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Scale vs. Clothing

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Well, I just got my wake up call!! I have been following the thread regarding

weighing and going by clothing to determine if our " size " is increasing. I have

taken the stand point that " I can still fit into the outfit that I treated

myself when I hit my goal of 130 lbs, therefore, I need not be too concerned

with what the scale says. Well, I take that back. My father's 80th birthday

was in November, and I wore my " goal " outfit and there were pictures taken.

Last night I got out my " goal " picture in the same outfit, and I WAS SHOCKED, I

am definitely larger, even if I can still fit into the outfit....judging by the

pictures, it fits, but not like it did. So, I got out the scale......13 pounds!

I also have to take into consideration that when I was at 130 I was going to the

gym 'faithfully' so that was 130 pounds " with " muscle. Since I have stopped the

gym I have definitely lost muscle mass, therefore, the 13 pounds is more than

likely straight " fat " . Now, I could panic, but I am not going to. I am

however, going " on guard status " ...for me that is being more " aware " and

" accountable " . No more eating a shortbread cookie and thinking, I can still

wear my size 8 jeans,,,yeah, but they are a heck of a lot tighter! Who am I

really trying to kid??? Like I said though, I am not going to panic.....I can

DO 13 pounds!!! I lost 130 once, so I can lose 13. Not all this week, but,

nevertheless, it is doable. This post was my being " accountable " .



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Hey KJ!!

You CAN do the 13 lbs! UP the protein, or start it if you aren't doing it. I

noticed when I was protein deficient and quit exercising too, that my skin was

soooo flabby! Now it's a LOT better, and yet, I haven't started exercising yet

until I get the release from my PCP after my recovery.

Take care,


Distal RNY 12/27/95


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