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Versed? Vas is das Versed?

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Okay, I know I'm in Canada, home of socialized medical care and all

that, but we have actually heard of things like " gastric bypass " and

" blood pressure cuffs " and other new-fangled gadgets. However, Versed

is a new one on me.

When I went for my gastroscope (just three days ago, in fact), I got

Valium via IV. That worked like a charm for me -- I barely remember the

procedure, except for someone saying " Breathe " , " Don't breathe " and

such, and then basically sat around watching the toaster pop for the

rest of the afternoon. Only problem was that since my blood pressure is

lowish to begin with, the Valium pushed it even lower...they kept me in

recovery for an hour longer than expected, till they could get it up to

95/65. Still...compared to my last scope, when I had only oral Valium

to see me through, I'd go for the IV variety any old day of the week.




RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22.1

-152 lbs


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Thanks, I had gathered this, Steve -- but I was wondering what kind of

drug it was? A tranquilizer, or what? Anyone know?

> Newer drug to do that the Valium did for you as far as not

> remembering a thing. --Steve


> At 10:02 AM -0500 12/23/02, Irving wrote:

>> Versed is a new one on me.




RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 22

-152 lbs


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Oh, now that I know what you wanted to know: is is a benzodiazepine

sedative. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers or sedatives that

prevent or stop seizures by slowing down the central nervous system.

It is also used to treat epileptic seizures.


At 10:36 AM -0500 12/23/02, Irving wrote:

>Thanks, I had gathered this, Steve -- but I was wondering what kind

>of drug it was? A tranquilizer, or what? Anyone know?


>>Newer drug to do that the Valium did for you as far as not

>>remembering a thing. --Steve

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The most common, older benzo is valium... the derivatives that are on the

market now do everything from work faster but for shorter periods or time

release for longer periods -- some weaker some stronger -- all are addictive

if used long enough. I believe they are a class 4 drug. Most are used in

panic attack / anxiety disorders but have other uses as well. They will also

slow down the respiratory system so if you have lung issues it is good to be

very careful with them. Most states have laws about the Rx -- the up side of

many of the benzo's out there now are that we can use them sub-lingual so we

don't have to depend on swallow / absorb / issues... just under the tongue

and it's all done.




> Oh, now that I know what you wanted to know: is is a benzodiazepine

> sedative. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers or sedatives that

> prevent or stop seizures by slowing down the central nervous system.

> It is also used to treat epileptic seizures.


> --Steve



> At 10:36 AM -0500 12/23/02, Irving wrote:

> >Thanks, I had gathered this, Steve -- but I was wondering what kind

> >of drug it was? A tranquilizer, or what? Anyone know?

> >

> >>Newer drug to do that the Valium did for you as far as not

> >>remembering a thing. --Steve



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The nicest thing about Versed, in my experience, is that is has some

amnesiac properties, meaning you don't remember much about the

procedure, or anything else that happens while you're " under the

influence " . It does mean that you need to trust the medical folks and

the people who take care of you until it wears off, but that's true

anyway, right? My scope was a total breeze because of this medication,

and I feel really sorry for folks who aren't affected by it, who end up

remembering much of the procedure.


Open RNY 09/17/01

Plastics 07/22/02


BMI 54.9 to 22

Re: Versed? Vas is das " Versed " ?

Oh, now that I know what you wanted to know: is is a benzodiazepine

sedative. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers or sedatives that

prevent or stop seizures by slowing down the central nervous system.

It is also used to treat epileptic seizures.


At 10:36 AM -0500 12/23/02, Irving wrote:

>Thanks, I had gathered this, Steve -- but I was wondering what kind

>of drug it was? A tranquilizer, or what? Anyone know?


>>Newer drug to do that the Valium did for you as far as not

>>remembering a thing. --Steve

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>>> The nicest thing about Versed, in my experience, is that is has some

amnesiac properties, meaning you don't remember much about the procedure, or

anything else that happens while you're " under the influence " .<<<

Hey ,

Consider yourself VERY lucky. I explained to my scope doctor that the

versed has almost NO affect on me what-so-ever so he mixed it up with

another drug to make it stronger -- after 4 shots went in and he

" discovered " that I was wide awake and if not for the mouth piece I was

" giving instructions " / watching the monitor / telling him which way to

direct the camera and what to take pictures of (guess he felt a little

" bossed around " ) LOL... the nurse made the comment -- Gezzz, that would

knock down a horse!!! Did NOTHING for me!

