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PS Concerns

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In a message dated 12/26/2002 5:03:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ladybostons@... writes:

> .....but in the long run.......I think PS is the only way I can help myself.

> THAT said.......I have been wondering WHY I am so resistant to PS.

> ****************************

> Debbie, the answer may be just like when you decided on WLS...either you

> bottomed out and just couldn't take it anymore, or you just KNEW it was

> what you needed to do. Either way, you know we're all with you when you

> make that decision.

in NJ

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You know, we have been having some interesting conversations on PS. I

know I belong to a wonderful group of people who are wimps when it comes

to this stuff. But, I have been thinking about this A LOT....mostly

because of constant painful UTI's and also horrible raw skin (where you

don't NEED raw skin) that is totally affecting my life. I am really

looking at getting two wonderful hand held bidet thingy's for our two

bathrooms. They are inexpensive enough to allow me to do this. I believe

this will HELP.....but in the long run.......I think PS is the only way

I can help myself. THAT said.......I have been wondering WHY I am so

resistant to PS. I don't believe it is pain, or the fear of pain. Little

history here......two total knee replacements after YEARS of not being

able to bend or straighten my legs all the way. This meant that rehab

was excruciating. Muscles and tendons had atrophied BIG time. I had to

be put into a brace BEFORE my first surgery just to FORCE the knee into

a straighter position. I had a 30 degree bend and they wanted to get it

as close to Zero as they could, but was happy with a 10 degree bend. The

second knee was not as bad.......it had a 10 degree bend so we didn't

have to work AS hard with it. THAT said.......pain....I know pain.

NOTHING can be as painful as what I went through with my knees. In

reflection......I believe that I am resisting surgery BECAUSE I just

don't want MORE surgery. You know......the memory of anesthesia...I can

remember what it feels like and smells like....that nauseates me. The

thought of going through that makes me queezy. If I make it through

June.....it will have been two YEARS since I have had ANY

surgery.........this is the longest I have gone without surgery in 5

years! IN three years time...I had a hysterectomy, and RNY, a knee

replacement, a revision on my RNY, the second knee replacement. I guess

I am saying that I hope those little bidet thingies buy me some time. I

fear, however, that they won't buy MUCH time. {{{{{{SIGH}}}} So, I am

just TRYING to get it right in my head that this PS is an OK thing for


Thanks for letting me ramble.

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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Thanks Nikki, Like I said, I don't think it is the pain that is making

me balk at the thought........It is this horrible remembered sick

feeling that I always get (no matter WHAT they give me for nausea) after

anesthesia. I just can't seem to get past this memory.

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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I was also dreading the thought of additional surgery . . .I had my

RNY 12/98 and didn't have any plastics until 6/2002 for a couple of

reasons. 1. Hate surgery because of the recovery time not because of

pain 2. Didn't have the time off from my normal life necessary to

recover 3. Didn't see the plastics as necessary to be happy or

healthy and 4. $$$$. What finally drove me to get the plastics

(really reconstructive abdomnioplasty and cosmetic mastopexy and

augmentation) was PAIN. I couldn't live with the back pain I had any

longer. The pain was to the point of not being controllable . . . I

had to do something, even the orthopedic surgeon said back surgery

wouldn't help if I had no abdominal support to take stress off my

back. I have scoliosis and it was assumed that the curvature and

resulting arthritis was what was causing the pain. Anyhow DH got a

huge bonus in the spring, I found a way to make some time, and I had

to get rid of the back pain somehow. My only regret is that I tried

to do too much too soon after my initial abdomnioplasty in June and

caused seroma complications that required more surgery to fix and

more time to recover. Insurance saw the abdomnioplasty as medically

necessary, so the only cash out of our pocket was our share of the

abdomnioplasty and the boobs. Even though the breasts were cosmetic

(even in my opinion), having perky breasts in the right location and

not trying to make boobs out of a flat chest of loose skin has made

me more physically comfortable. It is nice not to have shoulder and

neck pain from padded and push up bras!

Anyhow I totally can relate to your reluctance to have more

surgery . . . but my experience was so good and the results were so

worth it! Being pain free, comfortable AND able to wear fitted

clothes cause I am not hiding the " ab flab " is wonderful. If it

hadn't been for my back pain, I may have never done it and I am so

glad that I did. Oh, the back pain isn't non-existant as I still

have arthritis and scoliosis, but it is so mild and controlled

without narcotics! Worth it . . .

:o) Vicki

> You know, we have been having some interesting conversations on PS.


