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Why Weigh

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In a message dated 12/12/02 2:36:27 PM Central Standard Time,

gt2pdt@... writes:

<< If my clothes don't fit, I know I've gained weight. >>

Using the clothes as indicator never helped me in the past - there was

always some reason (occasion) where I had to buy something new that DID fit,

and the wardrobe expanded to fit the increase in size. I never stopped

buying new clothes as I was becoming more and more obese. What I did stop

doing was WEIGHING myself. I couldn't stand to see that number - because,

just as you said, it had POWER. If I never saw the number, I never had to

admit that my weight was seriously out of control. It wasn't my clothing

size that led me to finally doing something for myself and my health; it was

when I went to the doctor's office and the scale registered more than 300

pounds. That number was my wake up call.

For me, weighing now is essential. It is just as important a part of my

morning routine as is brushing my teeth. I wouldn't go out of the house

without brushing, or without weighing. It is a promise I have made to myself

in order to keep in touch and in check. It is the only type of external

validation that helps me. I'm not obsessed with my scale, in that I don't

weigh multiple times per day - it gets a quick jump on and off once each

morning, after potty, before shower & dressing. But for me, the scale is the

independent witness in my journey - I'd be afraid to travel this journey

without it. It's what works for me.


Houston, TX

VBG - Dr. Srungaram

05/31/00 - 314 lbs.

11/01/02 - Abdominoplasty

11/29/02 - 160 lbs.

5'10 "

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I don't weigh between office visits...the reason--at home I weigh in the

buff, the scales are always nice to me. When I weigh at the offices or in

the clinics I have on clothes and each scale says something different. So,

mostly I go by how my clothes fit and feel. Also by how I feel.


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I think my own body image is so screwed up, and I still have clothes that fit

with size tags anywhere from 12/14 to 22 that I MUST have some objective

measurement of progress or trends. I am not at goal. I have one in mind,

but it is not chiseled in stone, when I get to the right place I hope I will

recognize it. In the meantime I need to be able to see the numbers on the

scale move downward. I'm an accountant, numbers mean a lot to me.


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I'm certain this will create quite a stir but, here

goes. The numbers on a scales have enormous power.

Why do we allow that?

I do not weigh myself. It was very difficult at

first. Weighing myself had become an adiction. I

relied on those numbers to tell me if I was good or

bad, successful or a failure. Now, I have to rely

only on myself.

The quality of my life is so much better now. If my

clothes don't fit, I know I've gained weight. But the

numbers now have no power over me. It a wonderful

sense of freedom.

I stopped weighing myself in 1988. I continued this

practice - including refusing being weighed by any

doctor (none ever objected), until my WLS. Then for

one year I allowed the doctor to weigh me. Again, the

numbers quickly gained power. The last time I weighed

was one year ago at my one year appointment with my


I treasure the quality of life with a scaleless

existence, and will continue by practice of no scales.

Any thoughts?

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I feel the same way. Although I do weigh at the doctors office, it is

the only time I weigh.

Lori Owen - Denton, Texas

CHF 4/14/01 479 lbs.

SRVG 7/16/01 401 lbs.

Current Weight 302 lbs.

Dr. Ritter/Dr. Bryce

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 12:31:45 -0800 (PST) Gayle Spitzley

gt2pdt@...> writes:

> I'm certain this will create quite a stir but, here

> goes. The numbers on a scales have enormous power.

> Why do we allow that?


> I do not weigh myself. It was very difficult at

> first. Weighing myself had become an adiction. I

> relied on those numbers to tell me if I was good or

> bad, successful or a failure. Now, I have to rely

> only on myself.


> The quality of my life is so much better now. If my

> clothes don't fit, I know I've gained weight. But the

> numbers now have no power over me. It a wonderful

> sense of freedom.


> I stopped weighing myself in 1988. I continued this

> practice - including refusing being weighed by any

> doctor (none ever objected), until my WLS. Then for

> one year I allowed the doctor to weigh me. Again, the

> numbers quickly gained power. The last time I weighed

> was one year ago at my one year appointment with my

> surgeon.


> I treasure the quality of life with a scaleless

> existence, and will continue by practice of no scales.


> Any thoughts?


> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


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> I treasure the quality of life with a scaleless

> existence, and will continue by practice of no scales.


> Any thoughts?

Gee, only that you are now my NEW heroine!!!! I can't tell you how bad I

long for this!! I do wonder " why " I can't not weigh........I guess it is

out of shear fear of unaccountability......isn't that pathetic?? I need

that stupid metal monster to tell me I'm " good " ...........ok, time for some

serious evaluating here.......... P.

