogun, Jasper, and Zoe.

Lord, Please help me to become the Person

my Dog's think I am.

New to site and not feeling welcome..

> I posted a week or so ago, saying hello and that I was new to the

> board. I never received one hello or welcome, and I've noticed

> others that have posted that they were new also and have never

> received a welcome either. I don't know about anyone else, but it

> kind of makes you feel unwelcome. Just my two cents worth. I was

> looking forward to this site and getting some feedback on some long

> term issues. Maybe you can have someone, anyone just drop a quick

> note to newbies to the site to let them know that they are welcome

> to be here and that they are not being ignored.


> Gail

> 6/8/01 -110



> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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dear all newbies to the group

I have taken the role occasionally of The Welcome Dragon Lady and

welcomed folks as theh came online as have many other members here

since forever. However, as the list grew past just a handful of

people, the prob is that we cannot always respond in a timely way, or

we miss a post or several in a row from newbies , or the subject line

does not let us know a newbie (one year out) is writing. Most of us

have retired from the job for this reason; it is impossible to keep

current, not only is the list near 3000, people come and go, some

post, some don't. I can't speak for anyone else, but writing is

excruciating for me, and it takes me a long time to craft whatever

tuppence I have to say. I want to very much, but cannot often find

enough time to make all the posts to all the persons I would like to.

My personal email backlog is about 8 weeks at the mopment for this

reason. Yikes!

Regardless, Everyone is WELCOME here, all here dwell free. PLease ask

your questions. I feel prtty sure many here will have answers, and if

not, I assure you that we will have a cascade of OPINIO

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In a message dated 12/8/2002 9:35:31 PM Pacific Standard Time,

crazy4myswayze@... writes:

> I don't know about anyone else, but it kind of makes you feel unwelcome.

> Just my two cents worth. I was looking forward to this site and getting

> some feedback on some long term issues.

Just for the record, I am also in this group to get information on issues.

As a group member, I feel no obligation to offer up rote welcomes to members

who join the group, and I don't feel the need to receive them. If you have

an issue, then by all means raise it. If people have an opinion or

experience, they'll certainly respond. If no one else has an opinion about

it, then you may not get a response. Don't take these things personally -

life is too short to worry about whether anonymous people in an email group

like you or want you to be with them!!


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Hi There Gail. I am new too. I dont read all the post and didn't see your

intro. Welcome to the list!


> " crazy4myswayze@...>

>To: Graduate-OSSG

>Subject: New to site and not feeling welcome..

>Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 05:34:38 -0000


>I posted a week or so ago, saying hello and that I was new to the

>board. I never received one hello or welcome, and I've noticed

>others that have posted that they were new also and have never

>received a welcome either. I don't know about anyone else, but it

>kind of makes you feel unwelcome. Just my two cents worth. I was

>looking forward to this site and getting some feedback on some long

>term issues. Maybe you can have someone, anyone just drop a quick

>note to newbies to the site to let them know that they are welcome

>to be here and that they are not being ignored.



>6/8/01 -110



>Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


>Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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Gail, you aren't being ignored. This is a HUGE list. If I don't read the

posts daily they get over whelming and I just end up deleting most of

them. Chances are.....alot of us do this. Ask questions.......put forth

ideas.......the list will eventually get the idea that you are here. It

is nothing personal....believe me!And.....I can't speak for everyone on

this list.....but this isn't the ONLY list I am on. My dog lisst alone

generate over 300 emails a day. Good thing I am a speed reader.

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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Come to think of it, nobody ever welcomed me, either!!

I just kind of jumped into the fray, reading the posts and adding my

two cents wherever inappropriate. Well, I haven't been kicked out

yet, so I guess that's reason enough to feel welcomed.


Vicki A.

> I posted a week or so ago, saying hello and that I was new to the

> board. I never received one hello or welcome, and I've noticed

> others that have posted that they were new also and have never

> received a welcome either. I don't know about anyone else, but it

> kind of makes you feel unwelcome. Just my two cents worth. I was

> looking forward to this site and getting some feedback on some long

> term issues. Maybe you can have someone, anyone just drop a quick

> note to newbies to the site to let them know that they are welcome

> to be here and that they are not being ignored.


> Gail

> 6/8/01 -110

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Sorry you and others feel unwelcome. I'm sure no one intends to ignore

newbies. But speaking for myself, I simply do not have the time to welcome

each new poster to the list. I belong to several other lists and it's not

uncommon for me to have 200 posts a day to plow thru. (and this is in

addition to any " personal " emails I get from friends and relatives, etc). I

therefore limit myself to answering specific questions people may have and

that I may have something of value to offer. If someone just posts " hi, I'm

new " and doesn't ASK for help with anything in particular, I assume that

person is not in need of info, and I move on. Nor do I read every single

post, so if you are looking for answers to questions, it's important to have

a subject line that will call attention to your needs, and to change that

subject line if the focus of your needs/ interests changes. Many of us don't

follow threads that are not of interest or that do not indicate specific need.

Please post again if you have questions you would like to ask. I am sure that

if you do that, you will receive several replies. I have found the people on

this list (and others) to be kind, supportive, helpful, and goldmines of

information--as well as generous in giving of their time to aid others. You

just need to ask rather than only post your story.


Carol A

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In a message dated 12/9/02 1:03:16 AM Central Standard Time, lacorona@...


<< Most of us

have retired from the job for this reason; it is impossible to keep

current, not only is the list near 3000, people come and go, >>


Yeah, and right now is a busy-busy time for other things as well:

Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas -- sometimes just living life takes

priority over keeping up with non-personal emails and posts.

Carol A

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