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RE: Re: Jump start- bad foods

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The foods that used to do me in were bread and butter, pasta, bacon

cheeseburgers, and sugar. I was realizing when thinking about this that

I have completely or mostly given up three out of four of these; bread &

pasta make me fart in a way that might peel paint but sometimes I

indulge if I know I'll be by myself for a few hours; cheeseburgers look

slimy & gross; but sugar still looks great as long as it's not in a

high-fat concoction. I dump on fat, but do not dump on sugar; increasing

the fat content of the sugary item does lower the sugar-dumping bar, so

I am careful. I look to Splenda alternatives when possible, though I

keep the Nutrasweet content of my pantry pretty low, because I don't

want my almost 3-year old consuming it. If I bake, I use Splenda and

low-fat ingredients, and my forever-dieting friends thank me. I do allow

myself FIVE calorie-free, caffeine-free, non-brown carbonated beverages

a week, and maybe two calorie-free brown carbonated things a month,

usually when at someone's house and sort of stuck trying to look like a

normie. Consider that (a) I didn't have a single carbonated anything for

10.5 months post-op, and (B) I used to drink 10-20 brown diet carbonated

beverages a DAY, and you will see that I have truly reached a point of


Life is too short to suffer without old favorite foods and the social

aspects of eating. I do feel that it's an insult to not at least TASTE a

lovingly prepared homemade goodie unless I'm allergic (nuts/peanuts). I

want to enjoy the holidays like an aware normie... not too much high-fat

stuff, easy on the sugar, VERY easy on the alcohol (my boyfriend and I

each had ONE Long Island Ice Tea at the company Christmas party, and it

was the first alcohol either of us had had in more than a year, probably

very nearly the last for the same kind of time period too), small

portions... but I don't want to have to say no to every gorgeous

home-made thing that comes into the office. That would make me have

regrets. Instead, I up my time at the gym, up my water, and relax a

little. I am not going to live the life of desperation anymore...

deprivation makes me insane. And fat.

Debbie in Gig Harbor has generously offered to have my young daughter

and I over to her house on Christmas afternoon. She'll be able to report

on how I behave (and I'm bringing my digital camera so we can take

pictures!), though she will get to see me at my grazing worst once that

turkey's been carved and the other luscious stuff is on the table. LOL

Oh, I do one other completely evil thing... I drink water with special

meals! Yes, I know it washes the food through my pouch faster, that's

what I want, so I can eat more! I did it on Thanksgiving, carefully

tracking what I actually ate, and then put it all into Fitday.com, where

I discovered that I'd had a 650 calorie single meal... considering that

I often used to inhale 650 calories before putting clothes on in the

morning LOL I didn't feel too bad about that little " binge " and it kept

the normies who didn't know about my surgery quiet. But I rarely do

this, so Debbie, don't freak on me if I have a 600 calorie pig-out at

your house. Isn't it wild to think of 600 calories as a pig-out? I was

truly just warming up when I ate 600 calories, before surgery. :-)


Open RNY 09/17/01

Plastics 07/22/02


BMI 54.9 to 22.0

Jeans size 32 to 4


Re: Re: Jump start-

Thanks everyone for your insight on why one would drink soda or eat the

sweets. I guess for me logically it would just be easier for me not to

eat or drink those things cause those are just a few things that put me

in that position to begin with. I don't feel deprived, or lost without


Really its almost a joke at this point cause at work all the sweets

coming in and sure they look good but its like hmmmmmmm there is five

lbs on her hips, and two lbs on her thighs and I'm smiling to be the

batchee. I even tell them that too at times. But I understand.

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