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Re: protein thingy..

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The biggest thing I did was to stay away from those empty starches...bread,

pasta, potatoes, rice, corn, etc. For breakfast I'd have something like 1

scrambled egg with a slice of cheese cooked in and 2 slices of bacon. Later

in the day, I had maybe 3 ozs. orange juice. You can't forget the carbs in

that. I think an 8oz. glass has something like 30g carbs. I'm really not

more than a two meal a day person but if I want a snack it's usually a beef

jerky or saugage stick. For dinner one night, I ate a small ribeye steak

with half a cup mixed veggies. I ate the same amounts all week replacing

the meat for dinner with chicken breast, fish, pork, and one night I had

some of the homemade turkey pot pie I made and froze after Thanksgiving. I

just didn't eat the crust. I love tunafish and made some up too to snack on.

It's not just tuna mind you. I take 1 large can white tuna in water and mix

onion, celery, chopped red bell pepper, 2 boiled eggs, finely chopped

carrot, dill, garlic and pepper. Mayonaise is tasty but doesn't agree with

me well. I mix a couple of spoons of light mayo with a quarter cup vinegar

and a little artificial sweetner.

Mainly, I concentrated on my protein leaving little room for any carbs. I

did take all my supplements, and protein (all I can find here is Protabs

which has 100g of protein per pill...I load up on these), water, and I do

drink coffee with no sugar and yes, I'm bad....I do drink diet Pepsi.

After the week, I started eating more fruit and veggies and a little starch.

Funny...all week I wanted a sandwich so bad. I do love bread. I made one the

next day. It really wasn't all that...lol. None of the weight has come back


Hope this helps. I know it's not really a meal plan. I didn't keep a diary

either. I only kept a mental note.


Dawn's protein thingy that made her lose weight

after all these years

> BTW Dawn,


> Can you give us jump starters what your protein thing you did was?

> Doesn't have to be formal and exact. We're in the info gathering

> stage through tomorrow. Thanks, Vicki A.



> > Today was the day I went to find out about having plastics. I must

> tell yall, yesterday and all today, I was soooo nervous. The

> appointment wasn't until 4pm. Dang, what a long day!

> >

> > Well, I was there 15 minutes for the appointment. I was approved in

> that time. WOOHOO!!!

> >

> > This is how it works in Denmark. I went to my doctor for a referal.

> Then, I had to go back to him, to make sure I met their criteria.

> Next step was today. This was going to main hospital in our county.

> This is where there plastic surgeons are. Their waiting time is 12-18

> months. Because of a law that was passed last year, they cannot make

> you wait more than 3 months, if it is proven medically nessary. That

> date starts from today. Tomorrow morning I will call for my referal

> to a private hospital. Since the surgery is paid for, they will do

> all the research for me to find the best doctor. (I will research

> myself as well!) Within a week, I should have an appointment to see a

> surgeon. If they cannot find a good plastic surgeon that can operate

> before March, they have to find one in Europe within the same time

> frame. All expenses to be paid. I am sure that one will be found

> close by. There are a couple of very good ones close by.

> >

> > I discussed having the stomac worked on. This is my major concern.

> I will be seeking having the boobs done as well. The doctor that I

> spoke with today said after this work is done, I might consider

> coming back about the arms and thighs. That is not guaranted but, I

> may seek it out.

> >

> > I am just so happy about this! I was so afraid of getting a no. I

> have even been doing the high protein this past week to push my

> weight down just a little to have a better chance. By the way, it

> works. I lost 8 lbs and have been the same for years. I was so afraid

> that I would have trouble convincing them I needed this. The doctor

> took one long look and needed no explanation from me. So, before

> March, I will have my tummy worked on.

> >

> > Thanks for listening everyone,

> > Dawn

> >

> >

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