Why Weigh


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I understand this completely. As Dr Fox' big party approaches this week, I

KNOW I am huge. I am utterly certain my dress will not fit. Not trying it

on, not going near the scale. Terrified.

I put my hand on my tummy (always my trouble spot) and it surprises me that

it is now where I t hink it is. It's flatter than my mind says it is.

I AM still wearing my " fruit pounds " , which is pretty scary. But my clothes

still fit. Yes, the " larger " of my clothes, but that's the majority. Just

means the itty bitty ones don't.

How can such logic and this abject terror exist in the same brain? AT the

same time?

I make me crazy sometimes.


Vitalady T


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RE: Why Weigh

> < out of shear fear of unaccountability......isn't that pathetic?? I need

> that stupid metal monster to tell me I'm " good " ...........ok, time for


> serious evaluating here.......... P.


> I don't know about anyone else, but I weigh occasionally, because even now


> still have problems with " self-image " and somehow think I'm heavier than I

> really am. I can't go shopping for clothes without trying them on, even as

> badly as I hate store dressing rooms, else I'll come home with something 2

> or 3 sizes too big. I KNOW I wear a 9, but I feel a compulsion to buy a 12

> or 14. I don't buy medium or even large size items, I buy EXTRA large. The

> scales reinforces showing me that the face and body I see in the mirror


> really mine, and it's not playing some trick on my brain.

> Jac

> mailto:jholdaway@...

> http://www.pictureitdigitaldesigns.com/

> http://members.cox.net/xxxfarmpaints





> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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You asked why?

I'm thinking we've lived with ?? years (44 in my case) of non-permanent wt

loss. It's unimaginable for it NOT to be a problem. For me.


Vitalady T


If you are interested in PayPal, please click here:


Why Weigh

> I'm certain this will create quite a stir but, here

> goes. The numbers on a scales have enormous power.

> Why do we allow that?


> I do not weigh myself. It was very difficult at

> first. Weighing myself had become an adiction. I

> relied on those numbers to tell me if I was good or

> bad, successful or a failure. Now, I have to rely

> only on myself.


> The quality of my life is so much better now. If my

> clothes don't fit, I know I've gained weight. But the

> numbers now have no power over me. It a wonderful

> sense of freedom.


> I stopped weighing myself in 1988. I continued this

> practice - including refusing being weighed by any

> doctor (none ever objected), until my WLS. Then for

> one year I allowed the doctor to weigh me. Again, the

> numbers quickly gained power. The last time I weighed

> was one year ago at my one year appointment with my

> surgeon.


> I treasure the quality of life with a scaleless

> existence, and will continue by practice of no scales.


> Any thoughts?


> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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In a message dated 12/12/2002 11:11:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

rosekitten123@... writes:

> For real! I would drive myself nuts if I didn't weigh myself every morning.

> I

> gotta SEE the numbers.



I love my scale, too. It keeps me honest, and keeps me within my boundaries.

If I get stupid, it tells me to back off for a few days. It doesn't rule

me, just keeps me aware.

in NJ

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I totally understand what you are saying and have been there, done

that have the 3x t-shirt to prove it! But for me . . . MAKE THAT

MEEEE! I started dieting because I was 125 when I " thought " I should

have been 115. And it started me dieting. And that I did! I went

from 125 to 118 and told I was stilL fat after I had starved and

restricted my body! So I went from 118 to 140 without weighing until

I went on the next program . . . and so on and so forth until I found

myself at 268. Then I was desparate enough to have gastric

bypass . . . and my weight loss was slow and to me almost

insignifigant. What I didn't know was that I was a grazer (little

bit of food constantly Vs. a 3 squares big meal eater) and I could

eat past an intact bypass surgery! So I had to learn to eat for

physical hunger or be doomed to obesity if not morbid obesity. I

decided that everything I learned about weight and weight control was

what made me fatter through the years. I was proof! And then I went

on to discover (learn) why slim people never had a weight problem and

they were the slim people they are. I found out, we thought

differently about food and ate different amounts for different

reasons. Part of this process was NOT getting on the scale, so I was

reconnecting with my body and the signals it gave me for hunger and

satisfaction. Not getting on the scale was about trusting my body to

hear real signals to eat or stop eating, and to trust the process of

changing from a person that tried to tell my body what to do, in

order to become a person that did what it told me to do. Developing

that trust was tought as I thought my body and genetics betrayed me

and that is why I was morbidly obese! That said I am a Christian or

diest who believes in God and that I am not a biological mistake or

just an a random anestor of the apes. I believe that God made

perfect as is. I trusted that my anestors survived the famines and

starvation of their generation (Irish patote famine to name one)

BECAUSE their God given biology worked and adapted to help them

survive. Having that belief led me to trust my body and eat by the

signals it gave me. I did and I lost 100% of my excess weight and am

maintaining it effortlessly without " the scale " . If anything a scale

sends me on a tale spin and crashing into non-hunger eating . . .

