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Happy Holidays

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Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season and to thank all of

you for the support, friendship, advise and all around kick in the butt

when needed this year. Hoping to change the course that I've been on and

have a healthy and uneventful year. Heck, even a few weeks would be

welcomed at this point. Had a great Christmas Eve and made it out of the

cemetary without the car breaking down this year. Good sign that there

may be a shift in my karma. LOL Wonderful Christmas morning with the

kids and all I have to do is make it through the next few hours with the

in-laws and I'm home free!!!!

You'll never know how you all helped me make it through this year when

at times I just wanted to throw in the towel. All I can say is thank you

and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers all the time.



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Regina, you are VERY nearly there and have made it through Christmas

without incident! Good for you. Hope your day was a good one. Bet the

kids were fun. We got to " borrow " a three year old yesterday. LOL

and her daughter Joanne came over. Sure made MY day!

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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