To my luck he did actually " listen " to me about the drug to a point that

what he added to it was a pain med so I didn't " feel " the scope but I sure

didn't sleep through it either *ugh* and on the other up side the TV screen

was facing me so I could watch everything and that was pretty cool.

The scope itself is so small that it wasn't painful at all (that and the

pain meds) -- we built an eye blinking system of communication plus I kept

tapping him on the back to take a picture of this or that or to explain to

me what it was we were looking at (what's a good TV show without the

narration right???)

I really wish now that we had a VCR to record the visual and his vocal so

for those who will get it done I could share it with them... that would have

been cool. It was pretty awesome to see my guts (hey, they are MY guts so I

can think they are cool ~smile~) and see how stuff is put together and get

the pictures I wanted and so on...

However, for the other 99.9% of the population, the versed will knock ya'

smooth out... wish it was me *wink*



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At least he heard that ....I had to laugh, because I did the same with

the instructions and comments to the doc. Bugs me that they don't " listen "

to us...but think they know best...they get their miracle drug..and to

them..once size fits all. Well, I've had the scope so many times I lost

count a long time ago...and Valium and Demerol are what work for me...but do

they listen? NO! There will be no next time until they promise me that I

get my drugs of choice. I find the procedure pretty barbaric being wide

awake and feeling it all. Ouch! Especially the colonoscopy when they make

that turn...eeks!



> To my luck he did actually " listen " to me about the drug to a point that

> what he added to it was a pain med so I didn't " feel " the scope but I sure

> didn't sleep through it either *ugh* and on the other up side the TV screen

> was facing me so I could watch everything and that was pretty cool.


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>>>At least he heard that ....I had to laugh, because I did the same

with the instructions and comments to the doc.<<<

He did listen -- I have violent projectile vomiting with Demerol and the

Versed is the " other " drug they use so... I was sort of stuck (but not in

pain) the oral surgeon once used an IV drip that totally knocked me out in

under a few seconds.

This doctor suggested I get the name of that drug (the one that worked) and

just make them use that for any " next time " procedure -- he said any more of

the Versed would have been toxic... at least I didn't really " feel "


>>>Ouch! Especially the colonoscopy when they make that turn...eeks! <<<

OMG Jacque, had that once wide awake and THAT was painful and I think as

many times as I punched the doctor it was painful for him too -- we had to

stop because I demanded he stop!!! He did " just " the versed with no pain

meds and I was coming off the table. That is much more painful than a scope

is and I ain't going there again unless I am totally out.

Problem is I don't know what drug it is to use that will put me in a

" totally out " stage. The oral surgeon was so many years ago but I still plan

on calling and asking " what drug " is that???? So I can use it for any future

" needs " to be OUT...

I found the scope one fascinating to watch but the colonoscopy NOT! I just

want to be totally OUT and will refuse anyone touching me until I am in the


The scope doctor was cool about keeping me out of pain and narrating all

the way through for me... like, " and this is your... " and " this

measures.... " and this is where the.... " type of thing so I got to " see " my

plumbing now which I found real interesting --

The other end??? FORGET IT... NO WAY, never again...

HA, I thought I was the only one who didn't get KO by those meds they give!



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Then there was the dentist working on the proverbial little old lady.

All of a sudden he realized that there was a hand engulfing his

scrotum. He looked at her in disbelief. She smiled demurely and

asked, " Doctor, we're not going to hurt each other, are we? "

Merry Christmas,


At 6:11 AM -0600 12/24/02, ~denise wrote:

>OMG Jacque, had that once wide awake and THAT was painful and I think as

>many times as I punched the doctor it was painful for him too -- we had to

>stop because I demanded he stop!!!

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When I had both the " upper " and " lower " scopes done last year, they used

Demerol and Valium on me. I don't remember a thing about either procedure.

When the doctor's nurse explained the procedure to me, she said, " We don't

put you to " sleep, " and you'll be able to talk to us during the procedures.

You just won't remember it afterward. " I asked her, " Why bother to drug me

then? I talk to people all the time, and don't remember a thing

afterward... " From what I was told later, I was very entertaining both

times. Don't remember a thing about them....





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