> know I belong to a wonderful group of people who are wimps when it


> to this stuff. But, I have been thinking about this A LOT....mostly

> because of constant painful UTI's and also horrible raw skin (where


> don't NEED raw skin) that is totally affecting my life. I am really

> looking at getting two wonderful hand held bidet thingy's for our


> bathrooms. They are inexpensive enough to allow me to do this. I


> this will HELP.....but in the long run.......I think PS is the only


> I can help myself. THAT said.......I have been wondering WHY I am so

> resistant to PS. I don't believe it is pain, or the fear of pain.


> history here......two total knee replacements after YEARS of not


> able to bend or straighten my legs all the way. This meant that


> was excruciating. Muscles and tendons had atrophied BIG time. I had


> be put into a brace BEFORE my first surgery just to FORCE the knee


> a straighter position. I had a 30 degree bend and they wanted to

get it

> as close to Zero as they could, but was happy with a 10 degree

bend. The

> second knee was not as bad.......it had a 10 degree bend so we


> have to work AS hard with it. THAT said.......pain....I know pain.

> NOTHING can be as painful as what I went through with my knees. In

> reflection......I believe that I am resisting surgery BECAUSE I just

> don't want MORE surgery. You know......the memory of anesthesia...I


> remember what it feels like and smells like....that nauseates me.


> thought of going through that makes me queezy. If I make it through

> June.....it will have been two YEARS since I have had ANY

> surgery.........this is the longest I have gone without surgery in 5

> years! IN three years time...I had a hysterectomy, and RNY, a knee

> replacement, a revision on my RNY, the second knee replacement. I


> I am saying that I hope those little bidet thingies buy me some

time. I

> fear, however, that they won't buy MUCH time. {{{{{{SIGH}}}} So, I


> just TRYING to get it right in my head that this PS is an OK thing


> me.


> Thanks for letting me ramble.


> Debbie in Gig Harbor

> ladybostons@p...

> www.paws2print.com

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I was totally ready and excited for the abdominoplasty and brachioplasty

that I had done in July, and they went great. I'm thrilled with the

results... you've seen me... I bet you agree that he did a great job &

I've healed well. :-) I was considering having my inner thighs done...

not so much because of rashes and stuff but more because I honestly

can't stand the way they look... and after years of hating the way my

teeth look and being pissed at my parents for not letting me have braces

that they could afford because I was the " smart " one and didn't need to

be " pretty " -- well, damn it, if I want to be pretty now, I'm going to

be, if it's possible! Smart AND pretty, put THAT in your pipe and smoke

it, Dad! LOL How old am I? 12? 14? Ha ha I am 35 and he is still

controlling me from afar. Anyway... I agonized and waffled about having

the thighs done. One day I was totally sure that I wanted them to be

perfect and I knew I'd be able to handle the pain/discomfort. I figured

out a good time to slot it into my work schedule and arranged that. I

booked my date with the master, Dr. Egrari. And then I continued to have

misgivings... Too much money and all out of pocket, they're not that

bad, they're getting better on their own with more time, etc. Finally,

two weeks ago I got the wake up call from the universe that my medial

thighlift is not to be... My PCP called me and told me that I have

pernicious anemia (caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency, despite 2

sublinguals a day since surgery!) and that I'm absolutely NOT to have

any elective surgery until the anemia's cleared. (He said that like he

never knew when I'd go have some elective surgery, as if I do it as

often as getting my nails done. LOL)

Anyway, my point of this rant is that if you're not sure, then it's

probably not time. When you're ready, everything will line up and slot

into place. There won't be any dog shows you want to go to, you won't be

housebreaking a puppy, you won't want to travel anywhere, I'll have time

to come help take care of you, etc. :-) When you're really ready, you

might be nervous, but you'll mostly or completely want to do it. If you

want me to come to consults with you, I will, or whatever else you need

once you want to go that way.

And seriously, when you have your abdominoplasty, I really hope that you

and will let me help take care of you, amuse you, take care

of/play with the dogs, etc. People in the WLS community here did it for

me, and I appreciated it immeasurably as a single person. I needed my

drugs pushed into my mouth, literally, and they handed me food and

drink, pills, protein drinks, cool washcloths on the forehead (I had my

plastics during that really hot week in July this summer, remember it?)

and played with my cats. I don't even remember most of what they did,

because I was in a pain-killing drug fog, but I did need them. So let me

repay the karmic debt.

Let me know how the hand-held bidet thingie goes... I don't want the

complete TMI spiel, just a yay or nay on whether or not it's any use.

