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What to do, what to do?

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PATISINKY@... wrote:

" I am 50, a year and one month out of surgery, still weigh 265, and a

total flabby disaster. I have thus far been unsuccessful at dieting and

exercising. But, I am ready to try again. I am sitting here

thinking....where do I start? "

Well, for starters, I would suggest starting your day with a protein

shake rather than eggs, bacon, sausage, or Flaxomeal cereal. The

protein will get you off to a good start for the day. If you find it

too non-filling, try putting in a quarter cup of raw oatmeal. It will

taste grainy, but it will definitely fill you up! That's the only thing

I do consistently every day in terms of diet -- oh, except that I am

religious about keeping my Nutrawatch.com food diary up to date. That

helps me track where I am nutritionally, and helps me make sure I'm

eating enough, and getting a balanced diet.

As for exercise, I will give it back to you. What do you like to do? Do

you like to be with others, or alone when you exercise? Do you like the

zen of jogging or walking in silence, or the up-tempo beat of working

out to music? What are your goals? I would strongly suggest that you

book just one session with a personal trainer, someone who will help

you get on the right track. It's not that expensive (I think my DH paid

about $35 for an hour of his trainer's time, she's been here three

times, and he's on a program that really works for him, rather than

trying to fit himself into someone else's preconceived idea of what

*should* work for a guy his age, build and so forth), and it's well

worth the expense. For me, I started with aerobics because I knew I

liked the music, and I need the structure of a class, or I slack off. I

started in a class for older people (at 44, I was practically a

kindergartner compared to some of these guys and gals who were shaking

their booties at 75 or 80!), and worked up. But this might not be the

right choice for you. I don't know you, I don't know what you like, or

what you need. These are the questions you need to start asking

yourself. And don't be afraid to JUST MOVE. Walk places rather than

driving. Take your dog out for long walks, or borrow someone else's dog

-- either way, both of you will benefit. Park in the farthest corner of

the lot at the mall. Walk briskly when you're shopping, rather than

dragging yourself along. Drink your water -- your body will need it!

That's all for this transmission...I'm off to the gym. Oh, yeah -- that

brings something else to mind. This is my priority in life: getting to

the gym, doing this thing for myself four times a week, come hell or

high water. That said, I've gotta run!

Good luck!

--- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22.2

-152 lbs


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