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In a message dated 12/16/2002 6:02:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Penelope@... writes:

<< My question is, has anyone taken Prednisone since wls and if so, did you

have any kind of gastric problem related to it? If I decide to take the

Prednisone, I will not start until tomorrow. >>

Yes, I was on it for 21 days and did not have any stomach problems. Just as

before WLS it causes great appetite, but it was effective and did it's job.

I hate that stuff but for short term emergencies it does pull off miracles



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Hi all. Has anyone been on Prednisone since wls? Had new onset

" profound " hearing loss in my right ear over the weekend. Went to the

ENT today and was tested. Said that there is a " small window of

opportunity " with the steroids that I can get my hearing back, but would

have to go on the steroids starting at 80 mg and tapering down right

away. Went over to the gastric doc and had them speak to eachother.

Gastric doc really doesn't want me on the steroids with my stomach being

so messed up right now (still don't know why I'm queasy all the time and

wretching), but ENT told him that if I don't get on the steroids like

right now, I will lose my hearing permanently. Gastric doc agreed, but

not at all happy with this and gave me instructions on doubling up on

the Nexium and Librax and to call immediately if anything should not

feel right.

My question is, has anyone taken Prednisone since wls and if so, did you

have any kind of gastric problem related to it? If I decide to take the

Prednisone, I will not start until tomorrow.

When is New Year's Eve???????


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I've done two 100 mg prenisone tapers (15 day courses) for asthma since

my WLS. Other than figuring out what to do about the " hungries " that

pred gives me, I had no side effects whatsoever. As for the hungries, I

chewed Sci-Fit Teriyaki beef sticks until there was practically nothing

left to swallow three or four times a day. My pouch was fine throughout.

If it were *my* hearing forever vs. a sore tummy for a few days, I don't

even know if I would be thinking about it. I'd be in line at Walgreen's.

But that's me and you are the one that has to deal with whatever you

decide. I'm pulling for you... Good luck either way.


Open RNY 09/17/01

Plastics 07/22/02


Here we go again

Hi all. Has anyone been on Prednisone since wls? Had new onset

" profound " hearing loss in my right ear over the weekend. Went to the

ENT today and was tested. Said that there is a " small window of

opportunity " with the steroids that I can get my hearing back, but would

have to go on the steroids starting at 80 mg and tapering down right

away. Went over to the gastric doc and had them speak to eachother.

Gastric doc really doesn't want me on the steroids with my stomach being

so messed up right now (still don't know why I'm queasy all the time and

wretching), but ENT told him that if I don't get on the steroids like

right now, I will lose my hearing permanently. Gastric doc agreed, but

not at all happy with this and gave me instructions on doubling up on

the Nexium and Librax and to call immediately if anything should not

feel right.

My question is, has anyone taken Prednisone since wls and if so, did you

have any kind of gastric problem related to it? If I decide to take the

Prednisone, I will not start until tomorrow.

When is New Year's Eve???????


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Thanks for the info. It's really not a matter of a sore tummy for a few days

vs. permanent hearing loss, it's a no brainer. It's just right now they're

not sure why my stomach is still not feeling well. Have to have another MRI

of the brain as the CAT scan was inconclusive. Gastro docs don't want to

scope me or send me for any other tests until they're sure that this is not

related to my head injury. Scheduled for the MRI on Thursday, but ENT wants

me to start right away on the steroids. He is presently trying to get hold

of the neurologist to get his ok on this and then will see if he can get me

in for the MRI sooner. Tim is gone on a business trip until the 22nd so am

all alone dealing with this and the kids. They're very good, but Leah is

really starting to miss daddy. He's been gone since Thursday morning. So get

to do all the yuletide stuff by myself.

Have to go and put Leah to bed. She is driving me crazy, therefore, it must

be bed time. Whose bedtime I don't know, but it has to be someone's, it may

as well be hers. : )


Ziobro wrote:

> Regina,


> I've done two 100 mg prenisone tapers (15 day courses) for asthma since

> my WLS. Other than figuring out what to do about the " hungries " that

> pred gives me, I had no side effects whatsoever. As for the hungries, I

> chewed Sci-Fit Teriyaki beef sticks until there was practically nothing

> left to swallow three or four times a day. My pouch was fine throughout.

