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shin splints -- long and possibly boring

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I am pretty sure that I have damaged my lower left leg with resulting

symptoms that are consistent with shin splints (Medial Tibia Stress

Syndrome). My orthopaedist's office is closed until tomorrow, though

this is far from an emergency, and I have been living with it for

weeks already.

Does anybody have good info as to palliative treatment: hot vs. cold

packs, for example, or a shin splint wrap?

Just a bit of background, without trying to complain: a bit after my

thigh + butt lift last August, I began to have a whole complex of

pains in my left leg. For no reason at all, just walking normally

across the kitchen floor, either barefoot or in good shoes, I would

get shooting ankle pain, as though I had twisted my ankle.

Thereafter, I would experience what felt like hip pain, knee pain,

and pain that felt like it was in the muscle tissue of the outside of

the calf; sometimes I also felt pain in the thigh muscle, in the back

where it touches a chair. Celebrex seemed to help to reduce the

pain. When the pain was not bad, I took advantage of every sunny day

(I live near Washington, DC) to leave work early and take a 3 or 4

mile walk in the park near my house. I wore good walking sneakers

(Nike " Air FORCE " with air-cell cushioning in the heel and strong

heel counter support). I walked as briskly as I could, which meant

about a 17-minute mile for me. The pain was not at all evident

during my walks, or, if it was there slightly, it seemed to fade

during my walking. The path is dirt with gravel added to combat

erosion and mud, and there is cover of fallen leaves--so basically,

it is a soft path. One day, my pace was so good, that I decided to

try running instead of walking (I used to run for exercise in the

'80s). I ran for about 100 yards before resuming walking. The next

few days brought pain (mainly in my knees) sufficient to deter me

from attempting to run again. That was about a month ago.

Yesterday, I noticed that I had the calf-shin pain even when

pedalling my stationary bike at home.

I am wondering if the thigh lift, in which the PS separated the outer

flesh from the muscles with a blunt instrument in order to be able to

lift the flesh to suture it to the upper section of flesh that

remained at my waist after an annulus had been removed, could have

had anything to do with all this: some neuropathy from the 7.5 hours

that I was in surgery, some neural damage from the blunt instrument,

or any other damage to the muscle, for instance. Or, maybe this

could be related to a large weight change and consequent

re-distribution of body weight.

Again, this is no emergency. I can live with it all, and I will try

to be seen by an orthopaedist. But, still, any of your thoughts on

the matter are welcome.

Thanks for your forbearance,


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Steve, apply cold for 15 min......then warm for 15 min. Alternate cold

and warm through out the day. See if this helps. The cold will stop

swelling and help with inflammation and the warm relaxes the muscles and

makes things feel good. Take Tylenol and call me in the morning. LOL

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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Thanks, Debbie,

I just bought one of those cold systems that you put in the freezer

for >2 hours and then insert into a sleeve that closes with Velcro

when wrapped around the sore appendage. Then, it can be heated in

the microwave for warmth. So, I will give it a workout this evening.

I wondered if there really was a place called " Gig Harbor, " or if it

was some kind of a Bill Gates joke (as in Gigabit). So, I Googled

it, and found that you live in a storybook place. Lucky woman!


At 1:14 PM -0800 12/26/02, Debbie McNeice-Schuyler wrote:

>Take Tylenol and call me in the morning. LOL


>Debbie in Gig Harbor

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Steve, How is your leg doing? Did the heat/cold thing help?

>>I wondered if there really was a place called " Gig Harbor, " or if it

was some kind of a Bill Gates joke (as in Gigabit). So, I Googled

it, and found that you live in a storybook place. Lucky woman!


LOL You are so right. Gig Harbor is a BEAUTIFUL place. Actually this

whole area of the Pacific Northwest is beautiful....even today when we

are having horrible winds and rain. You must come and visit and see for


Debbie in Gig Harbor



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