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out of control eating

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I'm 27 months post op and for the first time I'm very concerned. I

have been a " poster child " for the gastric bypass procedure

(following all the guidelines my doctor set in place, attending every

support group meeting for well over 2 yrs now, completing a marathon

back in Oct for my 2 yr anniversary), but my eating is becoming out

of control again like it was before surgery- I have gained 5 pounds I

think just over the last month. My life has been going so well- I

don't know why I'm letting my eating get out of control again. I

need some encouragement or advice on how to snap out of this!!!


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I am surprised how easily I have been sucked in on my brother's visit here in

Florida. They are on Vacation and staying with me, so it is constant eating

out, which in itself is not bad, but I am also grazing. They are leaving

this afternoon.

My plan.

1. Empty Fridge.

2. Empty Pantry (and by empty I mean throw away)

3. Protein only.

I have not gained weight, but feel bloated. This should help.

Will advise as I go along.

Hope you all are having a good holiday season food wise.

Fay Bayuk 300/177 10/23/01

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Dear ,

I truly relate to this post and I want to thank you for reminding me that

we can get out of control and we will gain weight, but it isnt the end of the

world.. just that our disease is no longer in remission, but can be put back

into remission..

Thanks for all your helpful insights.. I learn so much from you, ,

Ceep, Sue, , Michele with one L, Rita, and so many more on the grad



from GA

open RNY 12/12/00

Revision 04/18/01

Revision 02/07/02

St wt.... 392


Wt loss..-205

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>>> I'm 27 months post op and for the first time I'm very concerned.::: snip

::: but my eating is becoming out

> of control again like it was before surgery- I have gained 5 pounds I

think just over the last month.<<

I don't have an answer, just an experience from this last year -- my eating

went out of control -- I did get a scope to check my mechanics which were

all just fine but my eating was insane. I stopped doing Yoga, I stopped

going to the gym (all for very good excuses at the time....) I ate like I

used to eat before surgery and with no forethought of my heart healthy plans

or anything.

I hit rock bottom when I couldn't pull my own jeans up over my thighs and

had to revert to living in sweat pants again. A few very sweet on-line

friends sent me a few pairs of jeans in a WAY bigger size to hold me over

(my jeans were all a size 4, they sent me size 10... swear -- and the 10's

fit) It took me several months to " get " that I was truly out of control and

not just in my eating but my choices were enough to ensure that my heart

wouldn't hold up very long like that -- but, when I couldn't pull up my own

pants over my thunder thighs I hit rock bottom...

I guess that is what it took for me to get myself back... to regain control

over my own choices and to realize that I ain't bullet proof and that obese

body is just waiting for me to come back to it at any given time that I

choose to have it back... and the gain happens SO friggin FAST!!!

When I hit my bottom I had to start all over just like it was day one after

surgery... went back to my pure liquids, protein supps and vitamins and just

cleaned my body out of all the sugar and carbs -- that took a while and then

I had to totally re-evaluate my heart healthy eating plan to see where I

went wrong and what I needed to do to fix it so I would 1.) Take off the 16

solid pounds that I had gained and 2.) get back to a maintaince mode that I

could truly live with on a daily basis...

I knew I couldn't diet myself back down or I'd just gain it back again (as

usual) and I couldn't set myself up in some extreme mode that I couldn't

" keep up with " but for a short period of time .... I was a little over 2

years out too and it wasn't that " bounce back " thing it was my own eating,

my choices and how much I would eat. IOW, it was real fat gained back as a

direct result of what I was feeding myself.

I saw it happening at 5 lbs... I saw it happening when it got tight to zip

my jeans... I saw it happening when I looked in the mirror and would run

from it but I had to " hit my bottom " before I could truly set myself back up

to truly getting my health back and my size back.

told me then... " My size isn't a number -- it is a feeling " it is

where I " FEEL " good at so I used that for my " mark " to aim for... where I

" feel " good at. What I " feel " good feeding my body. What affect the choices

I make are going to have on my health.

It took a lot longer this time to get those pounds off and to get myself

back to a healthy eating plan, healthy for my heart and to get my rear-end

back to the gym, back to my Yoga classes and just to get myself " back " and

re-gain control but it can be done... I got me back but it took quite a

while for me to hit my own bottom before I realized that " I " had to work

this surgery if it was going to keep working for me. It is only a tool and

if I'm not using it -- it won't work all by itself... I have to participate

in a huge way to make it work and keep working.

Keep writing... keep being open about what your doing and read your own

e-mails and read them again... you will decide what is the right thing for

you to do for yourself when the time is right. It will be in your own time

though and when you hit bottom you'll know you have to do what you have to




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