> If it were *my* hearing forever vs. a sore tummy for a few days, I don't

> even know if I would be thinking about it. I'd be in line at Walgreen's.

> But that's me and you are the one that has to deal with whatever you

> decide. I'm pulling for you... Good luck either way.


> Ziobro

> Open RNY 09/17/01

> Plastics 07/22/02

> 310/128/125

> Here we go again


> Hi all. Has anyone been on Prednisone since wls? Had new onset

> " profound " hearing loss in my right ear over the weekend. Went to the

> ENT today and was tested. Said that there is a " small window of

> opportunity " with the steroids that I can get my hearing back, but would

> have to go on the steroids starting at 80 mg and tapering down right

> away. Went over to the gastric doc and had them speak to eachother.

> Gastric doc really doesn't want me on the steroids with my stomach being

> so messed up right now (still don't know why I'm queasy all the time and

> wretching), but ENT told him that if I don't get on the steroids like

> right now, I will lose my hearing permanently. Gastric doc agreed, but

> not at all happy with this and gave me instructions on doubling up on

> the Nexium and Librax and to call immediately if anything should not

> feel right.


> My question is, has anyone taken Prednisone since wls and if so, did you

> have any kind of gastric problem related to it? If I decide to take the

> Prednisone, I will not start until tomorrow.


> When is New Year's Eve???????


> Regina

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I've taken prednisone steroid does packs on several occasions for various

things. Most recently was about 2 weeks ago, for back problems. I have never

had a problem, but I've always taken them with something to eat just before

or after, as prescribed.





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Hi Regina,

I was on Prednizone about 8 months ago for poison oak... I couldn't tell you

the dosage, but it was one of those where you take a high dose at first and

taper off.

Other than making me grouchy and agressive-feeling, I was just fine :)

YMMV of course...

Good luck to you Regina, I'll be sending warm fuzzies your way. You have

had enough trials for a busload of people this year ...

Here we go again

My question is, has anyone taken Prednisone since wls and if so, did you

have any kind of gastric problem related to it? If I decide to take the

Prednisone, I will not start until tomorrow.

When is New Year's Eve???????


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Thanks . I'm concerned about the cranky aggressive thing too. Was on

Prednisone many years ago for asthmatic bronchitis and boy my moods flew in 1000

different directions. Don't need that around this time of year. But, basically

back is against the wall and have to do this. Can't believe my stomach is still

so messed up. Everything I eat, burns going down or it's constantly queasy.

Blechhhh. Can't believe I started crying in front of the doctor before. Poor guy

just didn't know what to do and is hugging me telling me everything is going to

be ok. Can't remember the last time I felt like such a little kid that needed

her mommy. Well, the cute young, male doctor was good in a pinch. : )

Thanks again,


apoplexy wrote:

> Hi Regina,


> I was on Prednizone about 8 months ago for poison oak... I couldn't tell you

> the dosage, but it was one of those where you take a high dose at first and

> taper off.

> Other than making me grouchy and agressive-feeling, I was just fine :)


> YMMV of course...

> Good luck to you Regina, I'll be sending warm fuzzies your way. You have

> had enough trials for a busload of people this year ...





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Thanks . Doc's decided to pull the plug so to speak on the steroids for

now. They've considered the risks and benefits and decided that my going deaf is

not such a big deal for now. : ) Will wait another week and have another

hearing test done and see if the loss has progressed. If so, then will start me

on the steroids at that point. Should also know by then why I'm feeling so

miserable in regards to my stomach. Always so much fun and only 8 more days

until Christmas!!!!


NGBCPA1@... wrote:

> In a message dated 12/16/2002 6:02:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Penelope@... writes:

> << My question is, has anyone taken Prednisone since wls and if so, did you

> have any kind of gastric problem related to it? If I decide to take the

> Prednisone, I will not start until tomorrow. >>

> Yes, I was on it for 21 days and did not have any stomach problems. Just as

> before WLS it causes great appetite, but it was effective and did it's job.

> I hate that stuff but for short term emergencies it does pull off miracles

> sometimes.

> B

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