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Ignorance vs. malice

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Anyway, in this break area on their break room wall was a very nice

sign that said: " Never attribute to malice that which might be

attributed to

ignorance " .

Ah, that is a really nice saying and would love to live by those words,

but I just find it so hard to believe that anyone can be that stupid or

inconsiderate. My in-laws are such prime examples of me just shaking my

head and wondering what the heck they meant by that one. Still come back

to the same conclusion, nobody can be that stupid or inconsiderate.

Really wish I could believe it. God knows I've tried over the years.

Would make my life so much easier.

Won't even go into what went on here yesterday with them. By the time

they left I just broke down in tears and have been crying ever since.

They dessimated Christmas for me and my husband was absolutely no help.

After such a miserable year, I was really looking forward to a nice

Christmas, I guess there's always next year, where I'll take my kids far

away from all of them and maybe, just maybe have a nice day. Even with

the crap I had growing up, the idiots mangaed somehow to keep their

opinions to themselves on Christmas day for the sake of the kids and the

day and we always had a nice time. Went back to hating eachother the day

after, but all differences were put aside for one day of the year.

Problem right now is I can't binge eat, because I'll get sick, can't

drink, cause I'll get sick and they're not worth getting sick over.

Right now pacing like a caged animal and would love to go out, but not

sure I'm in the right frame of mind to get behind the wheel of the car

right now. Have to calm down a bit more.

Sorry, just that note about attributing malice to ingnorance got to me.

Wish to God I could believe it. Guess I'm really jaded at this point.


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