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Surgery Date Set

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Well today I finally heard from my Plastic Surgeon I have a date set for

January 13th go into hospital at 7:30, surgery at 8:30. We won't know if he

will be doing the thigh lift until the Friday before for that is when the 30

days of appeal is up. I heard from Insurance company today and the

physicians has my appeal and reviewing it now. I have a good friend at the

insurance company I think I'll call her on the 30th and see if she has

anything she should know something by then. But I have to say I'm a little

more scared with this surgery and I'm not sure why. I think its cause its so

new for me.

I think also its one of the final steps to getting rid of something that has

been a part of my life for so long. Its almost like a blankie if that make

sense. I'm excited don't get me wrong but yet ME, have a flat tummy oh i

know it won't be a J-Lo tummy or Janet tummy but flatter than I have

Its like WOW I see myself thinner but can I see myself less flabbier. All

my mind keeps saying is WOW. Could this really be happening could I be just

one more step closer to the person that I have so longed to be! The answer

is apparently YES! :0)

Thanks for listening!

Hugs and Loves..

Happy Holidays!


*Nothing Tastes As Good As Thinness Feels*

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Congrats! I know the feeling of getting used to the flab. I'm hoping that

when my tummy is done, I don't look odd since it'll be flat there and still

flabby everywhere else! I'm sure we'll get used to it. :) I hope you get

your thigh lift approved. I'm sure you'll be happy with it. I walk around

now thinking how nice it will be not having my belly rub on my legs in

jeans. I bet it won't be so hard to get used to.

Don't be nervous. You'll do great! This will be my fourth time in my life

being knocked out. I can honestly say I was more nervous about getting

approved than the surgery itself. Who knows though, the day before...lol.

By the way, I'm a size 8 now. Can I be Barbie in a 6 after it's all

healed?...lol. I've got the boobs but they are riding at my waist..lol.


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