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anti depressants

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For the past six weeks I've been on Welbutrin and Topamax and am THRILLED

with the result. For the first time ever I have an effective result from an

anti depressant. The bone crushing exhaustion I've felt all year was

evidently depression because it has improved about 75% since adding the

Topamax to the Welbutrin that I'd been taking all year by itself. The added

bonus is that I have less interest in food of any kind.

My doc resisted giving me the Topamax, he thought it was too drastic. I had

to ask, wait 3 months and ask again, but the proof is in the pudding.

Michele (moderator of the Off Track list) was the one who put me on the right

track regarding this med.


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Hi Folks,

Been to the doctor today. He's trying to help me through some tough times.

(lots of stress, pressures and anxiety going on right now....long story) but

nevertheless.....he had me on zoloft and ativan this month and decided that

rather than increase the zoloft he wants to try me on zyprexa. Anyone know

anything about this drug?

From what I read it's an antipsychotic (not that I'm hearing voices!) but

that it should help keep my worries from invading every waking thought and too

many sleeping ones too! If this doesn't work then he says we'll try prozac.

So my friends....whatcha think?

Sue (who just wants to get to 2003 asap!)

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I have tried zoloft and prozac but not zyprexa. Be careful with the

prozac. I had an adverse reaction to prozac in that it made me extremely

hyper and I gained 80 lbs on it. This is not a typical response unless

it is not the right medication. The antidepressant that works for me is

wellbutrin and it is in the same class as zoloft. It helps with the

anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. Might be worth suggesting to

the doctor.

Lori Owen - Denton, Texas

CHF 4/14/01 479 lbs.

SRVG 7/16/01 401 lbs.

Current Weight 302 lbs.

Dr. Ritter/Dr. Bryce

On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 14:22:26 -0800 " Sue Barr " suebarr@...> writes:

> Hi Folks,

> Been to the doctor today. He's trying to help me through some

> tough times. (lots of stress, pressures and anxiety going on right

> now....long story) but nevertheless.....he had me on zoloft and

> ativan this month and decided that rather than increase the zoloft

> he wants to try me on zyprexa. Anyone know anything about this

> drug?

> From what I read it's an antipsychotic (not that I'm hearing

> voices!) but that it should help keep my worries from invading every

> waking thought and too many sleeping ones too! If this doesn't work

> then he says we'll try prozac.

> So my friends....whatcha think?


> Sue (who just wants to get to 2003 asap!)



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Sue, I am having med problems also. Why isn't he going to try Prozac

FIRST? Interesting. Right now they have me on Welbutrin and Clonazapan

(sp?), but they don't want to keep me on the Clonazapan because it is

addictive. Well darn it all to pieces....so is FOOD! Sheesh. The

Welbutrin does't do diddlye squat to help with the anxiety and FOR three

months I have been telling her.......don't give a RNYer a time released

or sustained released DRUG. EVERY time I brought it up......she said it

is released when it gets into your BLOOD. I kept telling her that it

NEVER has a CHANCE to get into MY blood as it is passed through my

system WAY too fast. Finally......I sat in an examination room and cried

my eyes out. She finally GOT it. Put me on just plain old regular

welbutrin.....however she wants me to see someone who can prescribe meds

and help me with the anxiety/depression stuff because she NOW

THINKS.......DUHHHHHHH...... That because of the RNY I will need a

combination of drugs to help. The kicker is.......I have been referred

out of the military system because they can't see me......but NO ONE in

my area is taking NEW tricare patients. You know......you are damned if

you do and damned if you don't. I just can't WIN right now.

Sorry for venting.

Debbie in Gig Harbor

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May I ask why the doc put you on Zyprexa? This is a serious drug. I know

first hand. My son had a super difficult time during my divorce from his

father. I won't spill all the details here on the list but he was put on

several different drugs, trying to find the right cocktail. He had to be

hospitalized 5 times over a year. These drugs caused an alteration in his

personality. They said he was Bipolar and that is what the Zyprexa was used

for. I might add, my very slender son became giant in a short period of

time. He had an appetite out of control. He gain 40 lbs the first month, no

kidding. It scared me!

Now, the last hospital completely took him off all meds and this was in 98.

He has had no problems, lost all the weight (skinny again-not from my

side..lol), and is a normal kid.

You must be careful with them experimenting with drugs. I take Zoloft

myself. For me this is very beneficial. Explore all your opptions before

taking anything. There are many good antidepressants out there.


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Sue, the funny thing about these meds is that each person reacts differently.

Zyprexia works for many people, not for me. I am doing well on Effexor,

others not. I was on prozac for many years, now have changed. Sometimes

trial and error is the only way.

Fay Bayuk

300/177 10/23/01

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