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Bloating, gas and advice...

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Welp... it's been a while since I posted; but post I must.. I need

some opinions here.

First, the good news: I have lost 160 pounds and am right smack dab

in the middle of goal weight and continuing to lose. I can hardly

remember ever being overweight, and yet, I can't relate to being a

normal size... it's like I am mesmerized by my reflection in the

mirror, pictures of me... yada, yada, yada. I had an abdominoplasty

on December 10 (brachioplasty was last March). I look like this thin

little thing... who is that?

Now... the question. About a month ago, I got some kinda flu thing

maybe. About midnight I began to have the most horrible feeling, I

felt like I needed to vomit or maybe diarrhea... and try as I

would... nothing happened... and it went on all night. For several

days after, I felt weak and miserable. Then, I really was never able

to get back in the food saddle again. Everytime I ate, I felt

bloated and uncomfortable. I could go soak in the hot tub or hot

bath and get some relief. I discovered that if I ate the tiniest

meals (like just postop after my roux en y... which was 11/00) that

it was better. I began losing weight again and was really

uncomfortable with bloating. I noticed that it seemed worse when I

was subjected to the stress of work and seemed to get better over the

weekends. Anyway, I went ahead with the abdomnioplasty which I had

planned for months and could arrange with my schedule (I am a high

school principal). Oh my gosh... the first few days postop were

really rough... the bloating and gas threatened to kill me... and the

constipation just drove me to distraction; I don't even recall much

pain from the abdominoplasty and quit pain meds 2 days postop.. but

the gas, bloating, constipation... oh my! Finally, I consulted with

my dear bud, thedebutante, who told me to get on Gax-X and senokot.

Well, they really helped. And, I even found Beano which has been a

life saver... I take it before every meal (a couple of tablets) and

can eat a little with relatively little gas if I don't eat too much.

I still can't eat any more than those tiny first postop meals without

just feeling the agony of pressure and bloating. I am drinking about

3-4 protein drinks a day, so I don't starve due to my low intake...

thank heavens for that chocolate pure whey protein stack... it's just

like the most delicious chocolate milk in the world and is no problem

stirring up (thanks ). The gas and bloating seem to be worse

in the evenings than in the earlier part of the day. I am still

losing at a pretty good clip as all the swelling and whatnot comes

off of me from the abdominoplasty. I am satisfied with my current

weight and don't really want to lose any more although I know I will

as the swelling and release of the fluids from the abdominoplasty

come on off.

Any ideas here? Or is this just a build your way back up and live

with it kind of situation.


Okie Jan

11/28/00 lap roux en y (Dr. Champion, Atlanta)

3/02 brachioplasty (Dr. Love, Oklahoma City)

12/02 abdominoplasty (Dr. Love, Oklahoma City)



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