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BOY oh BOY...... I coulda written that myself! I still have trouble

going into stores that aren't the big Department type. Anything that is

a " boutique " type....well of course they will NEVER have anything that

fits me! Now.....I am a size 16 ...so in many cases I am right, but

still.......most times I won't even go and look. And it is too weird

that even if something says 16 on it.....I still think it won't fit. It

MUST be too small. Things scream FRAUD at me all the time and ,

who has only known me since AFTER the surgery, is frequently mystified

by this attitude. BUT I know I am right......I am a fraud......I am a

size 30 in a size 16 body and that size 30 will tell on me if I try to

fool someone. Sheesh.......it will have been 4 years in Jan since my

original surgery. I don't think we ever stop feeling like frauds.

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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Debbie wrote:

" I am a

size 30 in a size 16 body and that size 30 will tell on me if I try to

fool someone. "

Ayup. When I first started walking into stores and asking for a smaller

size, I was convinced that the clerk would take one look at me, snicker

behind her hand, and say, " Yeah, sure, lady. Size 8. Uh-huh. How about

size 18? Or size 28, maybe? "

It never happened, much to my surprise, but I still get that little

voice in my head that says, " Don't tell them you're a size 6 -- they'll

think you're nuts! " According to my therapist, I have to calm that

little voice lovingly but firmly, so I always answer back, " Hey, little

voice, shut the hell up, wouldya? " No, actually, what I answer is,

" It's okay, I really *do* wear a size 6 -- just relax, no one's going

to laugh at you. " Fortunately for me, I do not feel compelled to hold

this conversation aloud, or I'd find myself wearing a very nice

custom-fitted white suit...though it would be in a size 6, which I

suppose is something....




RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22

-152 lbs


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HAHAHAHA, The white suit. HUMMMM I think I have one of those....in

various sizes....because no matter WHAT people think I am NUTS. HEY....I

am certifiable! They certified me to be slightly compulsive (but not

clinically so) and slightly histrionic (but not clinically so). SO

see.......I am certified! And most people who really get to know

me.......will definitely agree with the histrionic part. Ok...so maybe

the compulsive part too. Sheesh.

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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This reminds me of a present I was given by some friends for my college

graduation. We had always joked about needing to go to the store and get

some sanity. So when I graduated, my friends gave me a certificate of

sanity. A week later when I was packing, I lost the certificate. I

guess that means that I am certifiably insane since I am no longer

certifiable sane. Guess I need to go get another degree to get my sanity


Lori Owen - Denton, Texas

CHF 4/14/01 479 lbs.

SRVG 7/16/01 401 lbs.

Current Weight 302 lbs.

Dr. Ritter/Dr. Bryce

On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 16:42:14 -0800 " Debbie McNeice-Schuyler "

ladybostons@...> writes:

HAHAHAHA, The white suit. HUMMMM I think I have one of those....in

various sizes....because no matter WHAT people think I am NUTS. HEY....I

am certifiable! They certified me to be slightly compulsive (but

not clinically so) and slightly histrionic (but not clinically so). SO

see.......I am certified! And most people who really get to know

me.......will definitely agree with the histrionic part. Ok...so maybe

the compulsive part too. Sheesh.

Debbie in Gig Harbor

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Histrionic = overly dramatic

Carol A


In a message dated 12/27/02 3:28:02 PM Central Standard Time,

kdirving@... writes:


mmmm....good question. Haven't the foggiest. But if anyone can identify

it, let us know, okay? LOL


> and slightly histrionic


> Ok.....what is this????

-- >>

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mmmm....good question. Haven't the foggiest. But if anyone can identify

it, let us know, okay? LOL


> and slightly histrionic


> Ok.....what is this????



RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22

-152 lbs


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Histrionic. Let's see.......This is what I found when I did a search on

google.com I have to say, since I am not clinicly histrionic....I do not

exhibit all the symptoms and they usually do not affect my life. Which

is why the Physc person was not concerned....she just said I was

SLIGHTLY histrionic. I will say that I am an emotional person, but I

don't usually like being the center of attention. And there are some

other things that they have listed that don't suit me...personally.

Debbie in Gig Harbor


Histrionic Personality Disorder


A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking,

beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as

indicated by five (or more) of the following:

(1) is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center

of attention

(2) interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate

sexually seductive or provocative behavior

(3) displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions

(4) consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self

(5) has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and

lacking in detail

(6) shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression

of emotion

(7) is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances

(8) considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are

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Okay, someone just give me a slap upside the head, okay? I

misunderstood 's post completely. Didn't realize she was

questioning something in one of *my* posts, and ...oh, never mind. Yes.

Carol A has it exactly right. Histrionic = overly dramatic, someone who

makes a huge great hairy deal out of something that most others would

find relatively trivial. Sorry. Back to my cave now. :D


> Histrionic = overly dramatic


> Carol A

> -------------------------


> In a message dated 12/27/02 3:28:02 PM Central Standard Time,

> kdirving@... writes:


> <<

> mmmm....good question. Haven't the foggiest. But if anyone can

> identify

> it, let us know, okay? LOL


> I.



> > and slightly histrionic

> >

> > Ok.....what is this????

> -- >>








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