LOL I've been thinking about getting one but I'm not wild about spending

even $20 on something that I'm not going to like or that doesn't really



Open RNY 09/17/01 Weber

Plastics 07/22/02 Egrari


PS Concerns

You know, we have been having some interesting conversations on PS. I

know I belong to a wonderful group of people who are wimps when it comes

to this stuff. But, I have been thinking about this A LOT....mostly

because of constant painful UTI's and also horrible raw skin (where you

don't NEED raw skin) that is totally affecting my life. I am really

looking at getting two wonderful hand held bidet thingy's for our two

bathrooms. They are inexpensive enough to allow me to do this. I believe

this will HELP.....but in the long run.......I think PS is the only way

I can help myself. THAT said.......I have been wondering WHY I am so

resistant to PS. I don't believe it is pain, or the fear of pain. Little

history here......two total knee replacements after YEARS of not being

able to bend or straighten my legs all the way. This meant that rehab

was excruciating. Muscles and tendons had atrophied BIG time. I had to

be put into a brace BEFORE my first surgery just to FORCE the knee into

a straighter position. I had a 30 degree bend and they wanted to get it

as close to Zero as they could, but was happy with a 10 degree bend. The

second knee was not as bad.......it had a 10 degree bend so we didn't

have to work AS hard with it. THAT said.......pain....I know pain.

NOTHING can be as painful as what I went through with my knees. In

reflection......I believe that I am resisting surgery BECAUSE I just

don't want MORE surgery. You know......the memory of anesthesia...I can

remember what it feels like and smells like....that nauseates me. The

thought of going through that makes me queezy. If I make it through

June.....it will have been two YEARS since I have had ANY

surgery.........this is the longest I have gone without surgery in 5

years! IN three years time...I had a hysterectomy, and RNY, a knee

replacement, a revision on my RNY, the second knee replacement. I guess

I am saying that I hope those little bidet thingies buy me some time. I

fear, however, that they won't buy MUCH time. {{{{{{SIGH}}}} So, I am

just TRYING to get it right in my head that this PS is an OK thing for


Thanks for letting me ramble.

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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In a message dated 12/26/02 2:57:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ladybostons@... writes:

> I have been wondering WHY I am so

> resistant to PS.

Dear Debbie,

I resisted PS for a long time. I think, like you, I just did not want to

have another surgery and a long recovery period where I felt that my life was

on hold for months. That's how I remembered post-WLS. Months and months of

not feeling quite physically up to things, followed by months and months of

psychological stress as I adjusted to the physical changes and the other life

altering changes that occurred partly as a result of the increase in self

confidence I had.

Eventually I did give in and had a tummy tuck, thigh lift, and lower back

lift on 9/22/02, almost 3 years after my original WLS. It is the single best

thing that I ever did for myself. It totally changed how I feel about my

body and what shocks me is how feeling so good about the physical me makes me

feel very good generally.

Of course it is YOUR decision. But I just wanted you to hear something

positive about PS.


Baltimore, MD

Open RNY 11/22/99, Dr. Sweet, Reading, PA

http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=L951569336 " >http:\


11/22/99 324, BMI 51

12/6/99 301, BMI 47

1/27/00 280, BMI 44

2/22/00 270, BMI 42

3/16/00 262, BMI 41

5/31/00 244, BMI 38 (no longer extremely obese... just plain obese)

7/22/00 224, BMI 35

9/23/00 220, BMI 34 (and still obese)

10/16/00 216, BMI 34

11/7/00 210, BMI 33 (65 pounds from goal!!!)

5/8/01 196, BMI 31 (new goal 157; I am 5'7 " that would give me a BMI

of 24.6; 39 pounds to go)

9/13/01 196, BMI 31 (Stuck!)

1/24/02 190, BMI 29.7 (slightly overweight!! have lost 80.2% of my

excess weight)

4/2/02 200, ARGH! Very frightening moment. Hopefully I can lose back

down to 190 quickly!

4/28/02 201 (started a starch-free, 4 hours a week of exercise

program...weighed in at the gym)

9/22/02 Tummy Tuck, Thigh Lift, and Lower Back Lift, Dr. Shermack, s

Hopkins, Bayview,

Baltimore, MD -- 12 pounds of skin removed!!

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se, Thanks! You know......all this has been very helpful to me. I

think I equate recovery from PS with how LONG it took me to feel human

after my knee replacements! It is like comparing apples to oranges..now

that I think of it. My knee replacements were 8 months apart with a

revision of my original RNY in between. I was physically exhausted. I

don't know why I didn't think of this before. DUHHHHHHH I don't think I

will be running right out and asking for PS, but I do think that at some

point in the coming year I will sit down and have a heart to heart with

my Doc (who MAY change if she doesn't change her attitude!!) about the

possibility. This is a forward motion for me.....to even consider to

consider PS! LOL See.......this really is a support group! Nothing like

group therapy!!

Debbie in Gig Harbor



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