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Center of Gravity/thin bones/craziness

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You guys are going to think I've flipped my wig...and I think I have....but

awhile back...we were talking about how we just aren't the same with our

balance now, I haven't been really steady on my feet since losing 180

lbs...but I've really been working on it. Well, here I am, down here in

California, and got together with my two daughters that live here, four of my

grandchildren, and my two great grandchildren. We all went out for pizza

last night, and someone, (not me) came up with the bright idea of a roller

skating party....yup...you heard right...ROLLER SKATING...where they put

wheels under these already unsteady feet and send you flying. Well, I must

say, with great trepidation in my heart, but not to be a sideline

granny...and, I must add, in my time, I was a decent skater at the very

least, Iagreed to give it a try. My last bone scan showed osteopenia...so it

was a mental fight with myself as to do what was prudent...and what any other

great granny woulda done...OR was I going to do my usual thing...and give it

the old college try...and risk the bones..this far away from home?

OMGoodness...I got those wheels on...and it was as if I had never been

skating before in my life!! I thought it would be like riding a

bicycle...and it would come right back...but NO...everything about my body is

different...balance is different...my knees have had 3 surgeries since I last

skated...and I sold my skates after the last time because I thought I could

still do it..and broke my tailbone. Well...long story short...I was an

absolute goon out on the floor....I hung on to the railing like my life

depended on it...which it did...and my feet kept going in different

directions. Then, to add insult to injury....the guard-guy with the whistle

comes flying up and tells me I gotta let go of my lifeline and skate IN THE

CENTER of the ring!! I told him...NO WAY was I letting loose of the

wall....he grabbed my hand and pulled me to center...and left me

there....with nothing to hang on to!! Guess this is the rules for us skater

dummies. Well, I did sorta get the hang of it....but it took way too much

concentration...and by then...my great-granddaughters had been consigned to

the " kiddy ring " and then, my son in law...and we were all laughing to the

point of tears at our clumsiness. I must add, I was the only one that DID

NOT fall....I WILLED myself to stay on my feet....and I left the floor before

I did do some permanent damage....but at least my great-granddaughers can

say...they actually went rollerskating with their great-granny....who else

has that distinction? Anyway...the evening did turn out to be fun...even

though I sure did miss the old organ music...they have replaced it with

earsplitting, gut-thudding heavy metal and rap....which I coulda done

without...but over all...it was a fun evening...but not one I am likely to

repeat. Guess I am just getting too old. sigh!



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Roller skating? What a great idea!!! I was just wondering what

exercises I could do to improve my not so great balance so I won't

fall off the skis when I try it for the first time in a week or two.

I am doing lunges with my hands behind my back, but a run or two at

skating would really help and my kids would love it. Thanks for the



Vicki A.

> You guys are going to think I've flipped my wig...and I think I


> awhile back...we were talking about how we just aren't the same

with our

> balance now, I haven't been really steady on my feet since losing


> lbs...but I've really been working on it. Well, here I am, down

here in

> California, and got together with my two daughters that live here,

four of my

> grandchildren, and my two great grandchildren. We all went out for


> last night, and someone, (not me) came up with the bright idea of a


> skating party....yup...you heard right...ROLLER SKATING...where

they put

> wheels under these already unsteady feet and send you flying.

Well, I must

> say, with great trepidation in my heart, but not to be a sideline

> granny...and, I must add, in my time, I was a decent skater at the


> least, Iagreed to give it a try. My last bone scan showed

osteopenia...so it

> was a mental fight with myself as to do what was prudent...and what

any other

> great granny woulda done...OR was I going to do my usual

thing...and give it

> the old college try...and risk the bones..this far away from home?

> OMGoodness...I got those wheels on...and it was as if I had never


> skating before in my life!! I thought it would be like riding a

> bicycle...and it would come right back...but NO...everything about

my body is

> different...balance is different...my knees have had 3 surgeries

since I last

> skated...and I sold my skates after the last time because I thought

I could

> still do it..and broke my tailbone. Well...long story short...I

was an

> absolute goon out on the floor....I hung on to the railing like my


> depended on it...which it did...and my feet kept going in different

> directions. Then, to add insult to injury....the guard-guy with

the whistle

> comes flying up and tells me I gotta let go of my lifeline and

skate IN THE

> CENTER of the ring!! I told him...NO WAY was I letting loose of


> wall....he grabbed my hand and pulled me to center...and left me

> there....with nothing to hang on to!! Guess this is the rules for

us skater

> dummies. Well, I did sorta get the hang of it....but it took way

too much

> concentration...and by then...my great-granddaughters had been

consigned to

> the " kiddy ring " and then, my son in law...and we were all laughing

to the

> point of tears at our clumsiness. I must add, I was the only one

that DID

> NOT fall....I WILLED myself to stay on my feet....and I left the

floor before

> I did do some permanent damage....but at least my great-

granddaughers can

> say...they actually went rollerskating with their great-

granny....who else

> has that distinction? Anyway...the evening did turn out to be


> though I sure did miss the old organ music...they have replaced it


> earsplitting, gut-thudding heavy metal and rap....which I coulda


> without...but over all...it was a fun evening...but not one I am

likely to

> repeat. Guess I am just getting too old. sigh!


> Regards~

> Jacque




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Oh heavens, Jacque! LoL You brought back memories with the organ music

comment. I was an artistic dance skater in my misbegotten youth. I

actually got good enough to earn a Gold Medal in Dance and used to LOVE

to skate at the regional events because they usually had live organ

music. There was NOTHING like skating to music that you could feel come

right up through your feet! When I was skating there were still a few

rinks that still had the organs and some of them would offer one night a

week that was for dancers and play live music. {{{{SIGH}}}}}} THOSE were

the days. Back then, I think my center of balance was off......I would

fall down WALKING into the rink. Once I put those skates on......it was

like I was a different person. It always amazed anyone who really knew

me. Cause they KNEW how clutzy I was on my own two feet. I may still

have the plates (the things that the wheels are attached to that connect

to the bottom of the boots)that I had when I earned my Gold Medal. I

just can't seem to part with them, but the BOOTS have long since gone to

Good Will or some place so as NOT to tempt me. I actually have some

pictures of me and my ex-husband in skating outfits at some rink. I will

have to scan them someday. It shows a very YOUNG me....with thunder

thighs (they were all muscle) and a little tiny waist. Geez, I would

take the thighs now....if I could look like that again.

Thanks for the memories!

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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