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Re: Negative Comments/Pam/

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I also agree with Pam and . This list is so vital for both caregivers and ones who suffer first hand. We are the ones that see our loved ones through this and by that we can help others. I have been on this list for a short before my husband was diagnosed and now that he is. I have made friends that I will cherish for ever. So please let us think before we make comments that hurt others, we are all in this together or we would not be on the list! Thanks! Shirley

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-- Re: Negative Comments/Pam

Thanks for the post, Pam. I totally agree with you.The increasing amount of negativity on this board isreally troublesome. Sometimes I feel like I can giveup wathching my soap opera because there is so muchdrama here. :-) I've tried to ignore the negativecomments, but that one really got to me...I guess b/cI am one of the ones not "suffering first hand". Idon't, however, feel that my involvement in the groupis any less valid. I joined the group a year and a half ago when myfather was first diagnosed. Because there is so littleinformation on MSA out there, I was very pleased tofind this group. The wealth of information here wasastounding. (And, I should add, much of it came fromfolks who are not directly suffering from thedisease). Although I was neither suffering from MSAmyself or acting as the primary caregiver for myfather, I felt welcome and learned so much. It's truethat I have only "second-hand experience" with thedisease. That's the main reason I came here...to learnwhat people suffering from MSA were going through,what was helping them, not helping them, etc. so thatI could be of more help to my father and mother (hiscaregiver). My parents are not the "researching" typesand were pleased and touched that I had becomeinvolved in this group. They didn't have the time orenergy to devote to a group like this. Had it not beenfor my involvement and for the willingness of *all* ofthe people here to share what they knew, I wouldn'thave had all the information to pass along to myfather and his Drs. who, themselves, didn't know toomuch about the disease. There were times when myfather's neurologist would ask my dad, "What's new on'the MSA list'?"I'll just end by saying that all of us who have themisfortune of being touched by MSA, either directly orindirectly, are suffering or have suffered in someway. I realize that I can in no way understand whatit's like to have my body ravaged by the disease, butstill I suffer. It's just on a different level. in OK__________________________________________________

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