Yep! I thank " The Seven Secrets of Slim People " for changing my

future. I love being a size 6, but no matter what size I am, all I

can do I respect and listen to what my body needs and wants! If it

made me an 11 or a 18, that would be OK too! Because now I am me,

the way my genetics and biology made me. No food issues or

rebounding from diets.

:o)Vicki (in CA)

> In a message dated 12/12/02 2:36:27 PM Central Standard Time,

> gt2pdt@s... writes:


> << If my clothes don't fit, I know I've gained weight. >>



> Using the clothes as indicator never helped me in the past -

there was

> always some reason (occasion) where I had to buy something new that

DID fit,

> and the wardrobe expanded to fit the increase in size. I never


> buying new clothes as I was becoming more and more obese. What I

did stop

> doing was WEIGHING myself. I couldn't stand to see that number -


> just as you said, it had POWER. If I never saw the number, I never

had to

> admit that my weight was seriously out of control. It wasn't my


> size that led me to finally doing something for myself and my

health; it was

> when I went to the doctor's office and the scale registered more

than 300

> pounds. That number was my wake up call.

> For me, weighing now is essential. It is just as important a

part of my

> morning routine as is brushing my teeth. I wouldn't go out of the


> without brushing, or without weighing. It is a promise I have made

to myself

> in order to keep in touch and in check. It is the only type of


> validation that helps me. I'm not obsessed with my scale, in that

I don't

> weigh multiple times per day - it gets a quick jump on and off once


> morning, after potty, before shower & dressing. But for me, the

scale is the

> independent witness in my journey - I'd be afraid to travel this


> without it. It's what works for me.


> Beth

> Houston, TX

> VBG - Dr. Srungaram

> 05/31/00 - 314 lbs.

> 11/01/02 - Abdominoplasty

> 11/29/02 - 160 lbs.

> 5'10 "

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Oh, ! This so true!!!

I usually will weigh at the hematologist's office when I get my IV vitamins. I

feel like I have been off track lately with getting in all of my protein,

getting in three or four, but really not remembering if I did 3 or 4 or 5

during the day. Just feeling like I " need " to do the shake at night cuz I

cannot remember. When I first got sick I was on a routine schedule and now my

life has been turned upside down with business at work and I feel so out of

control, forgetting to eat again and realizing that I really have hardly had

protein or food all day long. Then dinner.... hubby says " eat " I say " I'm

FULL " , and then go for a shake to top it off at bedtime. I am getting the vites

through IV once a week, and so I know I am keeping up with that at least. I

feel so fat, but started feeling like POSSIBLY I had lost a little bit - but

why? So, I got the nerve up and weighed at work on the scale there. It said

152 lbs, however, the little weight thing at the top when set at zero was off

balance showing " light " . So, does that mean MORE or LESS when it said 152?

However, I have two pairs of black classic fit Liz Claiborne Jeans that are size

four. They are very straight leg and narrow - I have " bird legs " . I wore them

postop at goal at 145 to 148 lbs and after tummy tuck. If I was at 145 they

were lose. Over 150 they got tight. This summer when I was in malnutrition and

since last January, I couldn't get them over my butt. Now, however, yesterday

morning I was " thinking " I was feeling a bit " thinner " and so I braved it in the

morning since it was " casual Friday " at work. And then went on EASILY and

buttoned VERY EASILY! I was sooooo PLEASED! So, does this mean that my body is

nourished enough now that I CAN actually lose the bounceback that I had when I

got malnourished and gained a few pounds? I guess I just don't understand it

all. I fear the scale, don't OWN ONE, and will NOT buy one, as my hubby and I

said we don't want one, LOL. I weigh less than my daughters, and they are

shorter than me, but I look at them and think I AM HUGE. I feared getting

dressed up in my slinky dress to go to a party too - cuz the dress I have had

for almost 6 years and of course, NO FRICKEN WAY was it going to fit me, but it

DID. I complain to hubby and he says " you women are all the same! " " just look


WEIGHT. Of course, I don't see that.

Anyway, hugs to you. How was Dr. Fox's party? Now that I'm in Cali, I miss it!


Distal RNY 12/27/95


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