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jump start diet

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Howdy doody cowboys and cowgirls!

Are you ready for the theme song? Here goes:


I'm back in the saddle again!

Yi haw

I'm back in the saddle again!

whoa doggies

I'm back in the saddle, I'm back in the saddle


I'm back in the saddle again!

Yippee Aye Yooooooooooooo

Re the " jump start diet " someone posted a diet their surgeon gave

them to follow immediately post surgery....something like 3 bites of

this, 2 bites of that.

Personally, I can't eat 5 or 6 bites 3x a day and be healthy at this

point. My impression was that the above mentioned was for new wlsers.

My Dr. said most people after 2 years have settled at about 1500

calories a day. I don't count calories per say, but after decades of

dieting, I have a pretty fair idea of food values. I try to keep in

the 1200 to 1400 range, up to 1500, and consider that a doable long

term diet (for life).

My jump start for me personally won't be to lower the cals and lose a

bunch of weight; rather to identify where I'm trickling in the

baddies and how my habits are straying from my ideal. My aim is to

get back on track and start a reasonable weight loss again.

But to each his own. Some people may want to go low cal for a short

time to jump start a larger weight loss, some may have a specific




So join on in. I know with my buddies I will be able to drop a pound

or two by Christmas, and even that progress will make me feel fat

(not!) and sassy!

BTW, my beans are already gone.


Vicki A.

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Hello all,

I'm 20 months post-op and have gone from 278 to a low of 170 1/2. I

have been stable at 171-174 since about June or so. Although I have

to fight the " numbers demon " (always wishing for that elusive 145

lbs), I'm quite content with my results so far. I've gone from a

tight 24W to a very comfortable 12 misses. Well, comfortable until

the last month, should I say...

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I am eating lots of junk. I " know " what

I'm supposed to eat, and for the most part, I still eat basically the

same things. I usually have boiled or scrambled eggs for b/f, 97%

lean deli ham, cottage cheese, cheese, or ckn breast and veggies for

lunch, beans or ham or chicken for supper. However, I find myself

sabotaging myself with carbs, candy, cookies, ice cream. I still

dump, just never know when I'm going to, so I'm always taking


It seems that I find myself in a " diet " mentality again; and I SWORE

I would NEVER diet again!! I find myself thinking, " Oh come on, yo

can have that candy bar, after all, it's only one, and it won't

hurt...look how much you've lost! " Those damn inner voices speaking

to me! I even find myself " sneaking " food, feeling like I " got away

with something " when I eat a snack size candy and no one in the

office sees me. What the heck is that all about?!?!?!! Who am I

hiding from, and what am I hiding for?? Damn, I wish I had money for

professional counseling sessions; meantime, my own self-analysis will

have to do.

Ok, last week I found myself at 180 lbs. Of course, eveyone at work

insisted they couldn't tell I had gained 6 or so lbs, one even went

so far as to tell me that I could AFFORD those 6 lbs, since I've lost

so much already! Thursday evening we had our surgeon's annual

Christmas party and I wore an evening dress I had worn on November

10th to my 30th high school reunion. I felt like a stuffed sausage

in that dress, when it had been very comfortable just a month ago!

Ok, so only about 6 lbs, but I have to tell you that I hadn't been

back to the gym in 2 months due to a broken wrist. Seems those 6

pounds are pure fat and they settled in right in my belly cause I

coudn't zip up some jeans I had previously worn.

Ok, so after my disappointment with my dress, I walked into my office

on Friday morning and immediately got rid of all the junk I had

stashed away in drawers. Took everything to the community lounge and

swore that beginning Friday, I was eating ONLY what was allowed

(which is mostly what is posted on 's jump start plan). Today I

went in to weigh myself, TAADAAA.... I lost 4 lbs!! I'm back down to

176!! I made it a point to go back to the gym on a regular basis and

I went on Friday and on Sat. and again today. There's nothing like

getting the old heart pumping fresh blood !

I DID NOT put my life on the line on that surgery table to gain the

freakin' lbs back!! I lost them and I don't want them to find me



Estela in Texas


> The jump start plan my surgeon recommends is posted on the grad

board and it's not a " few bites of this and that " . It's pretty much

like Atkins, except smaller portions.


> B

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I just have to pipe in here.... Something I have learned along the way in my

classes is that the body's immediate response to calorie restriction is to

slow the metabolism. Believe it or not, you have to eat to lose weight.

More fiber, more complex carbs, lean protein... For the most part, I stick

to this and occasionally (and sometimes frequently) deal with the never

ending struggle to not eat my head off when upset. Starbucks Holiday Ginger

Bread is evil evil evil good.

Anyway, good for you Vicki for getting on a program, that rocks and I HATE


I'm not trying to lose any weight right now, but for damnned sure, I'm not

going to gain my normal " Holiday Ten " this year!

jump start diet

Howdy doody cowboys and cowgirls!

But to each his own. Some people may want to go low cal for a short

time to jump start a larger weight loss, some may have a specific




So join on in. I know with my buddies I will be able to drop a pound

or two by Christmas, and even that progress will make me feel fat

(not!) and sassy!

BTW, my beans are already gone.


Vicki A.

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